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LOGOPowerPoint TemplateAdd your company sloganhttp:/www.docin.com/see161ContentsYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.1. Add Your Title2. Add Your Title3. Add Your Title4. Add Your Titlehttp:/www.docin.com/see161Hot TipvHow do I incorporate my logo to a slide that will apply to all the other slides? On the menu, point to , and then click Slide Master or Notes Master. Change images to the one you like, then it will apply to all the other slides. Image information in product Title Image http:/www.docin.com/see161 Note to customers: This image has been licensed to be used within this PowerPoint template only. You may not extract the image for any other use. You can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.TitleTitleThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleTitleThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleTitleThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.TitleYour TextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.http:/www.docin.com/see161 Cycle DiagramTextTextTextTextTextCycle nameYour TextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramTextTextTextAdd YourTitle TextText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 5Add YourTitle TextText 1Text 2Text 3Text 4Text 5TextTextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramConceptYour TextTextTextTextTextTextTextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextTextTextTextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramAdd Your TitleAdd Your TitleTextTextTextTexthttp:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramTitleYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161TableYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161Diagram1ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.2ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.3ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.http:/www.docin.com/see161DiagramYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour TextYour Text2001200220032004You can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161Progress DiagramPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3You can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161Block DiagramTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTTEXTYou can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see1613-D Pie ChartText1Text2Text3Text4Text5Text6You can briefly add outline of this slide page in this text box.http:/www.docin.com/see161TableConceptConceptConceptConceptconceptconceptConceptConcepthttp:/www.docin.com/see161LOGOAdd your company sloganhttp:/www.docin.com/see161v四年前,当我根据“优先推荐”的原则申请宾夕法尼亚州立大学的时候,有两种强烈的情感促使我这么做:雄心和恐惧。我的雄心是我要实现上名牌大学的宿愿,恐惧的是如果没有“提前决定”政策带来的有利条件,我就无法走此捷径。宾夕法尼亚州立大学负责招生工作的人告诉我,去年他们录取了45%的“提前决定”的考生,而从其他申请者中只录取了总数的29%。这就清楚地表明:“提前决定”政策能大大提高被录取的几率。布朗大学是我青睐的另一所学校,但提前申请没有给我带来任何好处。布朗大学是我的第一个选择,而宾夕法尼亚州立大学是我的第二选择,我非常希望我能保证进入其中的一所。在11月1日这个最后期限之前,我提交了申请。六周之后,我收到了录取书。我激动万分,如释重负。当我的朋友们在寒假期间忙着提交多达18份申请书的时候,我悠然自得。在学校组织的春假法国之旅中,当我悠然喝酒的时候,其他同学却忧心忡忡,用国际电话卡打电话回家看自己是否被录取。有人因为没被录取而伤心落泪,有人开始艰难而又痛苦地从两所或更多的学校中进行选择。奇怪的是,这些丝毫没有使我因为已经提前申请好了而感到高兴,相反,我感觉很糟糕。当我班有很多同学考上了布朗大学时,我特别想知道如果我也报考的话,是否也能考上。宾夕法尼亚州立大学给暑期过后即将入学的新生寄来了一大堆令人困惑的材料。随着邮件的增多,我的担心也随着增长。我担心我做出了错误的选择。我只在宾夕法尼亚州立大学呆过一天,那是在我毕业那年的十月份。我现在意识到我不仅对自己也对这所学校都缺乏足够的了解。选课让我着实摸不着头脑,这远远超过我的预想的情况(或超过了稍小点学校的情况)。进校后,我发现,大学生联谊会比比皆是,其讨嫌程度远胜过劝我参加他们组织的30%的各类学生会员。没过多久我就发现宾夕法尼亚州立大学不适合我,于是我就着手转学。对我来说,这不仅仅是换学校的问题。我想弥补我在第一轮申请中错过的传统的申请经历。供我选择的允许在第一年第二学期转学的唯一一所学校是卫斯理教派大学。我等了整整一年,接着又申请了耶鲁大学、布朗大学和卫斯理教派大学。我能很快被卫斯理教派大学录取。我本来早就可以在未遭到其它学校拒绝的情况下被该校录取的,但这种极具讽刺意味的事这回在我身上又应验了。对于那些想避免犯跟我一样错误的高中毕业班的学生来说,我的建议很简单:除非你百分之百确定那所学校就是你的第一选择,否则不要按“优先推荐”的政策进行申请。同等重要的是,不要让你的父母或者大学指导顾问说服你去按“提前决定”的政策进行申请。他们可能有他们自己的一定之规,或者他们至少对你是什么样的人、你想要什么有自己的见解。如我所见,没人能比你自己更能真正了解你想要什么,甚至有时我们也需要时间来思考一下自己想要什么。robust: rE5bQst adj. 健康和有力的;精力充沛的vendowment: in5daumEnt n. 资助,捐赠vballoon: bE5lu:n v. 激增,飞涨迅速增长或上升vhike: haik n. 突然的或急剧的上升、上涨、增加vrestraint: ris5treint n. 抑制, 制止vturnaround: t:nE9raJnd n. 转变, 转向, (经济, 营业等的)突然好转vwhopping: 5(h)wCpiN adj. 巨大的, 庞大的vmedian: 5mi:djEn adj. 中间的,位于中间的vgorilla: E5rilE n. 大猩猩valumni: E5lQmni n. 校友vvulnerable:5vQlnErEb(E)l adj. 易受伤害的;易受影响的vboost: bu:st v. 增进;改善vpool: pu:l n. 集中备用的物资(如钱、 物、工人等)vswell: swel v. 增加,增大vequate: i5kweit v. (常与to, with连用)使相等vautopilot: 5C:tEpailEt v. 自动驾驶仪; 自动操舵装置vsqueeze: skwi:z v. 压榨, 挤, 挤榨vcurb: kE:b v. 抑制;控制voutrage: 5autreidV n. 愤慨;(由暴力或冒犯而引起的)愤怒vprompt: prCmpt v. 鼓动, 促使vpackage: 5pAkidV n. 建议,提议http:/www.docin.com/see161
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