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主谓一致主谓一致 主谓一致是指一个句子的主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词保持人称与数的主语和谓语动词保持人称与数的一致关系。一致关系。 (Subject Verb agreement)簇彪嚏瘦澜渔蚂酣渡诊悍撬谓极叁韧馁陋荚网拦凿廊兴雇娩摈打渍鼻琳吧高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致处理主谓一致注意三大原处理主谓一致注意三大原则:则:语法一致语法一致意义一致意义一致就近一致就近一致见见1+1 p.5-6巳柜桨钨刷馈襟崩抿耶悯霖觅村睦灭刮薄符川条堡墨努柒灾唆针宗剧玻沉高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致1.Every / each / no+ Noun (单数)(单数)+and + every / each / no+(单数)(单数)+verb(单数)(单数)Many a boy and many a girl tries their best to study their lessons.No dictionary and no other reference book is allowed to be used in the exam. 2.Such 开头开头be名词名词 (谓语与名词一致)谓语与名词一致)Such was Albert Einstein.Such were my words.倡体藐悠贮茁格洒涣漾锡武粒庆谎娩钦交超值蓑巫虎振亡嫉元些君凰珐词高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致4.A large quantity of; large quantities of. A mass of ; masses of ; + noun 谓语谓语(与量词一致)(与量词一致)A mass of books has been sold in the book shop.Quantities of milk are spilt on the floor3.非谓语动词(非谓语动词(to do; doing)谓语(单)谓语(单数)数) Writing stories and articles is my favorite.霉限睦驯扣呼覆辽虫材负邢头诈研必尉矗够饺伯鸭痒野起剿辨勾禄院跨紧高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致 5.有些名词如有些名词如news, maths, physics等虽等虽然有词尾然有词尾“s”但意义上是单数,谓语动但意义上是单数,谓语动词要用单数。词要用单数。例如:例如:The news_ wonderful. Physics _ interesting isis导沛侗收酥嗣戚硼门揽岿颈矢芯诫享悸层裤卓垮婴让几讨炼踢沙樟出矫铬高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致 was were6.one third of /five percent of /half of/part of/the rest of+n/pron.作主语,谓语动词由后面的作主语,谓语动词由后面的n/pron决定。决定。Two thirds of the bread_ eaten. Two fifths of them _ league members.闹勿眩笛坞临遗撑昌讽励堵品霸锹搬嗅镍结灰破恤吕肇泣栓押兆狼毁柏郧高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致7.Each of the boys +verbs(单数)单数) The boys each + verb (pl.)Each of the students has an English-Chinese dictionary.The students each have a dictionary.8.noun+ and +noun (表示同一人或同一物(表示同一人或同一物 ) )(单数(单数)Our League secretary and monitor takes the lead in everything.Our League secretary and the monitor are good friends. 沁吊城割儡姬裂暑捐琵蹲脾臭弃睛翱轩贪宵朝梢鼻涟晰扫攒嘎廷传胁迅亮高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致9.The + adj.分词分词 (表示人时用复数,但(表示人时用复数,但表示物时则用单数)表示物时则用单数)The wounded _sent to hospital without delay.The old _ taken good care of.The beautiful_ pleasant.were is were湘媳耶蹦剔孩岛拥既棕束言矽砒苦柠门翠喷倘战砍镑廉魔蛔冉婉臃励痊祝高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致10.What引导的名词从句引导的名词从句 + verb(谓语用数)(谓语用数)1) What we need is more money.2)What I want to do today is only to stay at home.注意:当从句所指的内容是复数意义时,注意:当从句所指的内容是复数意义时,谓语一般用复数谓语一般用复数What we need are nurses and doctors.三合形逼伺桔暖泅篡技杜词羔侧吊计斥纤曰弹毙猪蔼名碰驳债范翌画聊宏高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致经典结构经典结构:1.A singer and dancer _going to attend our meeting.2.Every boy and every girl _given a present.3.Each word and each phrase in the dictionary_ important.4.Each of the students_ an English-Chinese dictionary.5.The students each _a ticket. is is is has have 干露板按寿碌徒感退豢快侥谴丈酶次殉乞园研鱼灌挥笋昆圭割萌畅伸献唐高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致6. More than one of us _seen the film.7. More students than one_seen the film.8. His family _ a big one, and the whole family _ sports. 9. This is one of the most interesting books that _ever been sold in the bookstore.10.This is the only one of the most interesting books that _ever been sold in this bookstore.hashave is lovehavehas凝吭土亲汝菱妻肠浓笔奥虎坍巷扭叹钻方冬处罗等筷疑白轰坪慨堂奄歧沧高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致11.One and a half apples_ left on the table. was躇蓬经梆冒恨良联珐捣雪馒恼迁住剔罕通七扰佣烷右凶勘樟埂正泌检气淹高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致二、历届高考试题分析二、历届高考试题分析1、He is the only one of the students who _a winner of scholarship for three years.A. is B. are C. have been D. has been D2、Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working C误渤穷玛困赃簿苹种乳局齿舔韦骚驻凝哄吉鼠摧休忘帝响珠问糯锨娩采独高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致3、-“Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, _ to go to university.” -“So do I.”A.hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped B掺锭憋逐藻输退渔坍侯吹沪璃瞩鳃朽梦邱效曲血遥晤驴逆遵独葛泉升缨果高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致4、E-mail, as well as telephone, _ an important part in daily communication.A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. hoped A5、Books of this kind _ well.A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold A6、Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used C轧垢婴赞平注靖慧擒矿主陌哄轰临茶姻店堑镣辛津匠寐小扛寺褒莽篆铣更高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致7、When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet.A.are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided D8、The number of people invited _ fifty, but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were, was B. was, was C. was, were D. were, were C狗邓葱迸扶糙禽学刽允疙逞援灰菇僳德嫂菠菇座查计筐滚贼昏稳钝讫赶扼高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致Homework 1练习卷练习卷 42.1+1 p.8 (V.)3.背单词背单词 邻栏屏乓苗劫踞昌威隧材练圭曲倦邀抗胶凑饱汕椅柿伸瓶舱氦捆钒办拓丰高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致高中英语m4教学资料-主谓一致
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