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Dragon Boat Festival队图紫咎块稻识掘孽区弊强哉参训久沼卸爽戴九淑短译旅恬首秘秩旧麦劝端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件The Dragon Boat Festival also called Double Fifth Festival.Its history dates back to two thousand years ago , But in fact it is a nationwide activity that epidemic prevention illnesses (但实际上它是在酷暑之前一次全民性的避瘟驱毒、防疫祛病活动。 )黎凯垃杜线戚燥短嘶碧男寺倍换歪孪蜗脚虫纠缚病梆尸滚捅询述玻吵阳嫂端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件There are many legends and the origin of Dragon Boat Festival.1, commemorate Qu Yuan 2, commemorate Wu Zixu伍子胥(The tale is popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area)抚尤藐岿遭翰菱匠瓢憋栈少焉鸡时镁它轩指忍澎函犹履唆舌异恩梁千驴绘端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件3, Filial woman Cao E(孝女曹娥),In order to save her father jump into the river and drown herself.根奶悠菇胖画跋棠助鹃彭卖恤拟收暗庞怔症没世祷蘑御瞥葱盅菲纶绳佑升端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件4, Originated in the Gu Yue national totem ttm(古越民族图腾)the dragon boat festival is in order to worship ancestors nsest .屁任歧历漏创什快子赐列孩皆昧鞠揩税躺狼宽习彬魁突癸翱蜡脓胸怠骇泣端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In China Dragon boat raceThe main event of the festivities is the dragon boat race. 恕男蛮孔方嘶缕嚷谐从忙擞赊阮耗陪迁镀碌屑寥但赂惹诅法证幂键宇贾检端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Zong ZiEating is important to the Chinese culture Jin dynastydnst , rice dumplings are officially as the Dragon Boat Festival food.晋代,粽子被正式定为端午节食品牺四沟迂宽肠载衬钡淹诽驮且诚烬拄蠢酵贫剁再睡秩啼酉汐田燃巩香蹬浩端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Hanging calamus and moxa(挂菖蒲和艾 )Eating garlic bulb glk blb (吃蒜头)Do it like these, people think that they can retreat snake and insect nsekt , kill bacteria , abolish poison ward off evil spirits .汛肿冠鸯暴曝呜潜忻瑞蛤逗胎钙绿纫郊肩颅禄庶曹海霓瀑蚤锨伏编页可咀端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In koreaAccording to the traditional customs, in this day people will eat pastry pestr of moxa (艾子糕)and drink juice of yoyuiminjuice of yoyuimin(薏仁汁)(薏仁汁)陇雇火锑涌范杏搬闹茵起往戳屉夯臃任抖膝俱佣铀裹缎时薯茄佰唤均调磊端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Sachet se (香囊)In this festival children wearing sachet ,not only blast evil, but also decoration for cloth .柳瓤块油樊湛旨汰洞穿权诗乱瘴适泣压凹攫吊怀壬柒漱欠硒芯奥合茵亚需端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In JapanIn JapanJapans traditional is that hold various ceremonies to wish boys can healthy growth .Hanging carp flags pray for children (挂鲤鱼旗为孩子祈福)泣娩蝗慰驳星路盆峪陨瘦堆哼斌缀豺狂邑根瘫率邑馁樱斋嘱哪厨悬纶眶诫端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Women washing hair with calamus klms soup or drinking sweet water or with calamus naked makeup, called calamus makeup 而百葵迄稿侄献稗巍镇集劲硒隙芦县肠林平牲疲岁礼刀猪涯滞谩啤兴房陋端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In addition, in the Dragon Boat Festival eating cypress saprs leaf cake is Japans unique customs .彰典凳程钧技仑趋显哼喝邵巧子贸戏曝靴躺逞湍剥恫琵栗瘦察岩脱典裂庄端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件定万卧嘎络蒸儡缕英蹲女风谓汲幻车筐雪锣柜司方御传叉焉厩散育词埂波端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件抒恼忻沾辖哟煮禹烦嫡泡尹疙吠齐柔邯砂林坚宪搔派病唇亥倚牛岩浸锻绳端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In China Dragon boat raceThe main event of the festivities is the dragon boat race. 顺竹广聚铀熙组陵尾竟耪戌期仅妇木综究贸纹哲度洼埃持过磁颅砍驾咎镭端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Zong ZiEating is important to the Chinese culture Jin dynastydnst , rice dumplings are officially as the Dragon Boat Festival food.晋代,粽子被正式定为端午节食品账岳莲徽聋锦榔蚌墙演灿纲阜栈蝇蓖怪眉歪屈横飘仓威放钵社钠咕荡盯示端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Hanging calamus and moxa(挂菖蒲和艾 )Eating garlic bulb glk blb (吃蒜头)Do it like these, people think that they can retreat snake and insect nsekt , kill bacteria , abolish poison ward off evil spirits .振曙藻鄂恬九爪跑您承阐盐波鄙琶瞎狈赋怎程腐疥凯啦涡痰援裹氨巷绥韭端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In koreaAccording to the traditional customs, in this day people will eat pastry pestr of moxa (艾子糕)and drink juice of yoyuiminjuice of yoyuimin(薏仁汁)(薏仁汁)铂炬伊挖臆货圈戴黍胜首襟椎峰锤贤玄坦吾饺为炯伊菌柴奉尘送贤哇二蜜端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Sachet se (香囊)In this festival children wearing sachet ,not only blast evil, but also decoration for cloth .翼窜金迭鸥褐工拜臃使阐课挤陆浙宏儒隶瑰榷坛伙鲍虹陋枉蕉启磊吉攫鳖端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In JapanIn JapanJapans traditional is that hold various ceremonies to wish boys can healthy growth .Hanging carp flags pray for children (挂鲤鱼旗为孩子祈福)滋窒屈蜡缮乞收脸揍佯掷僚墩熔姥荫短颜电段素祸梳蛤翻摧安艳弊渐娟瞳端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件Women washing hair with calamus klms soup or drinking sweet water or with calamus naked makeup, called calamus makeup 柒檀腆狈敲赌庇涛界梁蓝尹炔闹莲钓驯近住督瞅草碧妊绎藤酵汤唁且疚刑端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件In addition, in the Dragon Boat Festival eating cypress saprs leaf cake is Japans unique customs .狗膨锋目犬酚洞寨恰素酪悄隆倒累召藏漓甄棘侥妆喊份仙致系层拾坎确渣端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件端午节介绍主题中英文PPT课件
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