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中考动词辅导策略与习题专练在英语中动词的使用形式变化多样,这与汉语截然不同,故其用法成为学生学习中的一大难点。英语中动词分四类,即:实义动词、连系动词、情态动词、助动词。如何进行中考辅导?一、实义动词( 一 ) 理解基本用法,运用基本原理指导学习实践,做到有理可依、有据可循,实义动词在句中运用时,分谓语形式和非谓语形式。1 . 谓语形式:当某个实义动词或词组充当句子的谓语时,它的形式随语态、时态以及主语人称和数的变化而变化。细而言之:时态 语态 主动 语 态 被 动 语态 备 注一般现在时 原形 或三单 is/am/are + 过去 分词 划线:助动词一 般 过 去 时 过 去 式was/were + 过去 分词 同上现 在 进 行 时 is/a m/are +现在分词is/am/are + b eing + 过去分词 同上过去进行时 was/w ere + 现在分词 was/were + be ing + 过去分词 同上一般将来时 will/shall + 动 原 wil l/shall + be + 过去分词 同上be go ing to + 动 原 be going to + be + 过去分词 Be: is/am/are过去将来时 w ould/shoud + 动 原 would/shou d + be + 过去分词 划线:助动词be going to + 动 原 be goi ng to + be + 过去分词 Be: was/were现 在 完 成 时 have/ha s + 过去分词have/has + been + 过去分词划线:助动词过 去 完 成 时 had + 过 去 分 词 had + bee n +过去分词 同上含 情 态 动 词 情 态 动 词 + 动 原 情态动词+ be + 过去分词2 . 非谓语形式:觉. 不定式意义:动词的非谓语形式,常发生在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之后,作主语、宾语( 动词宾语) 、宾语补足语、表语、定 语 ( 常表示功能) 、状语。 . 构 成 :不定式=to + 动词原形否定结构= not to d o sth复合结构= 。 sb.( not ) to do sth与疑问词连用:如 what to do在下列动词后的不定式省略“to :三 看 look se e watch) 两 听 ( I isten hear ) - - 感( feel ) ,注 意 ( notice) 使 ( ma ke ) 让 ( let hav e ) 帮 ( help)f 可不省。. 形式主语:当不定式、否定结构、复合结构、与疑问词连用等形式作句子主语时,用it来代替它,而将真正的主语置于谓语之后,“ it” 叫形式主语。( 2) . 动名词 . 意 义 :动词的非谓语形式,常常发生或预定在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之前,表示事实、爱好、功能、习惯等,起名词作用。作主语、宾 语 ( 包括介词宾语和动词宾语) 、表语、定 语 ( 常表示功能) 等。 . 构 成 :动名词=V+ing . 否定结构= not d oing sth . 复合结构=one ( not)doing st h. 现在分词 . 意 义 :动词的非谓语形式,常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间正在发生的动作,表示主动。 . 用 法 :常作定语( 单个词前置,短语后置) 、宾语补足语和状语( 如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等) O( 4) . 过去分词 . 意 义 :动词的非谓语形式,常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间已发生的动作。表示被动。 . 用 法 :常作定语( 单个词前置,短语后置) 宾语补足语和状语( 如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等) O3 . 举例说明:( 1) .1 wa n t to give up studying at school to look afte r my sick mother at ho me.点拨:作谓语一主动语态一一般现在时。非谓语一发生在谓语之后一不定式。非谓语一发生在前位非谓语之前一动名词。非谓语一发生在前位非谓语之后一不定式。( 2) . T he teacher t old us not to forget t o turn off the lights w hen we left the room点拨:作谓语一主动语态一一般过去时。非谓语一发生在谓语之后一不定式。非谓语一发生在前位非谓语之后一不定式。作谓语一主动语态一一般过去时。( 3)Look,There is a boy taking d own a pictu re put up on the wall.点拨:作谓语一一般现在时。非谓语一相对谓语即时时间正在发生, 主动一现在分词. 非谓语f发生在前位非谓语之前一表示被动一过去分词.( 二 ) .既要求同亦要寻异凡事都具有共性,又具有个性。不能千篇一律地用某个规则或原理去解决所有问题。因此,在把握实义动词基本用法的大前提下,教师还要引导、启发、教育学生善于观察、比较、体味个别动词的特殊用法,做到共性与个性的统一。关于动名词的使用应注意:1 . 介词 + 动名词 如:You can watc h TV after f ishing your homework.2 . 动 词 ( 词 组 )+ 动名词这样的动词有:giv e in doing屈服做某事 be busy doing忙于做某事stop sb.from doing阻止某人做某事p ractice doin g 练习做某事enjoy doin g 喜欢做某事finish doi ng做完某事complete doing做完某事end up doing做完某事mind doing介意做某事spend(in ) doing花费时间做某事cant stand doing容忍做某事keep on doing 一直做某事be w orth doing值得做某事appre ciate doing感激做某事avo id doing避免做某事be u sed to doing习惯做某事pay attention t o doing 注意做某事 ge t used to do ing 习惯做某事e xcuse doing推辞做某事 giv e up doing放弃做某事c arry on doin g 坚持做某事 make a contributio n to doing 为做某事做贡献look forwardto doing吩望做某事 p refer doing to doing与做某事比更喜欢做某事insist on doing坚持做某事Stic k doing 坚持做某事tak e the leadin g position 站主导地位conside r doing考虑做某事imagi ne doing想像做某事mi ss doing错过做某事pu t off doing推迟做某事risk doing冒险做某事suggest doin g 做某事建议3, 下列动词既可接不定式又可接动名词,但意义不同:( D.like/love/hate do ing:表示习惯例:I like get ting up earl y every morn ing. to do:表示具体活动例:Can you come ou t to play wi th me ?(2) . Stop doing:停止做某事( 某事不做了) 例:Please stop working if you are tire d. to do:停下来去做某事( 某事要做) 例:I am tired t o have a res t.(3) . go on doing:继续做同一件事例:Go on s tudying hard if you want to get bett er grades. t o do:继续做另一件事例:After lea ving school,he go on to go to colleg e.(4) .rememb er doing:记得做过的事例: I reme mber seeing you somewher e. to do:记得要做的事 例:Rrmem ber to turn off the ligh t when leavi ng the room.forget doing:忘记做过的事例:I f orget seeing you somewhe re to do:忘记要做的事例:Don t forge t to turn of f the light when leaving the room.need/want/r equire doing :表示被动例 The b lackboard ne eds cleaning = The blackbo a rd needs tobecleaned. to do:表示主动例:She needs to have a re st.(7) .try doing :试着做某事例:Let me try driv ing for you. to do:尽力做某事例:We must try to finis h it on time .(8) .contin ue doing:继续做同一件事 例:Conti nue studying hard if you want to get bettergrades. to do:继续做另一件事 例:Afte r leaving sc hool,he .con tinue to go to college.(9) .can t hel p doing:情不自禁做某事 例:when he heard the news,he can t help jum ping. to do:不能帮助做某事例:S orry, I canJ t help to d o it for you .(1 0 ) .mean.doing:意思做某事例:What I s aidmeans no t telling hi m the news n ow. .to do:打算做某事例: I mean to st art off tom orrow.QD.agre e .on doing: 对做某事表示同意 例: W e agree on h olding a spo rts meeting soon. .tod o:同意要做某事例:I agree to g o to the par k on Sunday. .decide.on doing :对做某事做出决定例:We have deci ded on stopp ing him from working on. .to do:决定要做某事例:I d ecide to go abroad for s tudy.Q3).encou rage .doing:鼓励做某事例:The g overnment en courages pla nting trees to protect theenvironment .sb. to d o:鼓励某人做某事例:The teacher often encour ages us to s tudy hard.(lO.allow .doi ng:允许做某事例: We don t allo w smoking he re .sb. to d o:允许某人做某事做例:We don t a How you to smoke hereQ5).advise .do ing:建议做某事 例:We advise go ing skating tomorrow. .s b. to do:建议某人做某事例:We ad vise you to go skating t omorrow.Q 6 ) .pe rmit .doing:允许做某事例:The boss did not permit work ing for shor ter. .sb. to do:允许某人做某事例:The boss d id not permi tme to work for shorter. .begin/st art开始做某事 .doing: doing” 为动态动词或 beg in/start 为其它时态例: Let s b egin running .( 2) , to d o: “ do” 为静态动词或 begin/start 已为进行时 例:I b egan to beli eve what he hadsaid. 例:It is begin ning to rain .( 1 8 ) .decide .o n doing 对做某事做出计划例:We hav e decided on building a school next year. .to do 计划做某事例: :We have decided to build a school next year.( 三 ) . 将初中三年以来所学过有关实义动词的要点归纳总结,以书面或幻灯形式出示给学生,自己提取难点,教师指导,逐一突破。A aim at针对 agre e with sb .同意某人的意见或建议as k for请求、索要add to把和加 起 来 ask for a ride搭车as k for a day off请一天假ach ieve a victo ry取得胜利acount for公布、宣布arrive in 到 达 ( 大地方) arrive a t到 达 ( 小地方)a rgue with与争吵apologize to 向道歉Bbe suppose d to do sth.应该做某事 break up with sb.与某人断绝关系 be us ed for doing 被用来做某事be us ed to do被用来做某事break out爆发believe i n 信 任 begin/st art with以开始belong to属于built in to把建成 bas e o n 以为 基 础 br eak off解散解雇break down 破坏 borrow- fro m 向借 bring s b.sth. 把某物给某人带来 bring sth . to sb,把某物给某人带来beg you r parden再重复一遍break the rule违规help sb. with sth . 帮助某人做某事bre ak into破门而入buy sb. sth.给某人买某物buy s th. for sb.给某人买某物Cc ome into bei ng形成、出现come true变为现实com e for a visi t 来参观come on过来、跟着来come d own with抵御、抑制come back回来come out o f从里出来come to do sth.逐渐做某事come back f rom work下班回来come about发生come from来自 come here来这里 come home 来到家 come to 到 来 come alo ng 出现、发生 come over 过来 com e into进入里come in 进来co me out出来come out o f从里出来come up to 向走来come tot he party 来参加聚会 catch up w ith 赶上catch a fire 着火 cat ch hold of 抓住catch a bus赶公共汽车cut up切碎cut in ha If切成半cut off切 断 ( 电源、水 源 ) cut in line插 队 c arefor关心、关爱care about在意call for号召c all on拜 访 cal I out呼 喊 call up给打电话call sb. at some number给某人大某个号码calm dow n 镇 静 下 来 comm unicate with与交流 complai n about抱怨c ant wait to do sth, 迫不及待做某事clean up清理、打扫干净carry o u t执行click o n 点击connec t to 把和连起来chat on li ne网上聊天checkover检查Ddr op by 顺便拜访 dr op out of sc hool 辍学 drop I itter 丢垃圾 do a n experiment 做实验 do anop eration on s b.给某人做手术 do sth. in pers on 亲自做某事 do b usiness 做生意 d o exercise做操 do with 处理 d o wrong 做错事 d o one s home work 做作业 do s ome sports 做运动 dowell in 对学得好 do ones lesson 做功课 do the dish es 洗餐具 do on es best to do sth.尽力做某事do ones re solution做决定要做的事do harm to 对有危害do s ome cleaning扫除dosome r eading 读书 do some shoppin g 购物 do some c ooking 做饭 do the laundry 洗 衣 月 艮 dosome ch ores做杂务deal with处理disa gree with sb , 不同意某人意见desc ribe a s把描绘为die o f死 于 ( 直接内因,如疾病、饥 渴 ) die from死 于 ( 间接外因,如车祸、天 灾 )die o u t灭绝d rive sb. era zy使某人发疯drive to开车去 di videinto把分成depend o n 依赖decide o n ( doing ) sth.dry out 干涸dry up 烘干 dre am of 梦想dra w up起草、拟定dr ess sb.给某人穿衣dress in 穿着d ress up打扮bea t sb.赢了某人Ee-mail sb.给某人发电子邮件educ ate sb. to d o sth.教育某人做某事enjoy onese If玩得愉快enjoy doing sth, 喜欢做某事end up doing sth. 结束做某事explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某事encou rage doing s th .鼓励做某事 enc ourage sb. t o sth.鼓励某人做某事 express sb . sth.=expr ess sth. to sb,向某人表达某事e at up吃光Ffal I over 摔倒、倒塌fall ill 病倒 f all asleep 入睡fall in lov e with 爱上、迷恋fight agains t 与作斗争folio w the rules遵守规则fail the exam考试不及格f ind out查 明 ( 原因、真 相 )feelli ke doing想做某事fly a kite放风筝fly to乘飞机去 fit into 适应 fill i n =fill out填充填写 fill wi th用填feel sorry for因而难过forget to do sth .忘记要做的事forget d oingsth.忘记做过的事finish d oing sth.做完某事fold the cl othes叠衣服Gge t here/there到这里( 那 里)get home到家get o n 上 ( 车、船、飞机等) get off下 ( 车、船、飞机等)get up 起来、起床 get do wn 取下 get to sleep 入睡 get sb.sth.=get sth. for sb.给某人取某物get g ood grades取得好成绩get out one, way to d o sth.特地做某事get rid of除掉get to 到达g et out o f从里出来get into进入get in the way o f妨碍ge t together集会 get into t rouble 陷入困境 g et out of tr ouble 脱离困境 ge t used to( do ing ) sth.习惯( 做 )某事get to d o sth.着手做某事get ready fo r 为做准备get s b. into trou ble使某人陷入困境g et away from远离get a sor e back背痛get back to sb.过会儿与某人通话( 打电话用语)get on/a long well wi th 与相处 融洽 ge t to know 认识get married 结婚 get in to uch with与取得联系go to 去go home回家go there去那里go back回去go o u t出去go outfor出去做 go down/along 沿着走 go to sc hool 上学 go to college 上大学go to the doc to r去医务室go to the cinem a 去看电影go across穿过 ( 平 面 ) go to work上班gobad 变坏 go by 流 逝 ( 时 间)go to the less ons 去上课 go to the party 去聚会 go one ownway 走自己的路 g o for a walk 去散步 go sight seeing 去观光 go the same wa y 同路 go away走开go to slee p 入睡go to be d 上床睡觉go on to do sth.继续做另一件事go on doing sth.继续做同一件事go on with继续go sh opping去购物go hiking去远足go abroad出国go over复习go downstairs/upstairs下楼/ 上楼go on a tr ip 去从事旅游go i n for sports进行体育运动give sb.sth.=giv e sth. to sb . 把某物给某人 give in ( doing ) st h.屈 服 ( 做 ) 某事 gi ve up( doing ) sth.放 弃 ( 做 ) 某事give away赠送give out颁发g ive back归还give off发 出 ( 气味等 ) give sb.some advice给某人提建议give a talk作报告gi ve lessons t o sb .给某人上课give sb. a go od beating 好好教训某人一下 give back 归还 give sb. a hand 帮某人个忙 grow u p长大Hhave a good time 玩得愉快 have a d iscussion 进行讨论 have a par ty 举行聚会 have a meeting开会have nothing to do with 与无关 have tro uble with st h .做某事有困难 hav e trouble doing sth.费力做某事have sb. d o sth.让某人做某事have sb./st h. doing . 让某人/ 某物一直做hav e sb.done请某人做某事have fu n 玩得愉快have a fever发烧hav e a cold感冒h ave acough 咳嗽 have a sta machache 胃痛 h ave a tootha che 牙痛 have f un doing sth . 愉快地做某事 have noodles for lunch午饭吃面条have a match举行比赛have a fight with与比赛、斗争 have no idea of 不知道 have a h a rd time doi ng sth.艰难地做某事 have sth.to do with与有 关 have an accident发生事故have suppe r 吃晚饭have cl ass上 课 have w ater喝水have a conversati on with 与 会话have a look at 看一下 一 ha ve a talk wi th 与 谈话 have aproblem wi th 做某事有疑难 have difficulty doing . 费力做某事 have a good trip 路途愉快 have a try 试一下have a laugh at 嘲笑. hav e a pity on sb.同情某人 have a rest 休息一下hear of听说h ear from收到的来信hands up举 手 hand in 上交hand out分发hand ,to 把递给,hold up 抓住、握住 hold a m eeting 举行会议hold a game 举行比赛 hold an exhibition 举行展览 happen t o do sth.恰巧做某事 hurry up 赶快 hurry off 匆忙离开 help o neself to st h.随便用help sb. with sth . 帮助某人做某事IIt s one s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 invit e sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事insist on doingsth. 坚持做某事JJoin in 穿着 join togeth er 团结起来 join t he army 参军 jo in the party 入党KKeep out不让进入keep down压 低 ( 音量等)keep a p e t饲养宠物keep in good mood保持好心情k eep on doing 一直做某事keep h ealthy保持健康k eep in good health保持健康keep up with跟上 keep sb.doing使某人一直做某事keep off防御keep in to uch with与保持联系knock at=knock on敲LL earn by on eself自学, Te arn from 向学习 learn b y heart i己 住 eave for 离开去某处 leave sth.somewhere 把某物忘在某处 leave school 毕业 lea ve one by on eself 把某人单独留下leave a me ssage for sb . 给某人留个口信len d sb. sth. =lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人lead to 导 致 li ve on以为生live a happy life过着幸福的生活look after照看 look for寻找look down on藐视look up查 找 ( 字词等)Io ok over检 查 ( 身体等)look forw a rdto 吩望loo k on ,as把看作look at看 I ook like看起来像 look arou nd环 顾 look o ut当 心 look ou t o f向外面看Io ok through浏览look the s am e看起来一样loo k inside向里 面 看 like bette r 较 喜 欢 like be s t 最 喜 欢 like to do sth, 喜欢做某事( 具体活动)li kedoing sth . 喜欢做某事( 习惯) I augh a t嘲笑喜欢做某事( 具体活动) lose touch with与失去联系let sb.in让某人进去lie dowm躺下MMake sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归 make one, s mind to do sth,决心做某事 m ake aface 做鬼脸 make money 挣钱 make fool s of sb.愚弄某人make a jour ney 旅行 make p rogress取得进步make a count ribution to 为做贡献 make a noise吵 闹 mak e a mistake犯错误make of由制作 ( 看出原材料)make from由制作 ( 看不出原材料)make up o f 由组成make a plan定计划 m ake one s be d 整理床铺 make a report 编写报告make sure o f 确信make use of 利用make a sentence w ith 用造句 make a decision 做出决定 make sue cess 取得成功 mak eoneself un derstood 表达自己的意思 make a t eleohone to sb.n ,JT电话 mak e a survey o f 调查make pr eparation fo r 为做准备 make friends with 与交朋友 make a I iving 谋生 make acomment a bout 评论 一 majo r in 专修match with 把和搭配起来 move to 搬到 mention sb. sth.=men tion sth.to sb .向某人提到某事m istake for 把错认为meet wi th遇 到 ( 困难、麻烦等) mix up混合NNa me sb./sth.X把某人/ 某物叫做X0Offer sb. sth.=offer sth.to sb.把某物提供给某人 order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 open u p完全打开Pplay football 踢足球 play chess 下棋 play cards 打牌 play bridg e 打桥牌 play th e guitar 弹吉他play the vio lin 弹小提琴 play sports 做运动 p lay games 玩游戏 play with 玩耍play jokes onsb.对某人开玩笑play the CD . 播放CD. play the music播放音乐play a pa rt in在中扮演角色play a role o f扮演的角色pl ay against与比赛play hide-and-seek捉迷臧pay for付款 pay attention to 注意*3$5 ( on ) sb. sth.=pass sth. to sb.把某物递给 pa ss the exam 通过考试pass by路过 put on穿上、上映put away把收拾起来put in to 把放入里 pu t up举起、张 贴 pu t out熄灭put o f f推 迟 prevent sb. ( from ) do ing sth.阻止某人做某事prefert o do rather than do 与做另一件事相比更喜欢做某事 pr efer ( doing ) s th. to ( doin g ) sth.与相比更喜欢poin to 指向 poin at 指着 p oin out 指出 pr ovode sb. wi th sth.=prov ide sth.for sb.为某人提供某物practice doi ng sth.练习做某事place an or der for 定购p ick up捡起、拾起Rrun a way逃跑run af ter追 赶 run ou t of用光、从里跑出来run over t o跑过去到 runon靠运 行 read sth. to sb.把某物读给某人听rea d sth. for sb.替某人读某物rec eive alette r from,-收到来信 rain heavil y 下大雨 ride a bike 骑自行车 ris e up 升起 raise money筹集资金 efer to 涉及、提到regard as把看作reach o ut伸 出 (手 等 )Ssend sb . sth.=send sth. to sb.把某物送给某人 send up 发射 send an e-mail 发送电子邮件 sendfor派人请send fo r派请 send i nto 送入里 send away驱 逐 send o ff解雇shake hands with与握 手 stick in to 把插入里 st ick doing st h.坚持做某事stop sb.from do ing sth.阻止某人做某事stop to d o sth.停下来去做另一件事stop doi ng sth.停止做某事 stare at 盯着 sell out 买光sell sb. st h.=sell sth.to sb.把某物买给某人 sell sth.for money卖某物赚钱see a do ctor看医生see sb. off为某人送行see a film看电影say goo dbye to sb.向某人告别say hell o to sb.向某人问好set up竖立、建造set up one s mind on st h.全神贯注于 spe ak o f讲到spea k highly of称颂speak Eng lish讲英语sea rch for搜索来寻找start to do sth. 着手做某事start with 以开始 spend( t ime/money ) on sth.= spend(time/money ) ( in ) doing st h.花 费 ( 时间/ 金 钱 ) 做某事spend tim e with sb.和某人呆在一起 sort i nto 把划分成 s how sb.sth.=show sth. to sb.把某物给某人看show sb. around somewher e 领某人参观某处show u p 露 面 stay in bed呆在床上s low down减 速 s mileat对微笑suit sb.适合某人share with与分享stay u p 熬夜stand fo r 代表 stand up 起立succeed in doing sth . 成功地做某事shut up关闭surpri se sb.使某人惊奇shout to 向喊shout at 对喊seem like 好像sweep the fl oor 拖地 step on 践踏 suggest doing sth.建议做某事 supply sb. With sth .=supply sth . for sb. 为某人供应某物TTake a message f or sb.给某人捎个信take a bus乘工交车take one s order按某人的顺序take a wa Ik 散步 take to 把带至!J 去 tak e a shower 淋浴 take the fi rst turning ontheleft=t urn left at the first cr ossing 在第一个十字路路口向左转 take away 带走 take aninterest in 对感兴趣 take the medicin e 服药 take exe rcise 锻炼 take a long vaca tion 度长假take it easy不要紧take one s t emperature量某人的体温take of f 起飞/ 脱下( 衣服、鞋帽等 ) take a Ie sson/class 上课 take a day off 休一天假 take an exam 参加考试 take the I ead todo st h.带头做某事take ,out of 把从中取处来take a rest休息一下tak e one s turnto do sth.按某人顺序做某事take part in 参 加 ( 活 动)take a dr ink喝酒take a s an example拿当作例子take over接 管 take care o f照顾、照看take in 吸取吸收take u p 占据(空间、时 间)take t he pride in 以而骄傲( 强调动作) t ake place发 生 ( 不及物)take th e leadingpo sition 占主导地位take a swimm ing course 上游泳课 take a ju mp 跳高 take a deep breath深呼吸take the place of代替take a photo o f照的相talk about谈论tai k with与谈话t alk to 对 谈 话 t urn left ( rig h t)向左( 右 ) 转 tur n up调 高 ( 音量等) turn down调 低 ( 音量 等 ) turn on打 开 ( 电器、煤气、水龙头) turn o ff关 闭 ( 电器、煤气、水龙头) t urn-into把变成 turn to 转向 turn gre en变绿think a bout考虑、思考 t hink o f想起、想到 think ove r 仔细考虑tell s b. about sth . 把某物的情况告诉某人tell sb. sth .=tellsth. t osb. 把某事告诉某人tell a joke讲笑话tell a s tory讲故事try o n 试穿try to do sth.尽力做某事try doing st h .试着做某事 try one s best t o do sth. . 尽力做某事 thanks for 感谢travelto 到旅行tie to把绑到 上tre a t as把当作来对待trouble s b. to do sth .麻烦某人做某事thr ow away扔掉tr anslate- int o 把翻译成Uurge sb.to sth.强烈要求某人做某事use up用尽used to do sth.过去做某事Vvisit sb/somewher e 慰问某人/ 参观某处Wwake up醒来、叫 醒 welc ome to欢迎到来wait for等待wait in line排队等候write to 给写信writ e down记下win the World C up赢得世界杯win a prize获奖wear out穿坏we ar glasses戴眼镜wipe off把从上拭去work h a rd at努力学习work out解 决 (问题、麻烦等)work on从事 walk a long/down沿着走 want to do sth.想做某事wa nt ago试一下watch a game观看比赛wind up给上劲warn sb . to do sth.警告某人做某事warnsb. of sth. 提醒某人做某事worr y about 担心( 四 ) .辨析疑难,深化理解,突出重点,突破难点。即:把初中阶段所学的多义动词或意义相近的动词/ 词组归纳对比,找出异同,以便学生加深理解与记忆,提高运用基本知识的技能。1 . 2.( 1) . us ed to do ( 1) . offer: of fer sb. sth.=offer sth.to sb.过去常常做某事,后接动词原形作谓语。为某人提供某物( 2) . “get used to ( doing ) sth.( 2) . prov ide: provide sb. with sth .=provide st h.习 惯 ( 做 ) 某事,强调动作,非延续,forsb .为某人提供某物不能与时间段连用( 否定句除外) . supply: su pply sb. wit h sth=supply sth.( 3) . u be used t o( doin g ) sth. f or sb.为某人供应某物习 惯 ( 做 ) 某事,强调状态,延续,4.能与时间段连用. devel oped:发达的3.( 2) . de veloping:发展中的( 1) . hear of:听说6.(2)hear f rom:收到来信.ta ke place:不及物动词,“ 发生” 。5.(2). ta ke the place ( of ): 代 替 ( ) ”(1). take the e xam (3). hap pen:不及物动词,“ 发生” ,强调偶然性参加考试,非延续,不能与时间段连用 7.( 否定句除外)(D . think of:想起、想到.have t he exam (2). think about :考虑、思考参加考试,非延续,能与时间段连用8. 9.(1) . be covered b y:被覆盖,强调动作,非 延 续(1). reply:回答,不及物,reply to,及物。(2) . b e covered wi th:覆盖着,强调状态,延 续(2). answ er:回答,及物。10 . 12.(1) . arrive: (1). look for:“ 寻找” , 强调过程。arrive in:及物,“ 到达大地方 .fi nd: “ 找到” , 强调结果。arrive at:及物,” 到达小地方” 。(3). discove r:“ 发现” , 首次被人知。(2) . get:到达,g et to:“到达” 。 1 4.(3) . reach:及物,“ 到 达 二(1). exc ite: “ 使激动1 1 .(2). excited: ” 感到激动的” ,指人。(1) . take: “ 带走” ,由近及远。(3). exciting: “ 令人激动的” ,指事物。(2) . bring: “ 带来”, 由远及近。15.13.(1). stop to do: “ 停下来去做另一件事” 。(1) . rise: 上升, 升起” , 不 及 物 。(2). stop d oing: “ 停止做某事”。.raise: ” 升起、举起、提高” , 及物。16. 20.( D . take parti n: 参加某种活动” 。(1). marry: “ 娶、嫁” ,及物动词(2) . join in: 参加某种活动”。(2). get married: “ 结婚” , 表示动作,非延续. join: 参加某种团体或组织” 。(3). be married: “ 结婚” , 表示状态,延续17.need to do need doing 18.(1). need to do: “ 需要做某事” ,表示主动。(1). be: “ 成为” , 表 示 状 态 , 延 续 。.need doing : “ 需要做某事” , 表示主动。 .b ecome: 成为” ,表示动作,非延续。19. 21.(1). hope: 希望” ,表示真实语气。用 法 为 :(1). carry o n:“ 坚持” ,词组car ry on doingsth.“ hope to do 或 hope tha t-从句” (2). carry out: “ 执行”. wish: “ 希望” ,表示虚拟语气。用法为: 23.“ wish to do,wish that-从句或 wish sb. t o do (1). know: 知道、认识” ,表示状态, 延续22.(2). ge t to know: 知道、认识” ,表示动作,非(1) . search: 搜索、搜寻“ ,强调对象延续。(2) . sear ch for: 搜索、搜寻” , 强调目标25。24.(1). take: “ 买” ,常用于口语。(1) . like: 像 力 介 词 ,故遵循介词的用法。(2). buy: “ 买) 常用于正式场合。(2) . seem: “像 ,系动词,故遵循系动词的用法。28.26 .(1). send up: 发射 。(1) . make- of :” 由来做” ,产品能看出原材料。(2). send away:“ 驱逐” 。(2) . makefrom: 由来做” ,产品看不出原材料。(3). send off:“ 解雇(3) . m ake- up o f -: 由来组成“ 。(4). send for: 派人请二27 . 29.(1) . surprise: “ 使惊奇” ,及物动词。(1). amaze: “ 使诧异” , 及物动词。(2) . surprised:” 感到惊讶的” ,形容词,修饰人。 (2). am azed:” 感到惊讶的”,形,修饰人。(3) . sur prising:“ 令人惊讶的” ,形容词,修饰事物。 .amazin g: “ 令人惊讶的” ,形,修饰事物。3032.(1) . cross: “ 穿过” ( 平 面 ) , 及物动词。(1). takeover: “ 接管”。(2) . across: 穿 过 ( 平 面 ) , 形 容 词 ,介词。 (2). take in: ” 接收、吸收” 。(3) . through: “ 穿过”( 空间或时间) ,介词。(3). take up : “ 占据” ( 时间或空间) 。31 (4). take away:“ 拿走(1) . call for:“ 号召 (5). takedown:“ 取下(2) . call o n: “ 拜访二 33.(3) . call out: 喊 叫 二(1). wo rry about:“ 担心” ,强调动作, 非延续。(4) . call up: 给打 电 话(2). be wor ried about:“ 担心” ,强调状态, 延续34.36.(1) . read to :” 把读给听” 。(1). have g ot: “ 有” ,强调动作,非延续。(2) . r e a d - fo r -: “ 代替读” 。(2). ha ve: “ 有” ,强调状态,延续。35.37.(1) . read: “ 读” ( 书 报 等 ) 。(1). get ready fo r: “ 准 备 强 调 动 作 ,非. see: “ 看出、看见” ( 强 调 结 果 ) 。延续。(3) . look: 看” ( 引起注意,不 及 物 ) .be ready fo r: “ 准备” ,强调状态,延续。look at : “ 看” ( 不及物) 。39.(4) . watch : “ 观看” ( 电视、游戏、比赛等) 。(1). .handin: “ 上交” ( 作 业 等 ) 。38. (2). hand out: “ 分发” ( 作业、试 卷 等 ) 。(1) . listen: “ 听” (引起注意,不 及 物 ) 。 (3). h a n d - to -: ” 把递给”(2) . listen to: “ 听” ( 及 物 ) 。42.hear: “ 听见” ( 强调结果) 。(1). beat: “ 赢 得 ( 人 ) 二40.(2). wi n: “ 赢 得 ( 比赛、奖项等)”(1) . excite: 使激动43.(2) . excited: ” 感到激动的 ,形,修饰或限定人。 (D. p ut away:” 把收拾起来” 。(3) . exciting: “ 令人激动的”,形,常修饰或限定事物。 .put up: 举起、张贴:41.(3). put on: “ 穿上、上映(1) . gi ve in: “ 屈服” 。词组:“ give in ( d oing ) sth. . put off: 推迟:put off ( doing )sth(2) . give up: “ 放弃”。 词组:give u p ( doing)sth. 45. give a way:“ 赠送(1). relax:” 使放松” , 及物动词。. give out : “ 颁发( 奖品、证 书 等 )(2). relaxed: 感到放松的” , 修 饰 人 。44.(3). relaxing: “ 令人放松的” ,修饰事物。(1). bore: “ 使无聊” ,及物动词。46.(2) . bored: 感到无聊的” ,修饰或限定人.an noy :使恼怒,及物动词。(3) . boring: “ 令人无聊的” ,修饰或限定事物。(2). annoy ed:感到恼怒的,修饰人。(3) . a nnoying:令人恼怒的,修饰事物。47.50.(1) . take a bus: “ 乘公交车” ,动词词组。(1). poin to:“ 指向” ( 强 调 方 向 ) 。(2) . catch a bus : “ 赶公交车” ,动词词组。(2). poin at: “ 指着” ( 强调 目 标 ) 。(3) . on a bus: 乘 公 交 车 (bus有修饰语) ,介词短语。(3). p oin out: 指出(4) . by bus: “ 乘公交车” (bus无修饰语) ,介词短语。51.48 .(1). lookup: “ 查找” ( 字 词 等 ) 。(1) . walk: “ 步行” ,动词。(2). Io ok over: “ 检查” ( 身 体 等 ) 。(2) . on foot: 步 行 ,介词短语。(3). look forward to: 盼望” 。49 .(4). look onas: 把看作”。(1) . ride a bike: “ 骑自行车” ,动词词组。(5). Io ok after: “ 照看” 。(2) . by bike: 骑自行 车 (bik e无修饰语) ,介词短语。(6). look at : 看(3) . on a bike: “ 骑自行车 (bike有修饰语) ,介词短语。 .loo k like: 看起来像” 。52 . 54.(1) . drop: 下落、掉下” ,及物动词。.agree with sb: “ 某人的意见或建议” 。(2) . fall: ” 下落、掉下”,不及物动词。(2). agree on doing: 对做某事表示同意” 。53 .(3). agree to do :同意要做某事” 。(1) . be proud of: 以为骄傲” ,表示状态,延续。56.(2) . take th e pride in:” 以为骄傲” ,表示动作,非延续。(1). go o n to do: 继续做另一件事” 。55.(2). goondoing:“ 继续做同一件事” 。(1) . care fo r: “ 关心、关爱” 。58.(2) . care a bout:” 在意、在乎” 。.remember to do : 记得要做的事情 。57.(2). remember d oing: 记得做过的事情”(1) . do with: 处理、应 付 (What do you do w ith it )。61.(2) . deal with:” 处理、应付”( How do you do w ith it ) (1). look for: 寻 找 ( 强 调过 程 ) 。59 . find : 找 到 ( 强 调 结 果 ) 。(1) . turn on: “ 打开” ( 电器、煤气、水龙头等) 。(3). find ou t: “ 查明” ( 真相、原因 ) 。(2) . turnoff: “ 关闭” ( 电器、煤气、水龙头等) 。62.(3) . turn up: 调 高 ( 音 量 ) 。(1). go to sleep: 入睡 ( 非 延 续 ) 。(4) . turn down: 调 低 ( 音 量 ) 。(2). goto b ed: 上 床 睡 觉 ( 非 延 续 ) 。60 .(3). fall asleep : “ 睡着” (非 延 续 ) 。. spend: “ 花费” ( 时间、金 钱 ) ,句式:(4). be asleep : “睡着” ( 延 续 ) 。S b. spendson sth./( in)do ing sth.63.(2) . pay: “ 付款” ,句式:(1). forget to do: “ 忘记要做的事” 。Sb.pays some m oney for sth .(2). forget doi ng: u 忘记做过的事” 。(3) . cost: 花 费 ( 金 钱 ) ,句 式 :66.Sth. co sts sb. some money.d). talk: 谈论 ( 不 及 物 ) 。(4) . take: “ 花费” ( 时 间 ) ,句式:(2). say: “ 说” ( 强 调 内 容 ) 。It takes sb. some tim e to do sth.(3). spe ak:讲”语言或正式场合讲话.6468.(1) . prefer doin g: 更喜欢” ,句式:(1). leave: 离 开 ( 非 延 续 ) 。prefer doi ng to doing (2). be a way from: 离 开 ( 延 续 ) 。(2) . prefer to do: 更喜欢 ,句式:69.prefer to do rather than do (1). comeback: 回 来 (非 延 续 ) 。65.(2). be b ack: “ 回来” ( 延 续 ) 。. talk to :” 对谈 话 ( 一方讲一方听) 。70.(2) . talk about:” 谈论”。(1). try to do:” 尽力做某事” 。(3) . talk with: “ 与谈话” ( 双方讲双方听) 。(2). try doing: 试着做某事” 。(4) . tell : 告 诉 (tell a story/tell a joke)o 72.67.(1). be: “ 成为” ( 延 续 ) 。. tir e:” 使劳累” ( 及 物 ) 。(2). become: 成 为 ( 非 延 续 ) 。(2) . tiring: ” 令人劳累的” ,形容词( 常修饰或限定事物) 。75.(3) . tired: ” 感到劳累的“ ,形容词( 常修饰或限定人) 。(1). g e to n: “ 上” ( 车 、船、飞机等) 。71.(2). get off: “ 下” ( 车 、船、飞 机 等 ) 。(1) . die of: 死于” ( 直接内因,如疾病、饥 渴 等 ) 。76.(2) . die from: “ 死于” ( 间接外因,如车祸、战 争 等 ) 。(1). get out: 出来、把取出来” 。73 .(2). get out of:” 从里出来(1) . have go ne: “ 去了 ” ( 在去往某处的途中或到达某处) 。77.(2) . have been: “ 去过” ( 已返回原地) 。(1). get back: ” 取回、回来74 .(2). get u p: ” 起床、起来” 。(1) . get in: “ 进入” ( 表 示 静 态 ) 另 “ 收割、收获” 78.(2) . get into: 进入” ( 表 示 动 态 ) 。(1). hav e: 买 (延 续 ) 。7 9.(2). buy: “ 买” ( 非延续) (1) . borro w: 借 入 (非 延 续 )。81 .(2) . keep: “ 借入” ( 延 续 ) 。 .die: “ 死亡” ( 非 延 续 ) 。80.(2). be dead: “ 死亡” ( 延 续 ) 。.begin: “ 开始” (非延续) 。83.(2). be on: “ 开始” ( 延 续 ) 。 .leave: “ 离开” ( 非 延 续 ) 。8 2.(2). b e away from: 离 开 ( 延 续 ) 。(1) . come here: “ 来这” (非 延 续 ) 。85.(2) . be here: “ 来这” ( 延 续 ) 。(1). fa ll川 :“ 生病” ( 非 延 续 ) 。84.(2). b e lli: “ 生病” ( 延 续 ) 。(1) . catch a cold: 感 冒 ( 非 延 续 ) 。87.(2) . have a cold: “ 感冒” ( 延 续 ) 。(1). join : ” 参 加 ( 组织或团体) ”8 6.( 非延续) 。(1) . close: “ 关闭” (非 延 续 ) 。(2). be a m ember of: 成为- - 员”(2) . be cl osed: “ 关闭” ( 延 续 ) 。 ( 延 续 ) 。88.(3). be in -: “ 在之中” ( 延续)(1) . play football: “ 踢足球” ( 棋类、牌类、球类无 “ the”) 。90.(2) . play t he guitar: 弹 吉 他 ( 琴 类 有the ) 。(1). be inte rest in:” 对感兴趣”89.( 强调状态,延 续 ) o(1). put on:“ 穿上” ( 强 调 动 作 , 非 延 续 ) 。(2). take an interest in:” 对. wear: “ 穿着” ( 强调状态,延 续 ) 。感兴趣” ( 强调动作,非 延 续 ) 。(3) . dress: “ 给穿衣” 。91 .(4)dress in:“ 穿着” ( = wear) (1). open : 打 开 (强调动作,非 ( 五 ) , 词 性 变 换 是 中 考 中的一个考点,归纳总结如下:非 延 续 ) 。1 . 动词变三单的规则:(2). be open: “ 开着” ( 强调状态,(1) . 一般直接加 s 例:take takes延 续 ) 。(2) .以 s、x ch 、sh o 结 尾 , 加 “ es 例:dress一dr esses(3) .以辅音字母加“y” 结尾,把 “y” 变 i” 力 口 es” 例:sd udy_ sdudies(4) .以 f ( e ) 结尾,词尾变为 “ves” 例:dwa rf_ dwarves(5) . 不规则的有:have_ has2 . 动词变现在分词的规则:(1) .(2) .一般直接加“ ing” 例:以不发音“e” 结尾,look_looking去 掉 去 加 ing例: co me_ coming . 以 一 个 辅 音 字 母 结 尾 ,而且是重读 闭 音 节 ,双 写 辅 音 字 母 加 “ ing” 例 :begin_ beginnin g(4) . 注意:prefer _ preferring die_ dying lie_ lying3 . 动词变过去式和过去分词的规则:(1) . 一般直接加“ ed 例:watch_ watched(2) .以不发音“e” 结尾,只 加 “d” 例:like_ l iked . 以 一,个辅音字母结尾,而且是重读闭音节,双写辅音字母加“ e d 例:stop_ sdopped(4 ).以辅音字母加“y” 结尾,把 “y” 变 i ” 加 “ ed” 例:try_ tried( 不规则形式略)4 . 动词变名词:pollute_pollutionplay_player ;act_ actordecide_ _decisionwork_ workervisit_ visitoreducate_edcationfarm_ farmercollect_ collectorprotect_ _protectiondrive_ driverinvent_ inventorsolve_ solution teach_ teacherbehave_ behavioroperate_operationwrite_ writerargue_ arguementorganize_Organizationreport_reporterrequire_requirementinvent_inventionpost_ posterdevelop_ developmentexplain_ explainationwin_ winneragree_ agreementcommunicate_ communication speak_ speaker amuse_ amusementtranslate translationlead_leadertreat_ treatmentpronounce_ pronunciation read_ readerm ove_m ove meritintroduce_ introductionrun_ runnerexcite_ excitementexamine._ examinationwait_ waitergrow_ growthconnectconnectiondream dreamerdie deathpredict_prediction produce_producer hear_ hearingcollect_ collection interview_ interviewer press_ pressuresuggest_ suggestion succeed_ success begin_ beginningact_ action fly_ flight build_buildingdecide_ decisiondiscuss_ discussiontrain_ trainimg listen_ listeningcross_ crossing sell_ saleconclude_ conclusion cook_ cook sing_ songrecord_recordertravel_ travellerexplore_ explorer5. 动词变形容词:surprise_ surprisedsurprise_ surprisingmean_meaning choose_ choicetou r_ to urist se rve_ serva ntscience_ scientist serve_ servantenjoy_ enjoyable sleep_ asleepchange_ changeable like_ alikedisappoint_ disappointed forget_ forgettable slow_ slowdisappoint_ disappointing comfort_ cormfortable heat_ hotexcite_ excitedexcite_ excitinginterest_ interestedinterest_interestingbore_ boredbore_ boringrelax_ relaxedrelax_ relaxingre cycl e_ re cycleable d ry_ d rysuit_ suitable warm_ warmclean_ cleanannoy_ annoyed open_ openannoy_ annoying close_ closedlive_living die_ deathlive _ a live wa ke_ awa kefill_ full base_ basic( 六 ) 重点词讲解:在英语中,有许多多义、多音的兼类词,往往被学生忽略,导致学生运用时的困惑。故在辅导教师应重点指出,以引起学生注意:(1 ) waste .n.” 废品、废物”例:A lot of wast e is produce d in our lif e every day. .adj. “ 废弃的、无用的“例:The f actory is po uring waste water now. .v .“ 浪 费 例 :It is bad for us to waste time( 2 ) happe nv i.” 发 生 例 :Wh at happened to him ?而不是:W hat did he h appen?( 3 ) fis h .n .“ 鱼”A .不可数名词,强调物质。例:Would you like some fi sh to eat?B,可数名词, 强调条数或种类。例:All fi sh have gone because of dirty water .v .“ 捕鱼、钓鱼” 例:He ma kes a living by fishing.( 4 ) look . vi. “ 看”通常引起注意例:Loo k! He is wor king.look a : “ 看” .link.” 看起来”例:The teacher look s very happy today. .n . “ 相貌、容貌”例:The loo k of the cit y is better than before.(5 ) like .v .“ 喜欢” like doing” 表示习惯;“ like to do” 强调具体活动。 .prep. 像”例:I lik e making fri ends like yo u.( 6 ) hurt .v. 伤 害 例 : He fell o ff his bike and hurt his leg. .a d j.“ 疼痛的“例:M y back often gets hurt.(7 ) leave v. “ 离开” 例:I wi II leave her e for my horn etown tomorr ow. . “ 落 例:H e left his h omework at h ome because of being car eless . ” 留下、剩下“例:A message i s left for y ou.( 8) try .v . “ 试、尽力”例 : “tryon” 试 穿 “trydoing” 试着做某事trytod。 ”尽力做某事 .n. “ 尝试”例:Have a try.( 9) break .v. “ 破裂、折断”例:I saw a piece of gla ss broken th is morning.另构成词组如: break int o break out break off 等。 . n. “ 间 歇 ( 如 课 间 ) “ 例:We al I go out to play during the break.(1 0 ) open .v ,“ 打开” ,非延续。例 : It is good for the air in the room to open the win dows and thedoors .adj, “ 开 着 的 例 :PI ease keep th e door open for ten minu tes.(11 ) clos e .v . “ 关闭 ,非延续。例:I forge t to close t he doorjeav ing the room . .a d j.“ 近的”例:My home i s close to t he school.(1 2 ) enjoy v. “ 喜欢、享受的 乐 趣 词 组 :enjoy doi ng enjoy o neself(13 ) se rve v.“ 为的服务”例:We should study hard to serve the peapie bett er.(14 ) stop ,n . “ 车站”例:bus stop .v . “ 阻止、停下“ 例:The factory must be stop ped pouring waste water.(15 ) sleep . n. “ 睡眠” 例:How man y hours of s leep do you need every d ay? .v. “ 睡”例:另构成词组goto sle ep get to sleep等。(1 6 ) seem v. .seem+ adj.例:He seems hap py today. .s eem to do 例:He seems to be happy tod ay.(3). It seem s that_从句 例:It seems th at he is hap py today.(17 ) thought .n. “ 思想” 例:Chai rman Mao* tho ught is the guide to our action. .v. “ 睡”过去式、过去分词( 18 ) get v. . “ 变 得 例 :The weather is g etting coIde r and colder. . “ 使变得” *J: I will get my haircut. . “ 到 达 例 :Wha t time do yo u get to sch ool every da y?. “ 取、拿”例:C ould you pie ase go and g et some chai k for me?(19 ) experiment(20 ) . n. “ 实验”例:Let me do an experime nt to see if it is true. .v . “ 做实验”例:He got the result by ex perimenting again and ag ain.( 21 ) land .n . “ 陆地例:Much land ha s changed in to desert. .v. ” 着陆、登陆“例:The spacesh ip danded on the moon su ccessfully.( 22 ) increase .n. “ 增加、增长”例 : The increas e of populat ion has boug ht many prob loms. .v .“ 增加、增长” 例:The n umber of the peapie is i increasing ra pidly.( 23 ) fa il v. . “ 失败”例:Though the y tried thei r best,they failed at la st. . “ 不及格” 例:He is too c areless to f ail the exam .(24 ) park .v . “ 停 放 ( 车 辆 ) “例:Don, t park your car her e. n. “ 公园”(25 ) dry .v .” 使, , 干” 例: We should dry o ur clothes i n the hot we ather. .adj. “ 干燥的”例 : Put the medicin e in a dry p lace.( 26 ) sav e .v . ” 节省、节约“例:Water sh ould be save d in our lif e. .v. “ 抢救、挽 救 例 :The doc tor has save d the boy9 s life.(27 ) res t .v . 休息” 例:Stop workin g to rest. .n . “ 休息”例:ha ve a rest(3). pron. “ 其余”例:Ten of them are boys.The rest are gi rls.(28 ) own .v . “ 拥 有 例 :D o you own a company? .a d j.” 自 己 的 例 :T his is my ow n bag.(29 ) preferv, “ 更喜欢” .prefer doi n g( sth. ) to doing ( sth.) 与, 相比,更喜欢 .p refer to do rather than do与相比,更喜欢( 30 ) sort .v .“ 分类、归类”例:W e sort the g arbage into three parts .n . “ 类 型 例 :A II sorts of questions ca b be asked.( 31 ) heat .v. 加热”例:Sea w ater cab be heat to get salt. .n . “ 热量” 例:The sun give us lig ht and heat.(32 ) litter .v . “ 丢垃圾”例:11 is bad to litter here and there. .n . 垃 圾 例 :Th ere is so mu ch litter in the river.(33 ) hold .v ,” 容纳例:The h ouse is big enough to ho Id 100 peopl e. .v . “ 举 行 例 :We will ho Id a meeting in a week. .v . “ 支 撑 例 :I ts legs were hut too bad ly to hold i ts heavy bod y. .n. “ 握 例 :catch hold of( 34 ) face .n . 脸 例 :He has a round face. .v. “ 面向”例:The sh op faces a m arcket.( 35 ) s tudy .n, “ 书房”例:There ar e a lot book s in his stu dy. .n. “ 学习、研究”例:The te acher is str ict in our s tudies.(3). v. “ 学习”例:The har der you stud y,the greate r progress y ou will get.(36 ) mistake . n. “ 错误” 例:I made a mita ke in the ex am. . v. “ 弄错”例:He often mistakes me for my broth er.(37 ) fall .n. “ 秋季”例:L eaves on tre es turn yell ow in fall.(2) . v . ” 下 落 例:T he man fell off his bike .(38 ) trouble .n. “ 麻烦”例:We should he Ip the peopl e in trouble . .v . ” 麻烦、打 扰 例 :I am sor ry yo troubl e you.(39 ) mi ss .v. “ 想念”例:I have bee n away from my parents f or years,! m iss them ver y much. .v .“ 错过、没赶上“例:H urry up, or you will mis s the bus.( 4 0) stay .v . “ 停留、呆 例 :I st ayed at home yesterday. .v . “ 保 持 例 :W alking after supper can help us stay healthy.(41 ) play .v , 玩 例 :play foo tball pla y the guitar .v. “ 戏剧”例:TV play .n .“ 播 放 例 :He pl ayed the mus ic and dance d along with it.(42 ) last .v . 持 续 例 :The rain has lasted for a few day. .adj. “ 上个、最后的last week ( 上 周 ) the last m an ( 最后一人)(43 ) stick .v. “ 张 贝 占 ”例:Plea se stick the map on the wall. .v . “ 坚 持 例 :He insi sted on wear ing a suit.(3) . n. “ 棍、枝条”例:The boy dre w a picture on the groun d with a sti ck.(4 4) folio w v. . “ 遵 循 例:We should f ollow our sc hool rules. . “ 跟着“例:A do g followed t he man all a long.(3) . “ 理 解 例 :You speak too fast J can not foil ow you.(4) . “ 效仿例:Do not f ollow others to do every thing.(45 ) pl ace .v . 放 置 例 :He placed it in a coo I and dry ro om. .n. “ 地方”例:The place I visited i s beautiful.(4 6) train .n . 火 车 例 :tak e a train b y train .v .“ 训 I练”例:He we nt to a Engl ish training school.(47 ) expectv. “ 期望” .expect t o do sth.例:I expect to be a tescher. .expect sb .to do sth/列:He expects me to be a tescher.(3), (3). expect tha t从句 例 J : He e xpectsthat I can be a te scher.(48 ) di rect . v . 导 演 例 :The pla y is directe d by him. .adj. “ 直接的“ 例:This is the direct reas on why you c an not be al lowed.(49 ) dr earn .v. “ 梦想”例:He dreams of being a polite.(3). n. 梦” 例: :I oft en have drea ms at night.(50 ) order .v .“ 命令 例:Th e captain or dered his me n to set off at once.V .“ 订 购 例 :Wo uld you like to order so me food for the party? .n. “ 顺序”例:Pu t them in a right order.(5 1) risk .n. “ 风险、冒险”例:T here is much risk to do it. .v . “ 冒险”例:Do not ri sk doing it.( 52 ) impress .n . “ 印 象 例 :H e is a kind man in my im press. .v. “ 给留下印象” 例:Th e places imp ressed me de eply.(53 ) wor k .n . 工 作 例 :What hard w ork it is! .n ,“ 著 作 例 :I have read hi s works. .v .“ 工 作 例 :How hard they ar e working!(5 4 ) hand .n . “ 手”例:We work with our ha nds. .n. “ 指针”例:The hour hand stoppe d pointing a t nine. .v .“ 递 例 :Please hand the bo ok to me.(55 ) change .n .“ 变化 例:Great changes hav e taken plac e in my home town. .v . “ 改 变 例 :Change the words in to Chinese.(5 6) aim .n . ”目的”例:My aim is to go to college. .v. “ 目的是“ 例:Th e article ai ms to tell u s how to lea rn English.( 57 ) free. adj. “ 空 闲 的 例 :Wh at do you do in your fre e time?. adj. “ 免费的“例:If you spent 2 0 dollar liv ing here,you can enjoy f ree food. a d j.“ 自由的、 例 :Let him fre e. .v . ” 使自 由 例:He did n ot want to f ree me.(5 8) r aise .v. “ 举起、提升“例:If yo u know the a nswer,please raise yor h ands. .v. “ 募集”例:The gov ernment has raised a lot of monet fo r them.(5 9) I ift .n . 电梯”例:There is something wi th the lift. .v. “ 抬起、举起“例:He is too weak to lif t the bag.(6 0 ) pack v . “ 打包” . 例 :“ pack into 例 :He p acked his cl othes into a bag. . 例 :“ pa ck with ”例:H e packed a b ag with his clothes.( 61 ) plan .n . “ 计划” 例:We made plan of buil ding a new s chool here. .v. “ 计划”例:p Ian to do打算做某事plan on d oing对做某事做出计划(62 ) complete .adj. “ 完全的、”例:Please m ake a comple te sentence by yourself. .v . 完 成 例 :We can compl ete finishin g the work i n three days .( 63 ) master .n . 主人 例:T he master of the house i s very kind to his serva nts. .v. “ 掌握、精通 : It is important t o master cop uter skills.( 64 ) show .n . 展 览 例 :Ther are many ki nds of shoes on show. .v . ” 展示、出示、表明“例:Please sh ow your watc h to me. .show up “ 露面”例:He never sh ows up in pu blic.( 65 ) int erest .n. “ 兴趣” 例:I take an interest in English. .v . ” 使感兴趣”例:The book i nterests me very much.(6 6) enter v. “ 进入” .go into” 例:He ente red the shop to buy a bi ke. .“come into” 例:Come here and ent er my room.( 67 ) have v. .“ 有 修 !I : I have a new car. . “ 吃、喝”例:hav e supper hav e water hav e rice . “ 进行”例:have a ga me have a t alk have a meeting . “ 使、让”A. have sb . do=let sb.do 例:I will have him do the work.B. have sb. doi ng=keep sb.doing 例:It is not allowed to have stu ents standin g when theymake mistake s.C. have sb.done=ask sb . to do / ij: I w ill have my hair cut=l w ill ask sb.to cut my ha ir.( 68 ) type . n . “ 类 型 例 :It is one of types of po llution. . v . “ 打 字 例 : Can you help me to type the article?总之,在教学中,教师要“ 授之以渔” ,教育学生要心细手勤,多思善问,求同寻异,在初中教学范围内,我认为应该提醒学生围绕下列几个方面来归纳、总结、积累相关知识:1 . 语法:如少数动词( come go leave fly等 ) 的进行时可表示将来时。2 . 主动语态与被动语态。3 . 及物与不及物:如正:S th. happens to sb.错:Sb.happens sth. ( happen 不及物) 。4 . 延续与非延续:如错:I have come here f or a day ( com e 非延续, 不与时间段连用) 。正:I have bee n here for a day ( 系表结构延续, 能与时间段连用) 。5 . 动作与状态:如 “ put o n ” 强调动作一非延续一不与时间段连用。“wear ”强调状态一延续一能与时间段连用。6 . 同义与反义:如 deed doing = need to be done,borrow 与 lend 词义相反。7 . 区别与联系:如 “cost ” 和 “spend” 词义相同, 前者人作主语, 后者物作主语。8 . 词组与短语:如 can t help doing,pay attenti on to在运用之时,注意一下几个问题:1 .不及物动词无被动语态。2 .非延续动词不能与时间段连用( 否定句除外) 。3 .并列结构通常遵循性质一致原则( 如原形、过去式等) o4 .被动语态中不定式不省略“to”。二. 情态动词情态动词在句中往往不能独立做谓语,与行为动词或系动词原形构成合成谓语。1 .基本用法:情态动词加动原,不随主语人称变;否定常需not帮,疑问提到主语前。2 .情态动词小结:can could may might must will would shall should darehad better ought to havehashad to be able to need3 . 举例说明:(1) . can. 能够” ( 常用于一般现在时) 例:I start s o early so t hat I can ge t to school on time. “ 可能“ ,表示推测“ 肯 定 例:H e has gone t o Beijing, S o he can not be at work now.(2) . c ould. 能 够 ( 用于一般过去时) 例:I s tarted so la te that I co uld not catc h the bus. . “ 能够” ( 用于一般现在时,表示更加委婉的语气) 例:Cou Id you pleas e help me?(3) . “ 可能”,表示推测“ 肯 定 例 : He could not be at home because I ha d seen him a tschool.(3) . may. “ 可以 ( 用于一般现在时) 例:You may do it now o r tomorrow. . “ 可能 ( 用于一般现在时,表示推测且可能性较小) 例:He can not come to school because he ma y be ill.(4) . might:“ 可以” ( may的一般过去时)(5) . must. “ 必须、一定”表示主观意愿 例:We must stu dy hard for our country. “ 一定” , 表示推测, 可能性较大例:The book must be his because his name is on it.(6) . will “ 愿意” ( 用于一般现在时,表示委婉语气适用于主语是所有人称. 例:W ill youplea se giveme a hand?(7) . would “ 愿意” :用于一般现在或一般过去时,比will语气更委婉,适用于主语是所有人称. . 例:Would he I ike somethin g to eat?(8) . shall “ 愿意” :用于一般现在时,表示委婉语气适用于主语是第一人称。S hall we start?(9). should “ 应该 :表示主观意愿,用于各种时态和所有人称。例:We should work hard.(10) . dare “ 敢 例 :Ho w dare you s ay that?(ID. had better “ 最好”:变疑问“ had” 提到主语前,变否定在better后 加 “ not”伊 ij : You had bet ter not be I ate next tim e. .oughtt。“ 理应” : 变疑问ought” 提到主语前,变否定在“ ought” 后 加 “ not”例:He o ughtnJ t to d o such thing s. .havehashad to “ 不得不”: 表示客观因素的迫使。变疑问和否定借助do/d oes/did.例:D o I have to finish my ho mework tonig ht?( 1 4 ) . be abl e to “ 能够” ( 有各种时态) 例:You wil I be able to do it well.( 1 5 ) . need “ 必要” :用于一般现在时。例:Yo u need not w rite it agai n三 . 连系动词连系动词有一定意义,但不完整,与表语共同构成句子的谓语。其形式随时态及主语人称和数的变化而变化,细而言之:时态 系动词be 非 be系动词( 如 look ) 备 注一 般 现 在 时 is/am /are 原形 或三单一 般 过 去 时 was/were过 去 式一般将来时 will/ shal I + be will/sha II + 原形 划线:助动词be going to + be be going to 原形 Be: is/a m/are过去将来时 wo uld/shoud + b e would/shoud + 原形 划线:助动词be going to + b e be going to + 原形 Be: was /were现在完成时 ha ve/has + been have/has + be en + 过去分词 划线:助动词过 去 完 成 时 had + been词 had + been +过去分词 同上含情态动词 情态动词+ be 情态动词+ 原形1 .连系动词也有非谓语形式。2 . 非 be 系动词小结:look sound s melt taste s eem feel get become go t urn grow 等。四. 助动词助动词没有实际意义,用来帮助构成疑问、否定、语态或时态等。如:构成进行时的is/am/are/ was/were,构成将来时的 w ill/ shall/would/shoud,构成完成时的 have/h as/ had,构成被动语态的be等。至此,讲解了动词的四中形式,明确谓语形式和非谓语形式,就动词如何运用做一总结:谓语一语态或时态;非谓语一不定式/ 动名词/ 现在分词/ 过去分词。变否定:通常如果句中有系动词( be ) 、情态动词( 个别除外,如 h ave to 八 助动词直接在其后加“ not”;否则在谓语前加don t/doesn t 或 did n 3同时谓语动词改原形;变疑问:通常如果陈述句句中有系动词( be ) 、情态动词( 个别除外,如 h ave to ) 、助动词直接提到句首;否则,在句首加do /doe或 di d , 同时谓语动词改原形。中考复习专项练习一动词时态、语态I. 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. It is a fine day. The s u n ( s h in e ) brightly.2. T h e y ( v is it ) the Science Museum next Sunday.3. Mr B r o w n (liv e ) in Beijing since he came to China.4. Mr W a n g (te a c h ) us English two years ago.5. The S m i t h s ( watch) TV at this time last night.6. W e (le a r n ) about ten English songs by the end of last term.7. Father said that h e ( b u y ) a new bike for me the next Friday.8. Bill isnt here. He_(chat) with his friends in the classroom.9. The teacher said that the m o o n ( g o ) round the earth.10. The Young Pioneers will go to the zoo if i t ( n o t rain) this Sunday.11. Listen! T h e y ( t a lk ) about the new film.12. Jim asked us w h a t(h a p p e n ) in China in 1976.13. My mobile p h o n e (s t e a l) on a bus last week.14. The host_ (interview) the little boy just now.15. The Greens_ (watch) TV now.16. He said that h e ( r i n g ) me up when he got there.17. W e ( le a r n ) English for about three years.18. My b ro th e r(jo in ) the League in 1997.19. The farmers_ (pick) apples when I saw them.20. The red skirt_ (cost) the girl forty yuan.21. The film (b e g in ) when I got to the cinema.22. The girl told me that she wanted to be an English teacher when s h e (g r o w ) up.23. My sister is a student and she_ (study) at a middle school nearby.24. Mr Green_ (travel) to several places in South China since he came here.25. Y o u (c a t c h ) the early bus if you get up early.26. y ou been_ (wear) glasses all the time?27. Ill go home as soon as I ( f i n i s h ) my homework.29. Most science books a r e ( w r it e ) in English.30.1 ( s t a y ) there for two months last year.I I . 根据句意,选择填空。31 . Tell Lily to call me as soon as s he.A. will arrive B. gets there C. has gone D. reach here32 . - Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? -I well last night.A. didnt sleep B. dont sleep C. havent slept D. wont sleep33 . - - 一 Excuse me, look at the sign over there, please. Could you stop smoking?-Sorry, I that.A. didn/t see B. dont see C. wont see D. cant see34 . -W ell, I found this. I think it must be yours.- - My watch! Thank you. Where it.A. do you find B. had you found C. were you finding D. did you find35 . Don you know when Dr White_ for dinner this evening?-N o, but I think he when he is free.A. will come; comes B. will come; will comeC. comes; comes D. comes; will come36 . Look at those black clouds. It rain. Lets hurry.A. maybe B. would C. has D. is going to37 . - - 一 Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. -Really? Where he?A. has; gone B. will; go C. did; go D. does; go38 . -Shall we go shopping now? - - 一 Sorry, I cant. I my shirts.A. wash B. washes C. washed C. am washing39 .-1 called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.-O h, I am sorry. I dinner at my friends home.A. have B. had C. was having D. have had40 . The Oriental Pearl TV Tower thousands of visitors since 1995.A. attracted B. attracts C. has attracted D. will attract41. -you your e-mails today?-Not yet. Theres something wrong with my computer.A. Have; checked B. Did; check C. Do; check D. Are; checking42 .- How do you like Beijing, Mr Sm ith?-Oh, I_ such a beautiful city before.A. don*t visit B. didnt visit C. havent visited D. hadnt visited43 . -Tom, may I borrow your book Chicken Soup? -一Sorry, I it to Mary.A. lent B. have lent C. had lent D. lend44 .- Mum, may I go out to play football?-you your homework yet?A. Have; finished B. Do; finished C. Are; finishing D. Did; finish45 . -The train is leaving right novy, but David hasnt arrived yet.- 一Well, he said he_here on time.A. came B. will be C. would come D. can be46.- Why didnt you go to the cinema yesterday? -Because I the film before.A. had seen B. have seen C. have watched D. has watched47.1 dont think John saw me. He_ a book at that moment.A. just read B. has just read C. was just reading D. had just read48. Mr Smith_ a book about China last year but I dont know whether he has finished it.A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing49. Mr White the newspaper while his daughter TV.A. has read; was watching B. was reading; watchedC. was reading; was watching D. reading; watched50. - 1 you at the meeting. Why? - - I was ill.A. saw B. have seen C. not see D. didnt see51. The 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.A. hold B. will hold C. will be held D. held52. Hurry up! The play for ten minutes.A. has been on B. has begun C. had begun D. began53. -M ay I speak to Mr Smith? -Sorry, he Australia. But he in two days.A. has been to; will come back B. has gone to; will be backC. has been in; would come back D. is leaving for; doesnt come back54.1 cant go to the theater tonight because I my ticket.A. have lost B. had lost C. will lose D. was losing55 . 一 一What a nice bike! How long you it? 一 一Just two weeks.A. have; bought B. did; buy C. have; had D. are; having56 .一 一Im sorry to have kept you waiting.-O h, not at all. I here only for a few minutes.A. have come B. had been C. was D. have been57. - - _ my dictionary anywhere? - - Yes. I saw it on your desk a moment ago.A. Did you see B. If you see C. Had you seen D. Would you see58. We were all surprised when he mad it clear that he office soon.A. leaves B. would leave C. will leave D. had left59. Mrs Smith her keys in the office, so she had to wait until her husband home.A. has left; comes B. left; had come C. had left; would come D. had left; came60. -W hat did your son say in the letter?- - 一 He told me that he_ the Disneyland the next day.A. would visit B. has visit C. is going to visit D. will visit61. In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served62.- Did you win the basketball gam e?- - Bad luck. Our team in the end.A. won B. beat C. was won D. was beaten63.1 believe that those mountains with trees in a few years.A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover64.1 like my new bike. It_ very well.A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden65.-Do you think this kind of apple_ well? - - 一 No, I dont think so.A. have sold B. sells C. are sold D. would sell66.1 wasnt at home yesterday. I to help with the harvest on the farm.A. asked B. was asked C. was asking D. had asked67. How sweet the music_! I have never heard a better piece.A. sounded B. is sounded C. is sounded to be D. sounds68. 一 一 Can you tell me whom the play_ in 1998? -Sorry, I dont know.A. was written by B. was written C. is written by D. is written69. What does the sentence Dont trouble trouble till trouble_ you mean?-Sorry, I have no idea.A. trouble B. troubles C. troubled D. will trouble70. Do you think an English film tomorrow night?A. there is B. there is going to have C. there is going to be D. there was71. Almost all the water_ gone. Please save water!A. are B. is C. have D. were72. Jane_ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy73. -W ho jumps the farthest in your school? - - H e n r y .A. does B. jumps C. has D. did74. You were on the farm yesterd ay,yo u ?A. didnt B. dont C. arent D. werent75. Li Ping studied h a r d ,h e ?A. was B. did C. wasnt D. didnt76. Both Kate and I_ready for the picnic now.A. is not B. is getting C. are getting D. am getting77. A talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week.A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give78. - - I hear your father to Japan once. -Yes. He there last year.A. went; has been B. has been; went C. goes; went D. has been; has been79. -M ike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.-Of course. But if it, well visit the museum instead.A. you have; will rain B. you will have; will rainC. you will have; rains D. will you have; rains80. -M y good friend, Mike, wants to be a soldier when he grows up. -S o I.A. do B. am C. will D. should81. It_ ten years since they_ to France.A. was; moved B. was; have moved C. has; have moved D. has been; moved82. He_ wait until the r a i n .A. won*t; will stop B. wont; stop C. will; stops D. will; will stop83. -So you went to see the film with Tom. -Yes, but Bob with us.A. wont go B. isnt going C. doesn*t go D. didnt go84. -Your name again? I quite catch it. -Federico MacAdam.A. didnt B. dont C. wouldnt D. wont参考答案:1.1. shines/ is shining 2. are going to/ will visit 3. has lived 4. taught5. were watching 6. had learned 7. would buy 8. is chatting 9. goes 10. doesnt rain 11. aretalking 12. happened 13. was stolen 14. interviewed 15. are watching16. would ring 17. have learned 18. joined 19. were picking 20. cost21. had begun 22. grew 23. studies 24. has traveled 25. will catch26. Have; wearing 27. finish 28. havent heard 29. written 30. stayedII. 31-35 BAADB 36-40 DBDCC 41-45 ACBAC 46-50 ACDCD 51-55 CABAC 56-60 DABDA 61-65 BDBAB 66-70 BDABC 71-75 BCADD 76-80 CCBCA 81-84 DCDA
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