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【 考研英语】2021年3月上海师范大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道( 附答案解析)第1题 【 单选题】Drug use accounts for approximately three-quarters of all reportedcases of HIV in the country.A、possiblyB、roughlyC、generallyD、specificly【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】approximately大致地,近似地。roughly大体上,大致上。参考译文:在那个国家,在所报道的所有艾滋病病例中,吸毒者约占75%。第2题 【 单选题】I four universities and was accepted by all of them.A、applied toB、applied fromC、applied inD、applied off【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】题目意思:我申请了四所大学,并都被他们录取了。apply t o向 正式申请;向 要求,答案选A。第3题 【 单选题】Excessive weight gain doesnt do you any good.A、过分的B、扩大的C、进化的D、非常【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】excessive adj.过多的,极度的;过分的。第4题 【 单选题】He wrote a lot of novels, none o f translated into a foreignlanguage.A、themB、whichC、itD、what【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】此题的答案是A ,注意此句不是并列句也不是含有非限制性定语从句的复合句。逗号后面其实是一个独立结构。translated不是谓语, 而是一个非谓语动词( 过去分词) ,所 以 假 若 在translated前加一个助动词w a s,则此题应选(which),构成一个非限制性定语从句。第5题 【 单选题】The furniture is the modern style of the house.A、consistent withB、coping withC、dealing withD、sticking with【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】be consistent with:与一致。答案选A。第6题 【 单选题】the few who have failed in their examination, all the otherstudents in the hall are in very high spirits.A、In spite thatB、But forC、Apart fromD、For the sake of【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】 apart from 除 之外, 只有该词组符合题意。第7题 【 单选题】Every student and every t e a c h e r .A、are going to attend the meetingB、have attended the meetingC、has attended the meetingD、is attended the meeting【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】 代词each和由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each, every,谓语需用单数。第8题 【 单选题】The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a farcry from the old sea wolf of my imagination.A、站在我面前的这位身材高大、 衣着讲究的先生,当然是像我想象中的老海狼发出的一声遥远的呼唤了。B、一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,发出的一声遥远的呼唤,像我想象中的老海狼。C、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。D、 站在我面前的是一位身材高大、 衣着讲究的先生, 与我想象中的老海怪一样发出了长长的叫声。【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】standing before me”是现在分词短语, 作定语,修辞gentleman,译成汉语可放在句首。a far cry fromsth/doing sth”是习语, 意思是:a very different experience fromsth/doing sth与某事物 做某事物 大不相同。wolf是狼的意思,“sea wolf在这里是指海员,海员因长期在海上航行,在常人眼里有点怪异,译作 海怪” 比较贴切。第9题 【 单选题】Because Helen is his wife, it is difficult for Alan to be about hertalent.A、subjectiveB、objectiveC、impressiveD、persuasive【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】subjective主观的。objective客观的。impressive印象深刻的。persuasive善于游说的。第10题 【 单选题】the new plan can be carried out will be discussed at themeeting tomorrow.A、WhichB、WhatC、 ThatD Whether【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】 句意为, 是否执行新的计划将在明天的会议上进行讨论。因此答案为D。第11题 【 单选题】These rules dont a l wa y s .A、appliesB、applyC、applyingD applied【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】题目意思:这些规则并非总能行得通。本题用apply原形,答案选B。第12题 【 单选题】Its impossible to detach oneself from reality.A、scatterB、separateC、reformD、prescribe【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】 detach 分离; 派遣; 使超然; separate分开;隔开;分居。第13题 【 单选题】Man/s life is often compared a candle.A、asB、forC、withD、to【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】be compared to: 被比喻为。句意:人生常被喻为蜡烛。答案选D。第14题 【 单选题】The clever boy made a hole in the wa l l , h e could seewas going on inside house.A、which; whatB、through which; whatC、through that; whatD what; that【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】through which引导定语从句,through which即through the hole,在定语从句中作状语.What引导的是see的宾语从句,并作从句的主语.第15题 【 单选题】The U.S. decided t h a t , i t s increasing trade deficit, it would have totighten important restriction.A、in view ofB、with regard toC、in respect ofD、in the light of【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】in view of鉴于。with regard to关于/ 作为答复。in respect of 关于/ 谈及。in the light of 根据。第16题 【 单选题】me to give you some advice.A、PurchaseB、 EssenceC、PermitD、 Bound【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】Permit许 可 ; 允 许 。第 17 题 Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a textabout world/s first DNA computers. Choose the most suitable headingfrom the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (1-5). The first and lastparagraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra headingwhich you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points) AThe ability of DNA to store informationBExamples forthe future use of DNA computersCThe advantage of DNAcomputersDThe research of DNA computers is at the beginningstageEThe working principle of the microscopic computersFTheevaluation made by the researching team on DNA computerslsraeliscientists have built a DNA computer so tiny that a trillion of them couldfit in a test tube and perform a billion operations per second with 99.8percent accuracy.l) It is the first programmableautonomous computing machine in which the input, output, softwareand hardware are all made of biomolecules. Instead of using fires andformulas to solve a problem, the microscopic computer/s input, outputand software are made up of DNA moleculeswhich store and processencoded information in living organisms.2)Scientistssee such DNA computers as future competitors to their moreconventional cousins because miniaturization is reaching its limits andDNA has the potential to be much faster than conventional computers.“We have built a nanoscale computer made of biomolecules that is sosmall you cannot run them one at a time. When a trillion computers runtogether they are capable of performing a billion operations, said EhudShapiro, Professor of the Weitzman Institute in Israel.3)Although too simple to have any immediateapplications it could form the basis of a DNA computer in the future thatcould potentially operate within human cells and act as a monitoringdevice to detect potentially, disease-causing changes and synthesizedrugs to fix them. The model could also form the basis of computers thatcould be used to screen DNA libraries in parallel without sequencingeach molecule, which could speed up the acquisition of knowledgeabout DNA.4) DNA can hold more information in acubic centimeter than a trillion CDs. The double helix molecule thatcontains human genes stores data on four chemical basesknown bythe letters A ,1。and Ggiving it massive memory capability thatscientists are only just beginning to tap into.The living cell containsincredible molecular machines that manipulate information-encodingmolecules such as DNA and RNA in ways that are fundamentally verysimilar to computation/ said Shapiro, the head of the research team thatdeveloped the DNA computer, Since we don/t know how to effectivelymodify these machines or create new ones just yet, the trick is to findnaturally existing machines that, when combined, can be steered toactually compute, he added.5)Writing in the sciencejournal Nature, Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer theautomaton which can answer certain yes or no questions. Data isrepresented by pairs of molecules on a strand of DNA and two naturallyoccurring enzymes act as the hardware to read, copy and manipulate thecode. When it is all mixed together in the test tube, the software andhardware operate on the input molecule to create the output.DNAcomputing is a very young branch of science that started less than adecade ago, when Leonard Adleman of the University of SouthernCalifornia pioneered the field by using DNA in a test tube to solve amathematical problem.Scientists around the globe are now trying tomarry computer technology and biology by using nature/s own design toprocess information.【 正确答案】ECBAF【 答案解析】1)【 答案】E【 解析】 本段位于整篇文章第二段,在第一段概括介绍之后,这一段具体说明此类计算机的工作原理, 故选Eo 2)【 答案】C【 解析】 本段第一句话介绍说DNA计算机具有较传统计算机运行速度更快的优势,之后通过以色列教授的话具体肯定, 故整段是围绕DNA计算机的优势展开,选C。3)【 答案】B【 解析】本段主要是对DNA计算机在未来应用的展望,包括可以被植入人体细胞内,作为监控装置检测出潜在的致病变化,并合成药物 修理致病变化,还可以并行方式而非按顺序筛选DNA资料库, 这样要可以加快人们对DNA知识的获取,故 选Bo 4)【 答案】A【 解析】本段第一句话说明每立方厘米DNA上可容纳的信息要比一万亿张光盘存储的容量还要多。由此可推断本段主要在介绍DNA存储信息的巨大能力,故选A。5)【 答案】F【 解析】此段第一句话引用 自然科学杂志刊登的一篇文章,说明在沙皮罗和研究小组成员的眼中,DNA计算机是一种何种性质的装置,故 选F。第18题 【 单选题】The relationship between employers and employees has been studiedA、originallyB、extremelyC、violentlyD、intensively【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】originally原始的/ 原版的/ 独创的。extremely极度的。violently暴力的。intensively深入的/ 细致的。第19题 【 单选题】When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down,either on board ship or on shore.A、当鲸鱼被杀死之后, 鲸脂被剥下来熬油, 有时候是在船上进行的,有时候是在岸上进行的。B、当鲸鱼被杀死之后, 把鲸脂剥下来熬油,这项工作有的是在船上进行的,有的是在岸上进行的。C、鲸鱼杀死之后,鲸脂被剥下来熬油,有时候是在船上进行的,有时候是在岸上进行的。D、鲸鱼杀死之后, 把鲸脂剥下来熬油, 这项工作有的是在船上进行的,有的是在岸上进行的。【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答 案 选D o本题考查的知识点为被动语态。此处原文是被动语态,但译文不一定说 鲸鱼被杀死之后 ,不用 被 字仍可表示被动的含义。第20题 【 单选题】Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are notreligious but commercial, and forever happy. Fast-food eaters, newsanchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling. Our magazinesfeature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. Andsince these messages have an agendato lure us to open ourwalletsthey make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable.“Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, beforewe found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.In the authorsopinion, a d v e r t is in g .A、emerges in the wake of the anti团 happy artB、is a cause of disappointment for the general publicC、replaces the church as a major source of informationD、creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答 案 选 D o观点态度题。本段第4 句指出,商业 文 化 ( 其代表就是广告)传达快乐信息的目的是诱使我们打开钱包, 而这使快乐的概念本身变得不可信了。 接着指出,我们忘记了,幸福不仅仅是没有痛苦的享乐,那些带来最大快乐的东西同时也最有可能带来巨大的损失和失望。由此可知, 广告带给我们的快乐是一种不真实的感受。 因此D正确。第21题 【 单选题】Two little boys in particular caught our attentionA、两个小男孩特别注意我们。团B、两个特别的小男孩子尤其引起我们的注意。C、两个穿着特别的小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。团D、两个小男孩尤其引起我们的注意。【 正确答案】D第22题 【 单选题】No longer. The Internet and pressure from funding agencies, who arequestioning why commercial publishers are making money fromgovernment-funded research by restricting access to it- is making accessto scientific results a reality. The Organization for Economic Co-operationand Development (OECD) has just issued a report describing thefar-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton ofVictoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makesheavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now,been a key element of scientific endeavor.Which of the following is trueof the OECD report?A、It criticizes government-funded research.B、 It introduces an effective means of publication.C、It upsets profit-ma king journal publishers.D、 It benefits scientific research considerably.【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答 案 选C o事实细节题。本段显示:大多数期刊都已开始通过互联网出版,O ECD的研究报告表明,新出版模式将给科学研究带来变化, 并将产生深远的影响。makeheavy reading的含义是 读来让人感到心情沉重 ,即依靠传统期刊出版模式盈利的机构会感受到巨大压力。因此选项C是正确答案。选项A在原文中并没有提及;选项B中的问题出在“ 介绍一种有效的出版模式的表述上,OECD的研究报告只是对出版新模式的将来进行客观评估与预测,并没有说它目前已经产生了效果;D的问题在于, 报告本身并不能“ 给科研带来了相当大的好处。第23题 【 单选题】Mothers Day is a special day for everyone! We use this day to honor ourmothers all over the w o r l d ! I t is held on the second Sunday ofMay in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and the United States.It is held exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday in the UnitedKingdom. Sundays are usually non-school and non-working days in thesecountries.A、She wanted to memory her mother, Ann Jarvis.B、When is the earliest Mothers Day celebrationC、 Many families begin Mothers Day with breakfast in bed.D Mothers Day falls on different days in different the countries.【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答案选D。首段前两句话点名了文章的主题是关于母亲节的。要选择正确的空格内容,首先要判定空格后面出现的i t指的是什么。通读首段,不难发现,i t指的是不同国家母亲节的日子。纵览各选项,只有D选项最符合上下文语境。第24题 【 单选题】Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999, Oseola McCarty, anelderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame housewhere she had lived and worked most of her life. It may seem like anordinary end to a humble life, but there was something quite exceptionalabout this woman. In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave $ 150,000,most of the money she had saved throughout her life, to the Universityof Southern Mississippi in her hometown. The money was to help otherAfrican Americans through university. She had started her savings habitas a young child when she would return from school to clean and iron formoney which she would then save.This woman shocked and inspired theworld b e c a u s e .A、she had managed to save so much moneyB、she gave her money to African AmericansC、she gave her life savings to help others through universityD、she only spent money on cheap things【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】only是绝对词,在选项D 中出现,根据经验排除 D;对照原文第一自然段最后一句话there was somethingquite exceptional about this woman 说她有些特别的地方,接着第二自然段就讲 In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave$ 150,000, most of the money she had saved throughout herlife, to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown.她把大部分积攒的钱捐献给了家乡的大学,A 和 B 表达都不全面,答案是C。第25题 【 单选题】This television program provoked a spirited debate in the UnitedKingdom.A、disputeB、issueC、lumpD、prejudice【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 debate辩论; 辩论会; dispute辩论; 争吵。第26题 【 单选题】On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for theincomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famousthroughout the world.A、 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们的无可比拟的盛情款待表示感谢。中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。B、 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢, 感谢你们的闻名世界的无可比拟的盛情款待。C、 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢, 感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。D、 我谨代表你们所有的美国客人感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待。中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界,果然名不虚传。【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答 案 选C o本题考查的知识点为句子结构。这一句较长,先说“ 向你们表示感谢,停顿一下,再说“ 感谢你们的 ,而不直接说“ 感谢你们的 。第27题 【 单选题】Between the two rows of trees the teaching building.A、standB、standsC、standingD、are【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】这是个倒装句, 主语是the teaching building,所以谓语动词用单数形式。第28题 【 单选题】Let/s the bird from the case.OA、liberateB、putC、setD、free【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】 句意:咱们把鸟从笼子里放了吧。free意为“ 使自由; 释放” ,常与from连用;liberate意为 释放 ;put不能和from连用;set后面接from的时候还要加free,即set freefrom.第29题 【 单选题】We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we havecommon interests which transcend those differences.A、现在我们有很大的分歧。但使我们走到一起的,是我们有跨越这些分歧的共同利益。B、今天我们有巨大的不同。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些不同的共同利益。C、今天我们有巨大的分歧。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些分歧的共同利益。D、 今天我们有巨大的不同。 使我们来到一起的, 是我们有超过这些不同的共同兴趣。【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答案选C。great differences在句子中表示的是“ 巨大的分歧的意思; interests在本句中不是表示“ 兴趣, 而是表示双方之间共同的利益。第30题 【 单选题】The little boy still needs the 20 dollars to do with some thingsA、remaining; remained to be settledB、remaining; remaining to be settledC、remained; remained to settleD、remained; remaining to settle【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】第一个remaining用作形容词, 作 剩下的解; 第二 个 remaining to be settled是-ing形式短语作定语。第31题 【 单选题】me to give you some advice.A、PurchaseB、 EssenceC、PermitD、 Bound【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】Permit许可;允许。第32题 【 单选题】The furniture is the modern style of the house.A、consistent withB、coping withC、dealing withD sticking with【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】be consistent with:与一致。答案选A。第33题 【 单选题】There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil.A、以钻探的方法找石油有很大的偶然性。B、以钻探的方法找石油全靠运气了。C、钻探石油有很大的偶然性。D、钻探石油是很幸运的事。【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答案选C。drilling for o il表示 钻探石油;a lotof luck本意表示的是“ 运气,在本句中可以翻译为“ 偶然性第34题 【 单选题】the few who have failed in their examination, all the otherstudents in the hall are in very high spirits.A、In spite thatB、But forC、Apart fromD、For the sake of【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】apart from“ 除. . . . . . 之外, 只有该词组符合题意。第35题 【 单选题】Many people act on without counting the cost.A、failB、impulseC、outlineD、 rate【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】impulse冲动; 电子脉冲;刺激;神经冲动;推 动 力 。第36题 【 单选题】For their own safety, household pets should be confined to their ownyard.A、tamedB、regainedC、restrictedD contained【 正 确 答 案 】C【 答 案 解 析 】confine限 制 。restrict限 制 ,约 束 。参 考 课 文 :为 了 自 身 安 全 ,家 养 究 物 应 该 关 在 主 人 自 己 的 后 院 中 。第37题 【 单选题】As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental supportdepends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense,society must pay for. In her book No Exit: What Parents Owe TheirChildren and What Society Owes Parents, she argues that parents areburdened in many ways in their lives: there is “no exit“ when it comes tochildren. Society expectsand needsparents to provide their childrenwith continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate care that humanbeings need to develop their intellectual, emotional, and moralcapabilities. And society expectsand needsparents to persist in theirrole for 18 years, or longer if needed/What is Professor Anne AI stottsargument for parental support?A、 Good parenting benefits society.B、The cost of raising children in the US has been growing.C、The US should keep up with other developed countries.D、Children need continuous care.【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】答案选A o 推理判断题。本段提到,社会也需要家长们对他们的孩子付出关爱,因为良好的父母教养能造福于社会, 应选A 项。 B 项“ 抚养孩子的成本在美国已越来越大 ,C 项“ 美国应该赶上其他发达国家,这两项在文中均未提及;D 项 儿童需要持续的照顾 ,是对文中的parents toprovide their children with continuity of care 设置的干扰项。第38题 【 单选题】The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark, and thelabourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness.A、 在农村, 人们从早到晚都得干活, 劳动者并不是沐浴在阳光下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。B、在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是沐浴在阳光下,而是贫困和黑暗0C、在这个国家,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是生活在阳光下,而是挣扎在贫穷和黑暗之中。D、 在这个国家, 人们从早到晚都得干活, 劳动者不是沐浴在阳光下,而是贫穷和黑暗。【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】答案选A o本题考查的知识点为理解原意。有些很普通的词语,我们很熟悉,一见到,便首先想到他们最基本的含义或最常见的含义。 在此题中,“country并不是“ 国家 ,而是指“ 农村。第39题 【 单选题】Cheese is really a good lure for mice.A、许可,准许B、诱惑C、要求,渴望D、焦点【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】lure n .诱惑;饵;诱惑物。第40题 【 单选题】A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control ofinsects is available.A、 除了对昆虫的化学控制外, 还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。B、 除了用化学方法控制昆虫以外, 还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。C、 在对昆虫的化学控制方法外, 有各种各样非常奇妙的方法可以利用。D、 在用化学方法控制昆虫方面, 有各种各样非常奇妙的方法可以利用。【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】答案选B。本题考查的知识点为名词短语。thechemical control of insects不要译作“ 对昆虫的化学控制” ,这样译太费解。 把这个名词短语译作动宾结构, 可译作“ 用化学方法控制昆虫” 。第41题 【 单选题】We have to modify our plan a little bit.A、reduceB、sufferC、adjustD、utilize【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】m odify修改, 修饰; 更改;adjust调整, 使适合O第42题 【 单选题】At twenty-two, he had first learned what it is to a Negro.A、他 22岁时,生平第一次尝到了对待黑人的滋味。B、他 22岁时,生平第一次懂得了如何做一个黑人。C、他 22岁时,生平第一次知道了黑人意味着什么。D、他 22岁时,生平第一次知道是如何对待黑人的。【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 本题解题的关键是what it is to a Negro,表示的意思是:对待黑人的滋味。第43题 【 单选题】This train will terminate at Sheffield.A、endB sympathyC、campaignD、attribute【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】terminate使终止;使结束;解雇;e n d结束,终止;终结。第44题 【 单选题】The violence within a society is controlled through institutions oflaw .The more developed a legal system becomes, the more society takesresponsibility for the discovery, control, and punishment of violent acts.In most tribal societies the only means to deal with an act of violence isrevenge. Each family group may have the responsibility for personallycarrying out judgment and punishment upon the person who committedthe offense. But in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomesdepersonalized and diffused. The society assumes the responsibility forprotecting individuals from violence. In cases where they cannot beprotected, the society is responsible for imposing punishment. In a statecontrolled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle ofrevenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state assumesresponsibility for their protection. What does the author mean bysaying ” in legal systems, the responsibility for revenge becomesdepersonalized and diffused/7?A、Legal systems greatly reduce the possibilities of physical violence.B、Offenses against individuals are no longer judged on a personalbasis.C、 Victims of violence find it more difficult to take revenge.D Punishment is not carried out directly by the individuals involved.【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】解题时要注意题干中这句话开头的but一词,既然该句是由b u t引导的转折,则上文往往是理解该题的关键。在上面一句中,作者提到在部落社会中,对犯罪者的审判和惩罚往往由家族进行,接下来话锋一转,说在法律系统中,这种报复的责任已经非个人化了、分散了,也就是说,不是由所涉及的个人来进行了,故D正确。第45题 【 单选题】I am sure that you are asking. How does a rocket fly?lf you want toknow, get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big. Do not tie upthe neck of the balloon. Let go! The balloon will fly off through the airvery quickly. The air inside the balloon tries to get out. It rushes outthrough neck of the ball and this pushes the balloon through the air. Itdoes not need wings like an air plane.A rocket can fly to the moonb e c a u s e .A、it looks like a balloonB、it is much lighter than an airplaneC、it doesnt have wingsD、it works like an untied balloon【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】本段都在讲述气球的飞行原理,来解释火箭的工作原理,因此选D。第46题 【 单选题】She can be very annoying sometimes, but I think you shouldapologize for being so rude to her.A、all the sameB、once in a whileC、in actual factD、all the time【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】答案选A。all the same意为 尽管如此,与本题题意相符。第47题 【 单选题】It is necessary that a college student at least a foreignlanguage.A、mastersB、should masterC、masteredD、will master【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】It is necessary (clear / true / strange/ important/wonderful / possible / likely.) that.,这类主语从句中,谓语动词多为(should) +动词原形,即要用虚拟语气。第48题 【 单选题】Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hidethe fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by theCouncil of Europe, of which 21 counties are members, have shown that45 per cent of reptile ( 爬行类的)species and 24 per cent of butterfliesare in danger of dying out.Recent studies by the council of Europe haveindicated t hat .A、wildlife needs more protection only in Britain.B、all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out.C、there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe thanelsewhere.D、many species of reptiles an butterflies in Europe need protecting.【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答 案 选D o本段的第二个句子是这么说的:有21个国家组成的欧洲委员会的研究表明,45%的爬行动物和24%的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。由此可见,D是正确的答案。第49题 【 单选题】The government on purchase of cars was 80 billion yuan in 2008,and use and maintenance amounts to around 300 billion yuan a year.A、spendingB、 spentC、costD、costing【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】本题考查的是现在分词的用法,spending onpurchase of cars在这里是一个现在分词短语。句意:2008年政府花费了 800亿用于购车,并且一年的使用和维护费用则高达3000亿。第 50题阅读理解Ironically, a study finds that were awful gift-givers precisely because wespend too much time trying to be considerate. We imagine ourfriends_ 1 _ a gift that is impressive, expensive, and sentimental. Weimagine the look of happiness and surprise on their faces and thewarmth we feel_ 2 _ .But there/s something that the mostsentimental-gift-givers tend not to think too much about:_ 3 _ the gift ispractical in the first place._ 4 _ .practicality seems like an enemy ofgreat gift giving. Beautiful jewelry, lovely watches, perfect rugs, finelycrafted kitchen hardware: These things_ 5 _ great gifts because theycommunicate something beyond practicality. They communicate that thegiver cares.But do the receivers care? Often, no/Gift receivers wouldbe_ 6 _ if givers gave them exactly what theyrequested_ 7 _ attempting to be thoughtful and considerate by buyinggifts they did not explicitly request“ to surprise them, the researcherswrite. Their clever paper asks givers and receivers to_ 8 _ gifts from twoperspectives: desirability (e.g. the cost of a coffee maker) and feasibility(e.g.the_ 9 _ of the coffee maker). Across several experiments, they findthat givers consistently give gifts based on desirability andreceivers_ 1 0 _ favor gifts based on feasibility.A、to openB、openingC、have openedD、 opened【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】表示“ 想象某人打开礼物,因此选B。A、in personB、in turnC、in placeD、in return【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】表示“ 作为回报 ,因此选D。A、WhetherB、WhenC、WhyD、How【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】表示 是否 ,因此选A。A、To be sureB、To sum upC、In many waysD、In many cases【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】表示“ 从很多方面来讲,因此选C。A、work outB、lead toC、make forD、take up【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】表示“ 导致,产生,因此选C。A、happierB、more surprisedC、 happyD、surprised【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】表示“ 更开心 ,因此选A。A、regardless ofB、rather thanC、as toD、but for【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】表示 而不是 ,因此选B。A、decideB、classifyC、selectD、measure【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】表示“ 分类, ,因此选B。A、lookB、qualityC、neverthelessD、 ease【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】表示品质,因此选B。A、unexpectedlyB、whereasC、neverthelessD、continuously【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】表示对比关系,因此选B。第51题 【 单选题】What might for this strange phenomenon?A、fairB、extremeC、equalD account【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】account解释。第52题 【 单选题】Besides T o m ,C r o s e t t e s have two other s o n s , o f whomare all interested in making model planes.A、不填,twoB、不填,the twoC、the, threeD、the, the three【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】在英语的姓氏前使用定冠词,表示的是这个姓氏的一家人或这个姓氏的夫妇;the +数词+ o f+代词 这一结构表示该代词的总数是前面的数词表示的数量, 而“ 数词+O f+代词结构中的代词表示的量肯定大于前面数词表示的数量。第53题 【 单选题】When and where to build the new factory yet.A、is not decidedB、are not decidedC、has not decidedD、have not decided【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】When and where to build the new factory 是主语,视作单数,所以谓语动词用单数形式。同时这句话还要用被动语态,所以答案是A。第54题 【 单选题】Belts of parklands line three sides of the area and four large opensquares of lawns and trees break the regularity of the city buildings.A、三面有公园环绕,区内四大广场有草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的规整性。B、三面有公园环绕,区内四大广场有草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的单调气氛。C、 带状的公园为这个区域画了一条三边的线,四个开阔的广场的草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的规整性。D、 一条条的公园环绕着这个区域的三边, 四个开阔的广场的草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的单调性。【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】答 案 选B o本题考查的知识点为增词或减词。有时为了行文的需要,可以在译文里增加几个词,或减少几个词。这是因为有些词在一种语言里可能是必要的,而在另一种语言里就会显得多余了。第55题 【 单选题】In the spirit of frankness which I hope will characterize our talks thisweek, let us recognize at the outset these points.A、 本着我希望将成为本周我们会谈的特色的坦率精神, 让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。B、 我希望我们这个星期的会谈将是坦率的。 本着这种坦率的精神,让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。C、本着坦率的精神, 我希望我们这个星期的会谈将是坦率的,让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。D、 本着坦率的精神, 我希望本周我们的会谈具有特色, 让我们在一开始就认识到这样几点。【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】 答案选 Bo which I hope will characterize our talksthis week限制性定语从句,修饰franknesso I hope是定语从句中的插入语。In the spirit of:本着 的精神。at the outset:在开始的时候。第56题 【 单选题】It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to areversed routine of sleep and wakefulness, sleeping during the day andworking at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industry that shiftsare changed every week; a person may work from 12 midnight to 8 a. m.one week, 8 am to 4pm the next, and 4 pm to 12 midnight the third andso on. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than hehas to change to another, so that much of his time is spent neitherworking nor sleeping very efficiently.In the last sentence of theparagraph, z/anotherw m e a n s .A、another routineB、another shiftC、another weekD、another person【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】another ( 另一个)之后省略了 routine 一词。第 57题 【 单选题】She had come to England to pursue an acting career.A、striveB、removeC、quitD、 chase【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】pursue继续;从事;追赶;纠缠; chase追逐;追捕。第 58题 【 单选题】Both Tom and his brother take after their father not only in appearancebut also in character.A、resembleB、assimilateC、followD、reflect【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 take after与. .相像。 resemble像. . . , 相似。参考译文: 汤姆和他兄弟不仅长相像他们父亲, 性格也相似。第 59题 【 单选题】We cant! undertake that you will make a profit.A、requireB、promiseC、promoteD doubt【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】undertake承担, 保证;promise允诺, 许诺。第60题 【 单选题】An interesting of the city is the old market.A、triumphB、respectC、residenceD、feature【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】feature特色, 特征; 容貌; 特写或专题节目。第61题 【 单选题】Tom, a near-sighted young man, went on a blind date with a girl. The twowere satisfied with each other. And they exchanged their telephonenumbers. What can we learn about Tom?A、Tom made a good impression on the girl at first.B、It was the first time that Tom had dated a girl.C、Tom was blind.D、Tom was handsome and popular with the girls.【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 答案选Ao细节判断题。 从The two were satisfiedwith each other可知,相亲过后,两人对对方都很满意,所以A选项正确,汤姆第一次见对方就留下了很好的印象。B项所表述内容在文中找不到根据,不能判断这是汤姆第几次约会。根据文章描述,汤姆只是near-sighted,远不到盲了的地步。文章仅讲述了汤姆和某一个女孩相亲的精力,对他的个人魅力以及是否受女孩欢迎并未提及。第62题 【 单选题】They will get the preparation done early in May.A、他们五月初就能让别人准备完工作。B、他们五月初就能准备好工作。C、他们早在五月份就能把准备工作做完。D、他们五月初就能把准备工作做完。【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】 首先需要注意early in May表示“ 五月初的意思,选 项A“ 让别人准备完这种表达是不准确的;此 外get thepreparation done表示的是“ 把准备工作做完 , 选 项B的表达不是很准确O第63题 【 单选题】All plays are alike to me just as all music is alike to Tony.A、所有的戏剧对于我就像所有的音乐对托尼一样。B、正如托尼喜欢所有的音乐一样,我也非常喜欢所有的戏剧。C、我对戏剧就像托尼对于音乐一样,非常欣赏。D、托尼不会欣赏音乐,同样我也不会欣赏戏剧。【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】本题考查句子暗示意思和比较的翻译。all playsare alike to m e的意思是所有的戏剧对我来说都是一样的, 言外之意就是“ 我欣赏不懂戏剧 ,同样all music is alike to Tony的意思也应该是“ 托尼欣赏不懂音乐根据句子中的比较结构just as可以得出, 他们两个在这方面是一样的, . 可以翻译为 同 样 所 以 选 D。第64题 【 单选题】The group does not advocate the use of violence.A、supportB、matterC、suitD、reach【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 advocate提倡,主张,拥护;support支持,支撑,支援。第65题 【 单选题】People are being lured onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, freeservice, without realizing they/re paying for it by giving up loads ofpersonal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by sellingtheir data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.MostFacebook users don/t realize this is happening. Even if they know whatthe company is up to, they still have no idea what theyre paying forFacebook, because people don/t really know what their personal data isworth.What does the author say about most Facebook users?A、They care very little about their personal information.B、They are reluctant to give up their personal information.C、They dont know their personal data enriches Facebook.D、They don/t identify themselves when using the website.【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答 案 选C o事实细节题。由 题 干 中 的mostFacebook users定位到第2段。该段指出,大部分脸谱网用户都不知道他们自己在网上付出了什么代价,因为他们并不清楚其个人信息的价值。换言之,脸谱网用户的个人信息成为后者盈利的工具。C 中 的 enrich有使富裕之意,与原文意思相符,故为答案。第 2 段 第 2 句指出,脸谱网用户并不真正清楚其个人信息的价值,并非不关心,可以排除A;第1段第1句指出, 脸谱网用户泄露了大量个人信息而不自知I,文中未提及用户是否愿意,可以排除B;文中未提及D。第66题 【 单选题】Both Tom and his brother take after their father not only in appearancebut also in character.A、resembleB、assimilateC、followD reflect【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】 take after与 相像。 resemble像 , 相似。参考译文: 汤姆和他兄弟不仅长相像他们父亲, 性格也相似。第67题 【 单选题】Hes unlucky, and hes always suffering luck one after another.A、a sickB、an illC、sickD、ill【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】英语中的名词有可数与不可数之分,luck是不可数名词,用来修饰贬义的luck形容词有bad, poor或ill,这 时ill的词义是:不好的。第68题 【 单选题】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current bymeasuring subtle ( 细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an objectand.A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computerB、to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magneticfieldsC、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraftto banknotesD、converting the information into a color picture showing thedensity of current at each point【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】 答案选D。 空格前的by在句中引导两个在句法结构上并列的分词短语: 一个是measuring subtle ( 细微的)changes in the magnetic field of an object; 另一个就是converting the information into.,即: 通过测量一个物体的磁场内的细微变化和把信息转化成显示每一点电流强度的彩色图片而使电流显现。第69题 【 单选题】During these past few years I used Associated Content to try writing. Ifound writing for that site was not my cup of tea. However, myexperience there was positive as I was rewarded with even morelearning opportunities just by dipping my toes into the water. ThroughAssociated Content I was introduced to the world of blogging. I decidedto learn how to set up a blog myself. Now Im interested in blogging andcontinue to work as a writer. What is the author/s purpose of using thesite Associated Content?A、To write for the site Yahoo! Contributor Network.B、To know more about other writers.C、To have one of his articles published.D、To become a network writer.【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】 答案选D。 根据本段的I decided to learn how toset up a blog myself. Now Im interested in blogging andcontinue to work as a writer确 定D答案。A选项是作者偶然获得的结果,并非刚开始写作时的目的,可排除;B选项不是作者的目的;C选项是作者两年前已经取得的成果,无需再定为自己目标。第70题 【 单选题】Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan.A、这个计划没有一点用。B、这个计划只能招致灾祸。C、这个计划一点害处也没有。D、这个计划是要战胜一切灾害。【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】答案选B。nothing but表示“ 只” 的意思。第71题 【 单选题】He is about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympicsnext year.A、optimisticB optionalC、outstandingD、obvious【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】optimistic乐观的。optional选择的。outstanding出色的/ 醒目的。obvious明显的。第72题 【 单选题】This is rather for your father to decide than for you.A、这是你父亲的决定而不是你的决定。B、这取决于你父亲的决定而你不该决定。C、这件事情得由你父亲决定而不是你来决定。D、这并不是为你而是为你的父亲才这样决定的。【 正确答案】C第73题 【 单选题】Peter has a changeable character.A、roleB、dispositionC、symbolD、nature【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】character性格,品 质 ;disposition性情。第74题 【 单选题】One reason is economic. In a traditional agricultural economy, largefamilies are helpful. Having more children means having more workers inthe fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age. In anindustrial economy, the situation is different. Many children do not helpa family; instead, they are an expense. Thus, industrialization hasgenerally brought down the birth rate. This was the case in Italy, whichwas industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the early part of thetwentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with ahigh birth rate. After World Wa也 ,Italys economy was rapidlymodernized and industrialized. By the end of the century, the birth ratehad dropped to 1.3 children per woman, the worlds lowest.In atraditional agricultural economy, a large f a mi l y .A、can be an advantageB、may limit incomeC、isn/t necessaryD、is expensive【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】答案选A o对照本段In a traditional agriculturaleconomy, large families are helpful.大的家庭是有帮助的, 选项中最接近意思的是A ,成为一个优势,答案是A。第75题 【 单选题】Actually industry can vary a good deal over the centuries.A、alterB、improveC、alertD perish【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】vary 改变;im p ro ve改善,增进;提高 的价值。第76题 【 单选题】Drug use accounts for approximately three-quarters of all reportedcases of HIV in the country.A、possiblyB、roughlyC、generallyD、specificly【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】approximately大致地,近似地。roughly大体上,大致上。参考译文:在那个国家,在所报道的所有艾滋病病例中,吸毒者约占75%。第77题 【 单选题】This animal is to be found only in the Southern Hemisphere.A、解释B、半球C、历史学家D、引用【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】hemisphere n .半球。第78题 【 单选题】Mr. Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except whohad already taken them.A、 theseB、 onesC、the onesD、the others【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】one本来是数词,但也可用作不定代词,代替前面刚提到的一个东西或人,避免重复前面刚提到的名词,有 时one可以有自己的定语或冠词,甚至可以有复数形式。第79题 【 单选题】A large of the sunlight never reaches the earth while infra-redheat given off by the earth is allowed to escape freely.A、ratioB、proportionC、rateD fraction【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】pr。p。rti。n部分, 份儿, 指部分与整体的关系,如 : A large proportion of the dolphins in that area willeventually die.根据题意,正确答案应为B。第80题 【 单选题】The flood went down, leaving the village destroyed.A、mainlyB、completelyC、exactlyD、thoroughly【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】mainly主要的。completely完 全 的 ( 强调整体性) 。thoroughly彻 底 的 ( 强调无疏漏) 。第81题 【 单选题】I would class my garden as medium in size.A、单调的B、中等的C、温暖的D、使命【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】medium ad j.中间的, 中等的;半生熟的。第82题 【 单选题】My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood thateverything has a name.A、 我的老师和我相处了好几个星期以后, 我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。B、 我在知道每样东西都有一个名字以前, 我的老师和我相处了好几个星期。C、 老师教了我好几个星期以后, 我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。D、 我在知道每样东西都有一个名字之前, 老师教了我好几个星期。【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答案选C。本题考查before的译法。第83题 【 单选题】Hes unlucky, and hes always suffering luck one after another.A、a sickB、an illC、sickD、ill【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】英语中的名词有可数与不可数之分,luck是不可数名词,用来修饰贬义的luck形容词有bad, poor或ill,这时ill的词义是:不好的。第84题 【 单选题】 When shall we meet again ? Make it day you like; its all thesame to me.A、oneB、anyC anotherD、some【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】any day指 任意选择的一天, 故正确答案为B。第85题 【 单选题】It was 5:00 in the afternoon they arrived at the hotel.A、whenB、 thatC、beforeD、since【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】考查定语从句。when引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语。第86题 【 单选题】When I graduated from high school, my family had a business so I neverthought about getting a college degree. I went straight from my highschool graduation to work for my father. After 24 years of ups and downs( mostly downs) ,1 decided that I wanted to return to school and earn adegree in Business Administration.Why didnt the author go on witheducation after graduating from high school?A、To help her father with business.B、To escape from school life.C、To experience social life early.D To achieve her dream.【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】答 案 选 A。事实细节题。该题目主要考查考生对文章主人公相关细节的了解。根据题干内容,此细节定位于文章本段讲述自己高中毕业后经历的部分。 文中讲到“ 当我高中毕业时,爸爸正在做生意。所以我压根没有考虑过继续获得大学学位的事情,毕业后直接转向为爸爸工作。可判断A 选项与原文句意一致。第87题 【 单选题】Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangeroussource of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no moremobile phone transmitter towers ( 发射塔) should be built until thelong-term health effects of the radiation they emit ( 放 射 ) isscientifically evaluated, he said. Nobody/s going to drop dead overnightbut we should be asking for more scientific information, Robert Bell saidat a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation, If mobilephones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning labeluntil proper shields can be devised, he said.According to Robert Bell, ifmobile phones prove to be dangerous to peoples h e a l t h , .A、they should be banned immediately.B、the use of them should be restricted.C、all transmitter towers should be torn down.D、a warning label should be attached.【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】本段的第一句话告诉我们:被证实有辐射危险的手机应该带着标签。因此答案是D。第88题 【 单选题】Tom woke from a terrible d r e a m , in another world, one that wasreal.A、just to find himB、just to find himselfC、only to find himD、 only to find himself【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答案选D。句意:Tom从噩梦中醒来,发现自己处于另一个世界,一个现实的世界。本题考查不定式结构only to d o作结果状语,表示意外或事与愿违的结果;findoneself in.发现自身处于 ,故 选D。第89题 【 单选题】The group does not advocate the use of violence.A、supportB、matterC、suitD、reach【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】advocate提倡,主张,拥护;support支持,支撑,支援。第90题 【 单选题】Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999, Oseola McCarty, anelderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame housewhere she had lived and worked most of her life. It may seem like anordinary end to a humble life, but there was something quite exceptionalabout this woman. In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave $ 150,000,most of the money she had saved throughout her life, to the Universityof Southern Mississippi in her hometown. The money was to help otherAfrican Americans through university. She had started her savings habitas a young child when she would return from school to clean and iron formoney which she would then save.This woman shocked and inspired theworld b e c a u s e .A、she had managed to save so much moneyB、she gave her money to African AmericansC、she gave her life savings to help others through universityD she only spent money on cheap things【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】only是绝对词,在选项D 中出现,根据经验排除 D;对照原文第一自然段最后一句话there was somethingquite exceptional about this woman 说她有些特别的地方,接着第二自然段就讲 In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave$ 150,000, most of the money she had saved throughout herlife, to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown.她把大部分积攒的钱捐献给了家乡的大学,A 和 B 表达都不全面,答案是C。第91题 【 单选题】She told me her name was Helen and she was talking to a localrestaurant where they were going to have lunch after her appointment.She called to see if he was there. She said, “My husband has Alzheimers( 老年痴呆)and he shouldnt be driving without me. Numerousthoughts ran through my head. Call the police, call her family, and notify( 通知) the doctors office she had just come from! But at first, I offeredto drive to the local restaurant to see if Ed was waiting for her there.Theelderly woman cried in the lobby when she was talking to.A、her husband with AlzheimersB、the nurse in the doctors officeC、a local restaura ntD、one of her family members【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】 答案选C。 根据文章本段中She told me her namewas Helen and she was talking to a local restaura nt.可知答案为C项。Helen由于担心自己丈夫安危,但又找不到人,情急之下先打电话到俩人约好即将要去的餐厅询问情况。第92题 【 单选题】The farm is set right next to a beautiful flood plain and the property ishome to trees that have lived for thousands of years. All of the villagesthroughout Botswana ( 博茨瓦纳)have their own chief who controls acertain amount of land. We had the opportunity to sit in on a meetingwith the chief of Katchikow, which we called it “Catch a Cow. In themeeting we discussed starting a hydroponics farm in his area. He seemedto be all for it and said that it was gods plan that the project we werehelping with had come to his area.The chief of each villageA、is called KatchikowB、supports the idea of hydroponics farmC、has a certain amount of landD、has a meeting each week【 正确答案】C【 答案解析】答案选C。细节理解题。根据所考关键词chief迅速锁定本段介绍chief的内容。每个村庄都会有一个自己的首领,而每个首领都拥有一定量的土地。第93题 【 单选题】I insisted that youwrong.A、wereB、areC、wasD、being【 正 确 答 案 】A【 答 案 解 析 】如suggest, insist不 表 示 “ 建 议 “或 “ 坚 持 要 某 人做 某 事 时 ” , 即 它 们 用 于 其 本 意 ” 暗 示 、 表 明 “ 、 “ 坚 持 认 为 “ 时 ,宾 语 从 句 用 陈 述 语 气 。而 在 宾 语 从 句 中 ,主 句 谓 语 的 时 态 是一 般 过 去 时 ,从 句 一 般 要 随 着 改 为 相 应 的 过 去 时 态 ,本题选were。第94题 【 单选题】I recognized that the sites such as Associated Content can provide afertile ground for learning how to become a better writer. I could seethat this was an open door for systematically learning some basic writingskills without paying college tuition for classes and leaving the comfort ofmy own home. In the eyes of the author, the site Associated ContentA、offers you a lot of novels to readB、is good for your becoming a writerC、asks you to study writing regularlyD、is rather expensive but convenient【 正 确 答 案 】B【 答 案 解 析 】答 案 选B o根 据 本 段 的.can provide a fertileground for learning how to become a better writer 确定 B答 案 。其余选项与原文意思不符。A 与 D 选项所表达内容在文中并未提及,可以被排除。C 选项中regularly一词并未在文中得到体现。第95题 【 单选题】A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries.The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total ofseven doctorstwo primary care physicians and five specialistsin agiven year. Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care ofyou doesn/t guarantee better care. Actually, increasing fragmentation ofcare results in a corresponding rise in cost and medical errors .We learnfrom the passage that people tend to believe that.A、the more costly the medicine, the more effective the cureB、seeing more doctors may result in more diagnostic errorsC、 visiting doctors on a regular basis ensures good healthD、the more doctors taking care of a patient, the better【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】答 案 选 D o 推理判断题。本段指出 给你看病的医生越多, 并非意味着疗效就好 ,由此可以推测出人们普遍的想法应该是看得医生越多,治疗效果越好。第96题 【 单选题】Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed thegovernment should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500meter radius ( 半径) of school grounds, child care centers, hospitals,sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage ofchildren. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorblow-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults. Headds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected toradiation the growth rate of the disease accelerates ( 提高).Who absorblow-level radiation at a higher rate than the others?A、Children.B、Men.C、Women.D Old people.【 正确答案】A【 答案解析】本段第三句话提到:He says there is emergingevidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate morethan three times that of adults.从这句话可以看出答案是A 。第97题 【 单选题】Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As peopleget better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possiblefor them to maintain a one-person household. . However,people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcingmore often.A、Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.B、The growing number of women with good jobs has done much toincrease the number of people living alone.C、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhooddream.D、More and more Americans are living alone.【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】答案选B o 前句中提到“ 经济独立有可能造成保持一个人的家庭生活,B 中的“ 妇女有好的工作,增加了独身的人数与前句内容正好呼应。第98题 【 单选题】Many people, when ill, see their doctors and ask them tosomething that will make them feel better.A、describeB、prescribeC、reviseD、devise【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】prescribe开 处 方 , 开 ( 药)根据题意, 正确答案应为B o第 99题 【 单选题】Water is absent in this area.A、ampleB、assiduousC、affluentD、deficient【 正确答案】D【 答案解析】absent缺少的;deficient不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的。第 100题 【 单选题】Its impossible to detach oneself from reality.A、scatterB separateC、reformD、prescribe【 正确答案】B【 答案解析】 detach分离; 派遣; 使超然; separate分开;隔开;分居。
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