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Listening Grammar focusTalking topics Lets watch a video named A Perfect Day231bListen and number11Now, please read after the flash. talking topicsweathersportsmoviesfoodtransportationsactors/actressesplacesintroduction反意疑问句反意疑问句 (tag questions)l反意疑问句也称为附加疑问句,是指在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反的疑问。它的前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。l反意疑问句的结构有两种:一、前肯一、前肯+ +后否后否He is the best student in our class, isnt he?You like watching it, dont you?They have know the news, havent they?二、前否二、前否+ +后肯后肯He isnt there, is he?You didnt go, did you?He will not win the game, will he?Now, please watch the flash about tag questions.Match Guessing gamesAttention1. He is a teacher, a. doesnt he?2.You are an actor, b. wont she?3.Tom often plays soccer, c. isnt he?4.They want to go home, d. didnt it?5. It often rained here, e. arent you?6. Mary will go to America, f. dont they?Practice 1:Match based on rulesPractice 2:Guessing gamesGuess what are they doing and tell me the reasons from wearing by using tag questions.What is it doing?It is., isnt it?It is eating, isnt it?Yes, it is.What is she doing?She is., isnt she?She is reading, isnt she?Yes, she is.She is looking at a book, isnt she?What is he doing?He is., isnt he?He is playing guitar, isnt he? Yes, he is.He is holding guitar, isnt he?What is she doing?She is., isnt she?She is., isnt she?She is talking on the phone, isnt she?Shes holding a phone,isnt she?Attention When we make a small talk, we must pay attention to manners. We cant start it by asking others private questions (age, income, etc). That impolite and unsuccessful . Examples:You like cartoons, dont you?Your dress doesnt look nice, does it?You are 35 years old,arent you?Its really crowded, isnt it?Your mobile phone is too cheap, isnt it?divide into 4 groups. each group chooses a number according to that situation, make a small talk. the elevatorThese books are really great, arent they?looking through books in a bookstoreIts a good exhibition, isnt it? I have never seen such a good exhibition.visiting an exhibitionwaiting to cross a busy streetThe traffic is very busy, isnt it? waiting in line to buy ice creamThe ice cream is delicious, isnt it? The prices are really low, arent they?two people alone in an elevatorthe elevatorNice day, isnt it? You look fine, dont you? The train is always late, isnt it?two people waiting in a train stationtwo people going for a tripIts a sunny day, isnt it? Wow, its so beautiful, isnt it? It is a beautiful beach, isnt it? You have never been here, have you ?at the beachIts really exiting, isnt it?You love basketball, dont you?watching a basketball match 1.Imagine you are in the places below. Write small talk conversationsand practice them with your partner.2.Revise the grammar “the tag questions”, and preview 3a and 4. 本单元以本单元以“Small talk”为话题,学习如何为话题,学习如何选择话题进行流畅的沟通以及如何成功地与陌选择话题进行流畅的沟通以及如何成功地与陌生人交流,讨论生人交流,讨论successful和和unsuccessful, polite和和impolite small talk的区别。的区别。 本单元的重要语法是本单元的重要语法是反意疑问句,反意疑反意疑问句,反意疑问句是初中阶段英语教学也是本节课的重点和问句是初中阶段英语教学也是本节课的重点和难点。难点。 我们采取我们采取3P教学方法进行教学,首先是呈教学方法进行教学,首先是呈现语法点,让学生初步掌握其基本用法;接着现语法点,让学生初步掌握其基本用法;接着以学生为中心设计出一个贴近学生生活、内容以学生为中心设计出一个贴近学生生活、内容活泼和语言真实的有梯度的任务游戏链,使学活泼和语言真实的有梯度的任务游戏链,使学生在达到学以致用的能力目标,培养团队合作生在达到学以致用的能力目标,培养团队合作精神和参与意识的同时,达到得体对话这一情精神和参与意识的同时,达到得体对话这一情感目标。感目标。 1.语言技能目标:语言技能目标:学会运用反意疑问句与别人学会运用反意疑问句与别人得得 体对话聊天。体对话聊天。2. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 正确使用正确使用反意疑问句。反意疑问句。3. 能力目标:能力目标:培养学生听培养学生听说读说读写和交际能力。写和交际能力。4. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标:(1)通过有礼貌的闲聊,学会与人沟通、交流。通过有礼貌的闲聊,学会与人沟通、交流。(2)通过小组活动,培养学生通过小组活动,培养学生合作精神和参与意合作精神和参与意识。识。5. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标:了解中西方在与人沟通、交流了解中西方在与人沟通、交流的文化差异。的文化差异。设计主题:设计主题:Unit10 Its a nice day, isnt it?授课对象:授课对象:初中二年级学生初中二年级学生涉及学科:涉及学科:英语英语设计思考:设计思考:本课件主要分为封面、导航界面,分本课件主要分为封面、导航界面,分导航界面及具体内容几部分。教学内容为初二下导航界面及具体内容几部分。教学内容为初二下册第十单元,本课采用了册第十单元,本课采用了3p模式进行教学,期间模式进行教学,期间插入了音频、图片及插入了音频、图片及Flash等文件并结合一个贴近等文件并结合一个贴近学生生活、内容活泼和语言真实的有梯度的任务学生生活、内容活泼和语言真实的有梯度的任务游戏链来帮助学生更好的掌握教学目标所要求的游戏链来帮助学生更好的掌握教学目标所要求的内容和教学重难点。内容和教学重难点。
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