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Section A 23a-4Why dont you get her a scarf?Unit 8 学习目标学习目标1.学习一些礼物的名词。学习一些礼物的名词。2.巩固学习如何给别人提出建议巩固学习如何给别人提出建议和意见及发表自己的看法。和意见及发表自己的看法。What should we get these people?a grandmotherfruitclothesa patientfruitflowersa new born babytoyflowersclothesa teacherfruitflowerscard a teachera friendflowersbookCD用现在完成时表达的句子结构:Whatsthebestgiftyouhaveeverreceived?Whatsthebestgifthe/shehaseverreceived?Discuss in groups of four Whats the best gift you have ever received? and then complete the following chart. A: Whats the best gift you have ever received?B: A watch.A: Who gave it to you?B: My mother.A: And when did you get it?B: On my tenth birthday.Gift List whowhatFrom whomWhenWhyHowWork in pairs. Student A gives Student B the information in blue, and Student B gives Student A the information in red. And then make up conversations.Whats the best gift he/she has ever received?When did he/she receive it?Who gave it to him/her?Joe bike 6th birthdayparentsMaria pet dogChristmasbrotherTom guitarwhen he left schoolgrandparentsVera wallet12th birthdaysisterA: Whats the best gift Joe has ever received?B: A bike. When did Joe get it?A: On his sixth birthday. Who gave it to him?B: His parents.A: What a lucky guy!请你当参谋请你当参谋 我打算花我打算花300元,为一个元,为一个15岁的女岁的女孩和一个孩和一个12岁的男孩买生日礼物,你岁的男孩买生日礼物,你能为我提些建议吗?请把你的建议和能为我提些建议吗?请把你的建议和说明填在下列表格中。说明填在下列表格中。 然后在小组讨然后在小组讨论,提出建议。论,提出建议。suggestionscommentsa fifteen-year-old girl1. an English book2. English is veryimportant3. a dress4. Girls like beautiful clothes 5. a photo album6. Most of the girls like taking photosa twelve-year-old boy7. a football8. Most of the boys like sports9. a dictionary10. Its helpful for his study.11. a pair of sunglasses12.Boys like to be cool.Necessary structures:1. What/ How about a book / scarf?2. Why dont you buy/ get?3. Why not buy/ get?4. Thats too 5. Good idea!/ Great!/ OKIll get it/ them.小测试小测试课时练课时练:P65 、 说明:满分:说明:满分:100 时间:时间:5分钟分钟Finish the following exercises after class.Thank you Thank you for for listening! listening!
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