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备考2025江苏省宿迁市宿豫区小学教师公开招聘通关提分题库(考点梳理)一单选题(共100题)1、2011年11月,中国首次空间自动交会对接成功,与“神舟八号”对接的是 _ 。A.蛟龙一号B.嫦娥二号C.资源三号D.天宫一号【答案】 D2、秋千浴女等绘画作品的作者,是18世纪法国画家()。A.布歇B.弗拉戈纳尔C.华托D.勒南【答案】 B3、The little girl kept her eyes _on the dolls for quite some time.A.fixingB.fixedC.to fixD.to be fixed【答案】 B4、有关技能和习惯下列说法不正确的是( )A.技能和习惯都和一定的情境相联系B.技能和习惯都有好坏之分C.习惯是保守的,技能是不断向一个标准趋近的D.习惯是个体在一定情境下自动化地进行某种动作的需要或特殊倾向【答案】 B5、 I would do it but I have something _urgent _ be delayed. A.so; toB.so; asC.too; toD.as; as【答案】 C6、 According to the law, all foreigners have to _ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.A.registerB.associateC.negotiateD.dispute【答案】 A7、前苏联教育家( )的教育文艺名著教育诗总结了“工学团”的教育经验。A.加里宁B.马卡连柯C.凯洛夫D.赞科夫【答案】 B8、First two hours, now three hours-this is how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight, at least at some major U. S. airports with increasingly massive securities lines.A.Less Screening for More SafetyB.PreCheckA Belated SolutionC.Getting Stuck in Security LinesD.Underused PreCheck Lanes【答案】 C9、The men and women of Anglo-Saxon England normally bore one name only. Distinguishing epithets were rarely added. These might be patronymic, descriptive or occupational. They were, however, hardly surnames. Heritable names gradually became general in the three centuries following the Norman Conquest in 1066. It was not until the 13th and 14th centuries that surnames became fixed, although for many years after that, the degree of stability in family names varied considerably in different parts of the country. A.Less than half of the genuine British surnames come from place namesB.The name Simpson could be s surname deriving from a place name if the family have had its home in the ancient village of that nameC.Thatcher is an occupational surname which testifies to the specialization in medieval artsD.The meanings of all descriptive names are slightly different from the modem ones【答案】 B10、辨别汉字的偏旁部首结构,其知觉类型是_。A.空问知觉B.时问知觉C.运动知觉D.错觉【答案】 A11、2009年9月27日,中国政府发布的第三个关于中国民族政策白皮书是_。A.中国的民族区域自治B.中国的民族政策与各民族共同繁荣发展C.中国的少数民族政策及其实践D.中华民族共和国民族区域自治法【答案】 B12、学生在教师的指导下,在课外、校外单独进行的活动是( )A.小组活动B.群众性活动C.个别活动D.集体活动【答案】 C13、具有情境性、简略性、反应性特点的言语形式是( )A.书面言语B.独白言语C.对话言语D.内部言语【答案】 C14、He must have had an accident, or he _ then.A.would have been hereB.should be hereC.had to be hereD.would be here【答案】 A15、Many high school students consider a college education useless. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If youre one of them, think again. Here are some reasons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.A.Having a greater understanding of different culturesB.Being limited within the walls of a collegeC.Valuing our own culture much moreD.Thinking differently from others【答案】 A16、口吃的毛姆A.人性的枷锁B.月亮和六便士C.麦琪的礼物D.刀锋【答案】 C17、 Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world.A./; theB.the; /C.an; theD.the; a【答案】 A18、周恩来总理青年时代立志“为中华之崛起而读书”。这种学习动机属于_。A.近景的直接性动机B.远景的直接性动机C.近景的间接性动机D.远景的间接性动机【答案】 D19、在埃里克森看来,学龄期(612岁)儿童心理发展困难容易导致其产生()。A.孤独感B.羞耻感C.自卑感D.内疚感【答案】 C20、对学生的语文学习成效所进行的数量化评价方法指的是()。A.考试法B.考查法C.评语法D.情景测验法【答案】 A21、学校教育实践中处理教育活动各种关系的行为准则是( )。A.教师职业标准B.教师专业标准C.教师职业道德D.教师教育原则【答案】 C22、研究认为,为了提高复习的效果,第四次复习的时间应该安排在()A.一星期后B.半个月后C.一个月后D.半年后【答案】 C23、根据下面资料,回答题A.UnconcernedB.ObjectiveC.CriticalD.Tolerant【答案】 B24、对下列诗句所运用修辞手法及其作用,分析不恰当的一项是()。A.“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”,这两句诗运用拟人、夸张和对比的修辞手法描绘贵妃倾国倾城的美丽形象。B.“时雨点红桃千树,春风吹绿柳万枝”,这两句诗运用对偶和比拟的修辞手法形象地描绘出春天生机勃勃的景象。C.“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”,这两句诗运用对偶、比喻、双关的修辞手法写出刻骨铭心的相思离恨。D.“战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞”,这两句诗运用对比、对偶的修辞手法说出将、士之间的矛盾,暗示战争必败的原因。【答案】 A25、“教育一定要成为一种学业,否则无所希望”,“教育的方法必须成为一种科学,否则决不可能成为一种有系统的学问”。这正是()的“教育学”思想超出他的前人和同代人的地方。A.培根B.夸美纽斯C.康德D.赫尔巴特【答案】 C26、下列说法中正确的包括( )。A.态度是行为的直接决定因素,有什么样的态度,就有什么样的行为B.价值观对态度有直接的影响,这种影响是通过个体对对象赋予价值来实 现的C.个体赋予态度对象的主观价值对态度有重要影响,但态度的直接决定因 素是对象的客观价值D.价值观不具有直接的、具体的对象,也没有直接的行为动力意义【答案】 B27、某校学生郭某(10岁)依仗身体强壮经常强行索要同学赵某的财物,父母无力管教,希望将其送工读学校进行矫治和接收教育,应当由()提出申请,报教育行政部门批准。A.郭某父母B.赵某父母C.公安机关D.赵某所在学校【答案】 A28、以评价对象自身某一时期的发展水平为参照标准,判断其发展状况教学评价称为(
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