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备考2025江苏省南通市海安县小学教师公开招聘能力测试试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、测验项目对所测量属性或品质的鉴别能力称为()。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.区分度【答案】 D2、 德育过程是培养学生知,情,意,行的过程。贯彻该德育规律的要求不包括_ 。A.注重全面性B.注重多端性C.注重均衡性D.注重针对性【答案】 C3、数学被誉为自然科学的皇冠,是其他科学研究的主要工具。数学学习对于青少年思维训练和全面发展具有重要作用。而数学竞赛只是促进数学学习的一种方式。如果把数学竞赛本身看做最终目的,一叶障目不见泰山,把它与学生升学、教师评优等密切挂钩,进而大肆追捧,不但会加重学生负担,打乱教学秩序,扭曲教育理念,造成拔苗助长的恶果,也有可能把社会对数学教育的认识和关注过度吸引到赛事上,反而无法认识数学的价值所在。为了竞赛拿金牌而开展“魔鬼训练”,更可能适得其反,让学生对数学产生厌烦情绪,扼杀创造性学习的兴趣和动力。A.过度关注数学竞赛可能适得其反B.数学是科学研究的工具和基础C.在竞赛中拿到金牌,才能体现数学的价值D.大部分学生缺乏数学的思维【答案】 A4、根据下面资料,回答A.unproven therapies are commonly used by peopleB.chronic insomnia is just a minor healthy problemC.the side effects of cognitive/behavioral therapy deserve our attentionD.dietary supplements can be introduced to insomnia sufferers【答案】 A5、To learn an instrument such as the violin or accordion (手风琴) takes years. The job opportunities for musicians are scarce and competition is fierce. Then why are more people than ever before paying a lot of good cash to get their children the best music teaching they can afford? A.persuade us to send our children to music schoolsB.express his great interest in musical instrumentsC.tell us the importance of music in developmentD.invite us to attend Ceilidhs【答案】 C6、使用Powerpoint软件制作“吉祥物设计”作品,应设置()。A.自定义动画B.幻灯片切换C.幻灯片版式D.超链接【答案】 A7、当小明上课注意分散时,教师正确的做法是()。A.停止讲课半分钟B.先点名,再对其提问C.大声叫小明注意听课D.边讲边走,走到小明身边,敲敲他的桌子【答案】 D8、根据下面资料,回答A.it s vital to treasure what we haveB.its hard to live life to the fullestC.its great to appreciate the beauty of natureD.it s impossible to understand what God and man is【答案】 C9、根据下面资料,回答题 A.understandableB.patrioticC.deceptiveD.unbiased【答案】 C10、足球比赛中,若队员出现越位,应判罚()。A.直接任意球B.间接任意球C.点球D.角球【答案】 B11、 2016年9月,我国开始实施中小学德育课程是A.心理健康教育B.道德与法制C.道德教育D.思想教育【答案】 B12、下列选项中属于权威型教养方式的是( )A.表现为过于支配,孩子的一切由父母来控制B.倾向拒绝和漠视孩子C.对儿童缺乏基本的关注D.不对孩子提出任何要求,让其随意控制、协调自己的一切行为【答案】 A13、Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldnt agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a chilly January evening, the two friends went to the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they tossed a rock onto the ice to test it . Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago ,“ Then we stepped on it” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.FooMP. He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.” There was no sound, no sound, no crack,” he told NBC 5 Chicago.” I just fell through instantly.”A.Their curiosityB.Their BraveryC.Their naughtinessD.Their horror【答案】 A14、技能的种类有()A.工作技能和生活技能B.动作技能和操作技能C.智力技能和认知技能D.认知技能和操作技能【答案】 D15、课堂学习纪律划分为教师促成的纪律、集体促成的纪律、任务促成的纪律,其依据是( )。A.形成的过程B.形成的途径C.形成的原因D.形成的性质【答案】 C16、Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods. A received one for its one-clickonline payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.A.A looming threat to business-method patentsB.Protection for business-method patent holdersC.A legal case regarding business-method patentsD.A prevailing trend against business-method patents【答案】 A17、根据下面资料,回答A.show the serious problem in marriage in modem societyB.illustrate an extreme way to achieve happinessC.criticize those who do not cherish what they already haveD.indicate that happiness involves something beside the desire to gain【答案】 C18、目前,北京、上海、广州、深圳、福州、南京等多个城市先后宣布暂停共享单车新增投放。一年来,从横空出世到深刻地改变了许多人的出行方式,共享单车的发展速度和普及程度确实令人赞叹。但是也要看到,无论是共享经济还是传统经济,终究只是一种经济形态,仍然要按经济规律办事,任何突破经济规律的行为都有可能遭到市场的惩罚。从押金难退到跑路,到关门歇业,种种问题都说明,在经过了原始积累阶段的野蛮生长之后,共享单车理应进入冷静期和调整期,尽快找到公共利益与企业利益以及可持续发展之间的平衡点。A.理应叫停新增投放给共享单车降温B.共享单车突破经济规律遭市场惩罚C.寻找公共利益与企业利益平衡点势在必行D.共享单车进入冷遇期,暂停新增投放【答案】 A19、按照学生的能力、学习成绩或爱好分为不同的组进行教学的组织形式称为()。A.活动课时制B.设计教学法C.道尔顿制D.分组教学【答案】 D20、一个不透明的袋子中装有3个分别标有数字3,1,-2的球,从中随机摸出两个球,则这两个球上数字之和为负数的概率为( )。A.1/6B.1/3C.1/2D.2/3【答案】 B21、我国第一部绘画断代史著作是()。A.历代名画记B.唐朝名画录C.贞观公私画录D.续画品【答案】 B22、世界上第一个智力量表是 _ 。A.比奈一西蒙智力测验量表B.斯坦福一比奈智力测验量表C.韦克斯勒智力测验量表D.瑞文智力测验量表【答案】 A23、根据下面资料,回答A.The Historical DayB.Results of a CensusC.Diversity in BritainD.Immigrants Problems【答案】 C24、我国古代的“六艺”可看作是最早的( )A.活动课程B.综合课程C.分科课程D.核心课程【答案】 C25、在社会心理学领域里,态度属于( )的研究内容。A.个体层面B.人际层面C.群体层面D.社会层面
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