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1ProcrastinationPresented by Sun bei background: Procrastination is a very common phenomenon, it means that you often put off the tings.as a student I deeply realized this phenomenon, the purpose of my speech today is to make a brief introduction of procrastination, and encourage everyone to get rid of this bad habits.3ProcrastinationvWhat is the procrastination?vDose procrastination have any effects?vHow to overcome procrastination?4 What is procrastination?The definition: you often put off the important work later and later!lThe arrangement of time:TodayTomorrowThis weekBy next weekNext month 4I will not surf the Internet today. 1I must finish my thesis. 3 There are a lot of data to check. 2Too much data to check through the Internet.Dont get to the Internet is impossible. 4It seems that several stores updated. 5The handsome man upload new photos 6after three hours I will not surf the Internet tomorrowDose procrastination have any effects?vStress & AnxietyvImpeding your ability to achieve your goalvThe quality of your work may suffervAffect your life outside workvHealth problemNegativevTake easy and get a good resolution.vProcrastination is another way of psychological preparation.vSometimes the best ideas just come late. PositveHow to overcome procrastination?Steps to overcome ProcrastinationvGet a new attitude vWrite down the deadline to remind yourselfvComplete at least one thing every day you most dont want to dovDont changing plans. Once you give yourself a plan, and strictly follow itvLearn how to arrange your timevWhen you finish the work on time, give yourself a rewardvJust do it , now !vProcrastination is the most common phenomenon among students.vWhether study or life we should get rid of the bad habits.vTo sum up,I hope all of us can amend this bad habits.In conclusion:Thank you for your listening!
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