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Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?辽宁省锦州市北镇中安中学 王 营 Period 2: Section A 3a 3c(含含Grammar Focus) Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?辽宁省锦州市北镇中安中学 王 营Please say comparative and superlative of adj.&adv good friendlyfunnynoisylittlefarbetter bestfriendlier /more. friendliest/the most.funnier the funniestnoisier the noisiestless the leastfarther the farthestfurther the furthestPlease say comparative and superlative of adj. &adv. cheapnewfewcomfortablepopularmanycheaper the cheapestnewer the newestfewer the fewestmore comfortablethe most comfortablemore popular the most popularmore mostMovie PalaceScreen CityTown Cinemafriendlierthe friendliesthas friendly service(服务)(服务). has _ service.has _ service.Rules:比较级是表示两者之间的比较,而最高级是表示三者及以上的比较。 比较级通常跟“than”连用,最高级通常跟“the”连用而且句子中通常有表示范围的短语。Put the rules into practice1. Im _ (tall) than my sister. 2. He is (short) in our class.3. Jim is a _ (good) student, but Bob is (good) than him.4. Sun Cinema has the _ (bad) service, but it has the (comfortable) seats.5. She is _ (funny) than me. 6. This apple is _ (big) than that one.7. Is this restaurant (expensive) in our town.8. He has _ (many) books, Lucy has _ (many) than his, but Helen has the (many) of all.参考答案:1.taller 2.the shortest 3.good, better 4. worst, most comfortable 5.funnier 6.bigger 7. the most expensive 8. many, more, most Town Cinema is _to my home than Movie Palace. Movie Palace is _ to my home than Screen City.Screen City is close to my home.homeScreen CityMovie PalaceTown Cinemacloser the closest0.5km2kmTown Cinema is _to my home. closer3kmHomework练习使用最高级写出自自己平时经常去的场所及它们的优缺点。
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