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Mom knows bestReading 134 134团二中团二中 张慧敏张慧敏1游游 子子 吟吟2Lead-inThemothersloveofanimals3Lets watch the journey of our growing up!4 When we were young, we always slept well in our mothers arms.5Whatmovedusthemostdeeplyinourmemory?When I was young, my mom 6Mom Knows Best78Part1Part2Part3Check!Lines510Lines1116Lines149Part1Part2Part3Read and match . BetiredofmothersloveThinkbacktomothersloveEnjoymotherslove10深情地深情地11When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom/shesang to me and stayed by my side. was tired and hungry,gave me food and warm arms to sleep in. was two running through the field, made sure I was safe and kept me from danger.fell and hurt myself, gave me a hug and lifted me up.1213Pairwork,oneasks,theotheranswers.PronunciationisclearImitate the characterstone.The requests of role-play.14There is no ice-cream for you.I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me!15Dont watch the scarymovie, itd give youawful dreams.I should be allowed to watch it! Im not a baby.16Please be back by ten!I should not be told what to do! Im 17 now!17 When you have different opinions with your parents, how do you deal with ?18haveadiscussion19 keepsilentquarrel2021Read part3 and answer the questions.1.What happened when the writer ate that ice-cream?2.What happened when the writer watched the scary movie?3.What happened when the writer stayed out past ten?Hecoughedfordays.Hehadscarydreams.Hewaslateforschool.224. How do you think the writer feels about his mom?Hismotherisagoodmother.Sheknowsthebestandforhimshewantedthebest.23Listen and read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner. Mom Knows BestWhenIwasatinybabycryingallnight,mymomsangtomeandstayedbymyside.WhenIwastiredandhungry,shegavemefoodandwarmarmstosleepin.WhenIwastworunningthroughthefield,shemadesureIwassafeandkeptmefromdanger.WhenIfellandhurtmyself,shegavemeahugandliftedmeup.24WhenIwassevencoughingbadly,shesaidnoice-creamforme.ButItalkedbackloudly,“Ishouldbeallowedtoeatsome!Giveittomenow!”WhenIwasninewatchingscarymovies,shesaiditdgivemeawfuldreams.ButIshoutedbackangrily,“Ishouldbeallowedtowatchit!Imnotababy!”WhenIwasateengoingoutwithfriends,shesaid,“Pleasebebackbyten!”ButItalkedbackagain“Ishouldnotbetoldwhattodo!Imseventeennow!”25NowImanadult,thinkingbacktothosetimes.Icoughedfordaysaftereatingthatice-creamAndhadscarydreamsafterwatchingthatfilm.Iwaslateforschoolfromstayingoutpastten.Iregrettalkingback,notlisteningtoMom.Momknowsbest,andformeshewantedonlythebest!26What does the title mean? A mother always knows what is best for a child, even though the child may disagree with the mother.271. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child?3bAnswer the questions.sang to him and stayed by his side gave him food and warm arms to sleep in kept him safe hugged him and lifted him up 28He felt that he was growing up and he did not want to be treated like a little child anymore.2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old? He was upset because he felt that he was old enough to be independent and should not be told what to do.3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”?294. After reading the whole poem, how do you think the writer feels about his mom?He loves his mom and is thankful for what she has done for him.30“M” is for the million things she gave me.“O” means only that she is growing old.“T” is for the tears she shed to save me.“H” is for her heart of purest gold.“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining.“R” means right, and right she will always be.Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER”.A word that means the world to me.Explain “mother”31Letssay“Mom,Iloveyou!”3233
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