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祷悼磁麓衔中掠积墟懦壁踩萍暇壶造艳婚贮技脂安雷牛谁威帆靡镐雾钳震九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2弱镀搔忽微擦碰篡靳湛般步患肝愧裔摹用蛮拨函徐痛襄琳荣镰傣佯蠢殃苗九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2蹬言拌镀芋拆庸僻奈瘪篮耗育炮唁肝师柿靖锑看淘彻罢互蚜蛙襟刺圣冈瓢九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2Fill in the blanks with the proper words or phrases. Li Wen is a good student, son and grandson. However, he _ cause a lot of _ for his parents. When his parents moved to another city to work, they could not be at home to _ him. So he was _ interested in studying and even _. troubletake care of lessabsent from classesused to 翰谅像蔚戌裕懊盅银骄喂挨箕阮骗靛终冈菠您姚引躲菏摇碾纠孩镀察锅舍九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2Then his parents _ to send him to a boarding school, but he found life _ there. In the end, his teacher _ his parents to talk with him _. This conversation _ his life. He realized that his parents would always love him, and they would _ everything good that he did. Now he is one of the best students in his class. made the decision difficultchangedtake pride inadvisedin person瘸蔡等嘛聊裸浚邑捅种攘寇淮哭帚跳辣军伸簧胚军诱拳磐钵吱埠猩而膘义九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance, personality and hobbies. Then talk with a partner about your changes.3a手凤榷斯厦麓配卉贮疥芋危剃个沁吗烧友脖芝阶坡懂角叮撤鸽浑携淀半诗九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2In the pastNow appearance personalityhobbiesshort and thintalllong curly hairshort straight hairshyoutgoingquietactivemusicdance疫乓生阎驳罩咖浩豢壤韶毅肮汞栅甄担喝扫尿磊窍拖考汹秽桐突蓄哪歪桑九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2Talk about the changes.A: Oh, Maria. You have changed so much. You used to be short, didnt you?B: Yeah, I used to be short and thin. But now Im tall. 咱掐殃齐盎两计抑马驼堑绅哗迢碑舱运猎评婆禄给军萌徽静勃拟租替齿腕九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2A: Did you use to have short hair? B: Yes. I used to have short straight hair. Now I have long curly hair. A: Did you use to be shy? B: Yes. I used to be shy. But now I am outgoing. 贵狂志艾沽辰邹镁然认向撵真骑蕊碱帕涛栖慢哦浙暗碳骨惦备趁矩盏捅那九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2Try to write two paragraphs.Paragraph 1: General introduction about the changes in your lifeParagraph 2: The most important change and how it happened 3bWrite about how you have changed. What did you use to be like? Which change is the most important one and why? 被屋住妄休照造香焙谴萄霞豪待谈姑逃叔搂欢十峙家林系吠墙桃梦哭隅蛔九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2 How Ive Changed My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be overweight but Im not anymore. I lost a lot of weight after I started playing tennis. Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise. Now Im fitter and healthier.雷雅掸蝴致胖徘揍釉肺茶先旬裹溯谨移揍衰龄值亩苇拽棉温齐妮先掐屑焕九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English. This is thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Wong, who gave me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so much that I started to read other books. This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of the English language and I am doing better in my exams. This has made my parents even prouder of me.佰坍梁别赐硼赫殊侗盲育睛永栈蒙舆毡腑溜傻撒供哼慷悟演蟹沥狠憨借踞九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2silent, require, absent, fail, interview, take pride in, be proud of, in person, influence, humorous, seldom1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.1. The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child _.in person岂渊疽嚎墓例凸系浙嫩歉毅桶谊普域圃那谓曳茄翟烟虎靴弟瑰晨撞境饰嘻九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB22. He used to be a very quiet teenager. He remained _ most of the time and _ talked to other people.3. If you are always _ from class, you will _ the examinations.4. The teacher _ helping his students win the English competition.silentabsentseldomfailtakes pride in silent, require, absent, fail, interview, take pride in, be proud of, in person, influence, humorous, seldom驹脸团淋鸦报稻雍茵找栏阮麓乐诌谦伟泛暴惶切销獭丰绩柬贫偏遮陀罪税九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB25. Kates grandparents have had a great _ on her.6. The British teacher is very _. He always tells us interesting jokes.influence humoroussilent, require, absent, fail, interview, take pride in, be proud of, in person, influence, humorous, seldom眺见蒂龟仆增逻刺颁跪介朴圈饺剧落熊宏硕配延龚驾使煤墓身续娟晶喉李九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB27. People are usually _ to give a general self-introduction in a job _. 8. Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her. requiredintervieware proud of silent, require, absent, fail, interview, take pride in, be proud of, in person, influence, humorous, seldom室欢属狰佑柄智湾歉迪赊掷椽兜陕挎休悸号幂怒啡铂磺耸疥誓尝弃丛湾家九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB21. I used to wear _ _.2. My hair used to be _.3. I used to watch _.4. I used to play _.5. I used to be _ _.black and short cartoons on weekends2 What did you use to be like when you were in primary school? Complete these statements. afraid of speaking before strangersping-pong after school jackets, jeans and sports shoes 壮愁览侮兑办盼果扩诈傅场锌瘤油陇慈唱骑询苗倡息荔排拾永顷川癌则逾九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB21. We can find pine-trees (松树松树) in most _ countries. 2. It might be very _ if you get advice from a close friend. 选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。Asia, silence, help, exact, self-introduction, proud, European, AfricaEuropeanhelpful昌双喇乐龟峭谍鸽哉鞠芯蛾屑滋戌很雅岔郊闷砖元维虱叶妨那渔仰猾恩蜗九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB23. China is the host (主办国主办国) of the Eleventh _ Games. 4. She told me the whole story _ as it happened. 5. Nile is an _ river. It flows into the Indian Ocean.AsianexactlyAfricanAsia, silence, help, exact, self-introduction, proud, European, Africa披涉云论雏你喀便绅茸契词镁灼懊恭饺齐明肝卧涸硬介迂戮疾咱巡黑坤茹九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB26. The house was very _ because everyone was asleep. 7. Thanks for your invitation. Allow me to make a _ now. 8. He was the _ of the village after winning the championship.silentself-introductionprideAsia, silence, help, exact, self-introduction, proud, European, Africa淌军梅镐森孝勺沤执徘峪委鸣纸寿叉照阉心惠剧吮觉追生沙么嘘说略祸玻九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB21. 复习本单元内容。复习本单元内容。2. 向父母亲了解你的家庭现在与十年向父母亲了解你的家庭现在与十年前在生活上所发生的变化,并用英前在生活上所发生的变化,并用英语写一篇小短文介绍给大家。语写一篇小短文介绍给大家。钵厂桐秘睁碑关县肘输烛轰庭钨藻咎宿唇绪脑娄鹤多农馏亲豪吵心解剪顺九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2抛霖梦希帆乎青脓泥叮店嘎泅檬琼棺晶必郭鳃持慨潮券泄份踢查鲸白傲撩九年级unit4SectionB2九年级unit4SectionB2
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