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Topic1WelcometoChina!Section AUnit 1 Making New Friends Please discuss why we should study English.Listen, look and say.Section AGood morning!Thank you.Welcome to China!Good morning! I am Kangkang.KangkangMichaelJaneMaria(视频视频P1-1a)Goodmorning!ImTomGreetandintroduceyourselves.Good morning! Im Sam.Good morning! I am Lucy.The USAChina Hong KongShanghai Good morning! I amGood morning! I am Welcome to China.1b Listen and number the following names. (录音录音P1-1b)Maria2Jane413KangkangMichaelLook, listen and understand.Hello!Im Kangkang. Are you Michael?Hello!Hello! Are you Maria?No, Im not. Im Jane.Nice to meet you, too.Oh, nice to meet you, Jane.Welcome to China!Thanks.(视频(视频P1-2a)Yes, I am.Hi, Maria!Hi, Kangkang! Please listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation.(录音(录音P1-2a)Notice当别人问你“Are you ?”时,否定回答应为:No, I am not. I am . / No. I am .。注:不能只回答No, I am not. 英语中,这样的回答会被认为是不礼貌的行为。Nice to see you. 答语通常为Nice to see you, too.这样的问候常在以下两种情景中使用:1.双方初次见面后经人介绍后互相问候。2.熟悉的人好久不见,偶然相逢时表达双方见面后的 高兴心情。LiuXiang句型句型:Goodmorning.IamNicetomeetyou.ZhouJielunAreyouLily?Yes,I am.Thanks.Welcome to China !Practice.Hello! _!Practice.HelloNice to see you, Yingying.Nice to see you, too,Huanhuan._Listen, say and trace.(录音(录音P2-3a)AaBbDdEeFfGgListenandnumberthefollowingletters.ThencircletheletterswiththesamesoundasBb.Cc( )( )( )( )( ) ( )/i:/1237(录音(录音P2-3b)( ) 4 5 6PlaytheEnglishlettergames: Each student writes one of the English letters (big or small) on the paper, and some students go to the front of the classroom and hand up their paper. If you see the big letter, but yours are the small, please go to the big letter. If you see the small letter, but yours are the big, please go to the small letter, and say: We are “ b, B”.bBFor example:wWe are “b, B”.PlaytheEnglishlettergames:Thefirststudentinthefirstteamsays“A”quickly,thesecondstudentfollowswith“B”,andtheotherstudentsfollowwith“C,D,E,F,G,A,B.”onebyone.WelcometoChina! Goodmorning! Goodmorning!ImKangkang. Hello!/Hi! AreyouMaria? Yes,Iam./No,Imnot.ImJane.Nicetomeetyou. Nicetomeetyou,too.Thanks.1.PleaseimagineandlistsomeobjectswhichhavethesameshapewiththeEnglishletters.For example: Ears are like “B”. The moon is like “C” or “D”.2.GiveyourselfanEnglishnameafterclass.3.Copythelettersonthesignsbesidethelettersontheline.
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