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一、重点单词carefully ask question actively make noise eat early wait respect mess keep clean grass cross late litter spit ground young Should-shouldnt=should notDo-dont=do notmust-mustnt=must not 二、重点短语1、obey the rules-遵守规则,遵守规章 2、 listen to-听3、make noise-制造噪音,吵闹4、group leader-组长5、make a list of-将列成表6、be late for-做迟到7、at home-在家8、make a mess-乱扔乱放东西9、set table-摆放桌子10、go to bed-上床睡觉11、class rules-班规12、go home-回家13、look out-当心14、take good care of-好好照顾15、keep off-不进入16、cross the road-过马路17、on the ground-在地上18、make a sign-做一个牌子19、in front of-在.前面20、hold up-举起21、No littering-不要乱丢垃圾三、重点句子1、listen to the teacher carefully.2、You should go to bed early.3、 Look out ! You must wait.四、翻译1、积极提问 Ask question activity.2 、不要吵 Dont make noise.3 、上课不要吃东西 Dont eat in class.4、安静 Be quiet.5、你应该帮忙摆放桌子 You should help to set the dinner table.6、你应该早点上床睡觉 You should go to bed early.7、你应该保持房间整洁。 You should keep your room clean.8、你不应该在床上读书。 You shouldnt read in bed.9、你不应该看电视到很晚。 You shouldnt watch TV till late.10、你不应该在你的房间里乱扔乱放东西。 You shouldnt make a mess in your room.11、你必须尊敬老人并且帮助他们。 You must respect old people and help them.12、你必须好好照顾小孩子。 You must take good care of young children.13、你必须不要进入草坪。 You must keep off the grass.14、你千万不要在街道上玩。 You mustnt play on the street.15、你千万别在地上吐痰。 You mustnt spit on the ground.16、你千万不能乱丢垃圾。 You mustnt litter.
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