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北师大版高二 选修7Unit 19Lesson 3Lesson 3Body LanguageBody LanguageWarming up What does the girl look like? Does she look happy? How do you know that? Look at the photos. What kind of language are the people in the photos using to communicate?body languagebody languageDo you know what they mean?thinkinghappyfriendlyangrynaughtyworriedsadGood victoryokwelcomeI dont know. When people meet:In china, people shake hands.In Japan, women bow.In Russia, France and Arab countries men kiss each other.In France, it is the custom to shake hands with each other in the office every morning.In Arab countries, people eat using the fingers of the right hands; the left hands are not used at all.When people are eating:When people touch:People from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much. If you touch an English person, you should say“sorry”. In pairs, talk about the various gestures, facial expressions and body movements that you often use to communicate your attitudes and feelings.The OK Sign Everything is great. The United States, GermanyThings are good, not excellent. MexicoWorthless, zero France, most of the European countries Symbols for money, especially for coins JapanVulgar (粗俗的) gesture Spain, Russia, BrazilThreat of bodily harm Tunisia The V Sign Victory Great Britain, the United States, most of the world Peace The United States (since 1960s)Thumbs Up Approval Great Britain, The United States, Russia, China Highly offensive Iran Rude Australia Disapproval The United StatesRude Greece Thumbs Down Read the text and use the Strategies to choose a heading for each paragaph. There is one extra heading.Para.1 a) An aid to travellersPara.2 b) Conscious and unconscious body languagepara.3 c) The disadvantages of smilingPara.4 d) Why body language can be confusing?Para.5 e) What is body language? Para.6 f) Concluding statementPara.7 g) Introduction h) Being aware Para. 1 _A father patting his son on the back while smilingthe message conveyed by the fathers body language IntroductionPara. 2 _Body language is used every single day It is a language without words that consists of Body language is used to communicate both attitudes and feelings from affection to anger just like any other language.What is body language Para. 3 _ _People often use body language on purposeHowever, body language can be unconscious as well.Para. 4 _Learning to be aware of your body language can be a very useful tool. For example, in a job Conscious and unconscious body languageBeing aware Para. 5 _Body language can be very useful when people do not share a common spoken language. For example, in foreign countries An aid to travellerPara. 6 _ _However, body language can sometimes be ambiguous.Para. 7 _Regardless of these differences, experts agree that across the globe there is one form of body language that receives universal approval-the smile. Why body language can be confusing Concluding statement True or False A person with crossed arms is probably very calm. Americans take offence at the “OK” sign. Nodding your head means “yes” in most cultures. We congratulate people by jumping for joy.FFTT1. consist of 某物是“由组成”的意思时, 强调结果是一个统一的整体, 但所有组成的成分之间往往保持着自己的特性, 用于主语动态。e.g. 这个大学由13个系构成。The university consists of 13 departments. 这个医疗队由5名医生和3名护士组成。The medical term consists of (is made up of) 5 doctors and 3 nurses. be made up of 常可用来表示某物是用什么材料制造的意思, 用于被动语态。化合物是由元素组成的。Compounds are made up of elements. 纸是由透明纤维构成的。Paper is made up of transparent fibers.2. purchase 购买make a purchase 买件东西on special purchase 特价出售purchasing power 购买能力purchasing price 购买价 3. Learning to be aware of your body language can be very useful.be aware of: realize, 意识到 e.g. John has been aware of having done something wrong. We should be aware of the importance of environmental protection.4. Regardless of these differences, experts agree that across the globe there is one form of body language that receives universal approval the smile . regardless of : 不顾,不惜 我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝, 不管这些建议的价值如何。 All our proposals were rejected, regardless of their merits. 她不顾一切后果, 决心这样做。 She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences.1. It is wise of you to make a careful plan _ before you begin to do something. A. in advance B. ahead of time C. beforehand D. in progress 2. None of us likes Helen because she always says what she thinks _ other peoples feelings. A. regardless of B. in spite of C. in case of D. on account of 3. When you want to accept a new job, you must pay more attention to the _ for it. A. conditions B. requirements C. demands D. requests 4. _ is reported _ Xinjiang has controlled the spread of the bird flu successfully. A. It, that B. That, which C. Whether, what D. What, that Vocabulary negotiate, resemble, explicit, ambiguous, unconscious, transparent, affection, rigid, dignity, merely1. You dont _ your father at all. You look more like your mother.resemble2. After I fell down the stairs I had no _ left.3. You need to be _ with little children otherwise they dont understand. 4. I feel a lot of _ for my grandmother.consciousnessexplicitaffection5. It was an _ decision to buy a pink hat. I actually thought it was red!6. Your shirt is so _ I can see straight through it!7. I _ with the lady and got it $5 cheaper. transparentnegotiateundignified8. I shouted at him but he _ raised his eyebrows.9. This sign is _. It can mean two things.10. The chair was no longer _. It was completely bent.merelyambiguousrigid Which of the following words and expressions are used for comparison, and which are used for contrast?unlike, similar, also, although, however, as well, while, differ from, both, on the other hand, but, same, just like, tooComparisonContrastsimilaralso, tooas welldiffer fromboth, samejust likeunlikealthoughhoweverwhile, buton the other hand like1. Many people in England use gestures that are(however/similar) to gestures in the USA.2. Peter is a very friendly person. James is (too/ both). Now choose the conrrect words from the brackets.3. (While/As well) I like chocolate ice-cream, my mum likes coffee ice-cream. She likes strawberry (unlike/as well), (also/but) I dont.
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