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nHeckmanSelectionModeln赫克曼备择模型n赫克曼二阶段备择模型n王志刚有几篇关于Heckman备择模型的文章。nselect(.) specifies the variables and options for the selection equation. It is an integral part of specifying a Heckman model and is required. nThe selection equation should contain at least one variable that is not in the outcome equation.nIf depvar_s is specified, it should be coded as 0 or 1, with 0 indicating an observation not selected and 1 indicating a selected observation. If depvar_s is not specified, observations for which depvar is not missing are assumed selected, and those for which depvar is missing are assumed not selected.nTheStatapackagehastwocomponents:theexecutableandtheado-files.n.updateexecutable,forcen.updateado,forcenHeckmanlweducationagechildren,select(agemarriedchildreneducation)nolognSTATA对大小写敏感。nHeckmanlweducationagechildren,select(w=agemarriedchildreneducation)nologBDCEND演讲完毕,谢谢观看!
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