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Module 1 Changing(变化)Unit 1 We lived in a small house.新标准英语三起六册1、Chant(复习动词过去式)am , is was was not wasntare , are were were not werentdo , do did did not didntlive , live livedwatch, watch watched2、说出下列动词过去式am , is was not are , are were not do , do did not live , live watch, watch 1、Read these words(读单词读单词) life 生活 different 不同的 ago 以前 any 任何,一些 television 电视机 us 我们 grandchildren (外)孙子(孙女) grandmother 祖母,外祖母 lady 女士,夫人Step 2 导入新知,呈现任务导入新知,呈现任务3、单词大王 比比谁记得快television grandchildrenago ladydifferent life us any grandmother4、知识准备 有一本书在书桌上 There is a book on the desk. 四天前 有两本书在这个书桌上。 There were two books on the desk four days ago. There was a book on the desk yesterday.(昨天)There werent two books on the desk four days ago.3、教学目标:学会使用There be 句型没没用is , was, wasnt ,are,were, werent, 填空。1、There (有) a small house two years ago.2、There (有) a big house now. 3、There (有) many apples in the bag yesterday.4、There (没有)a cat yesterday.5、 There (没有) any trees four years ago6、 There (有) some buses now.waswerentwasntareStep 3 课堂活动,操练新知课堂活动,操练新知wereis2.Step 4 巩固训练,拓展提高巩固训练,拓展提高1 1、听录音,划出文中描绘过去和现在生活的、听录音,划出文中描绘过去和现在生活的句子。句子。 2、课文中出现的重点句型。There werent any buses.We lived in a small house.There are lots of buses and cars.We live in a big house.Changing(变化)many years agonow lets chant. 看图说话 Find different(找不同)Step 5 反馈展示,能力提高反馈展示,能力提高小提示:There was a small house four year ago. I lived in it. Now, there a big house. I in it . There a small dog four years ago, now ,there three dogs .There 1、Show your gains(汇报你的收获) 2、Which group is the winner? Step 6 总结点评,激励进步总结点评,激励进步 回家后,问问你的爷爷奶奶,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样,在下节展示汇报。Step 7 作业布置,课后延伸作业布置,课后延伸Thank you.
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