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定性数据分析定性数据分析什么是定性数据?什么是定性数据?定性数据指研究中使用的文字资料,是由语言的词语、句子组成的材料。定性数据是现象的文字描述或表征形式。我们可以采用观察、访谈、有声思维、问卷等方式收集定性数据。任何文字材料都可以用作研究的定性数据,如小说、期刊文章、论文、演讲词、会话文字、作文等。定性分析定性分析定性分析是对定性数据进行分析,从个案中寻找模式、规律、规则,从个案中得出概括性结论,或者说做定性结论。定性分析是用个别案例的特征来概括全体同类案例的特征。因此,用比喻来说,定性分析是以一概全、以木见林。定性分析与下定性结论是人们日常生活中最最常见的现象。只是人们分析的是人们最熟悉、最普通的、最常见的事物、人和现象。而且人们的结论用的往往是一些大众化语言而非专业语言。例如:现在学生的英语口语不行,阅读也不行。4概括的类型概括的类型概括可以是对类的概括,如学习策略类型、动机类型等的概括。概括可以是对规则的概括,如语法规则的概括。概括可以是对关系的概括,如一语与二语的关系。概括可以是对事物规律的概括,如翻译规律的概括。5如何做定性分析?如何做定性分析?1. 首先观察第一个案例。2. 对第一个案例的目标特征做出概括。3. 观察第二个案例,看从第一个案例得出的概括是否适合第二个案例。3.1)如果从第一个案例得出的概括适合第二个案例,观察第三个案例。3.2)如果从第一个案例得出的概括部分适合第二个案例,修改该概括,使其能给概括第一和第二个案例。3.3)如果从第一个案例得出的概括完全不适合第二个案例,做出新的概括。4.依次观察其余案例,直到得出的所有概括可以涵盖所有个案。5. 要注意每个概括出现的例外,而且要对例外的情况做出合理的解释。6.概括的语言一定要是专业化的语言。二语中的复数使用二语中的复数使用 (Gass & Selinker, 2008)(3-1) There are also two desserts.(3-2) I bought a couple of towel.(3-3) So, when I like to park my car, there is no place to put it, and how many ticket I took.(3-4) There is many kind of way you make baklawa.(3-5) The streets run from east to west, the avenues from north to south.(3-6) I go to university four days a week.(3-7) Just a few month he will finish from his studies.(3-8) Egypt shares its boundaries with the Mediterranean.(3-9) There is a lot of mosquito.二语中的复数使用二语中的复数使用 (Gass & Selinker, 2008)(3-10) Many people have ideas about Jeddah and other cities located in Saudi Arabia.(3-11) When he plete nine month . . .(3-12) He can spend 100 years here in America.(3-13) There are about one and half-million inhabitant inJeddah.(3-14) How many month or years have been in his mind?(3-15) There are many tentsand goats running around.(3-16) There are two mountains.(3-17) How many hour?(3-18) There are more than 200,000 telephone lines.(3-19) Every country had three or four kind of bread.基于基于(3-1)的规则的规则1(3-1) There are also two deserts.Rule 1: When a noun is modified by a plural numeral or a quantitative word, the plural marker s is added to that noun.Pattern ExamplePl. num./quan. w. + Ns two desertsRule 1 applies to:(3-6)four days(3-10)Many people(3-12)100 years(3-15)many tents(3-18)200,000 telephone lines9基于基于(3-2)的规则的规则2(3-2) I bought a couple of towel.Rule 2: When a noun is modified by a quantitative phrase, no plural marker is added to that noun.Pattern ExampleQuan. phrase + N a couple of towelRule 2 applies to:(3-3) how many ticket(3-4)many kind of way(3-7)a few month(3-9)a lot of mosquito(3-13)one and half-million inhabitant (3-14)how many month(3-17)How many hour(3-19) three or four kind of bread10规则规则3Add s to a noun which does not have any numerical or quantitative modifier if that noun carries a plural ideation, which means the noun has a plural concept in the speakers mind.SentencesExample(3-5)The streets/the avenues(3-8)its boundaries(3-10)ideas(3-14)years(3-15)goats11规则规则4 The noun in a lexical bundle does not require a plural mark s even it is modified by a numerical or quantitative word.SentenceExample(3-4)many kind of(3-13)one and half-million(3-19)three or four kind of12有关复数习得顺序的假设有关复数习得顺序的假设?13
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