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第四课时第四课时Section B(1a1e)学习时间表达整点的表达:用“基数词oclock”。eg:2:002 oclock或two oclock若时间既有钟点数,又有分钟数,其读法有两种:顺读法:先读钟点数,再读分钟数。无论是“时”还是“分”,一律读基数词,遇到0时读字母o。eg:9:45nine fortyfive10:01ten o one逆读法:先读分钟数,后读钟点整数。使用这种方法时应把时间具体分为两种:a)当0分钟数30时,按分past时:表示几点过几分。eg:6:20twenty past sixb)当30分钟数60时,按(60分钟数)to(下一钟点数):表示差几分到几点。eg:6:50ten to seven【拓展】半小时可用half表示,一刻可用a quarter表示。eg:6:30half past six7:15a quarter past seven【顺口溜】“时刻表达法”时间表达莫要愁,读法规律记心中。只要分钟不过半,先分钟,后钟点,中间past来相连;若是分钟过了半,六十减,钟点加,to在中间帮你连;十五quarter 三十half,两者常把分钟换。无论分钟大与小,先钟点,后分钟,按序读数最方便。重点词组do ones homework做作业take a walk散步go home回家eat dinner/breakfast吃晚饭/早饭 一、用英语写出下列图片所显示的时间,注意正确运用past或to。1_2._3_ 4._5_twenty to sevenhalf past ninea quarter past foura quarter to ninefive past eleven二、根据句意及汉语提示补全下列单词。6The boy often _(跑)to school.7_ (半数)of my classmates want to take a school trip.8The first thing for Tony after school is to do his _(家庭作业)9Mom,let me help you to _(打扫)the room.10After supper,he often takes a _(步行)runsHalfhomeworkcleanwalk三、单项选择。11_,please?I think its about 5:30.AWhat time do you get upBWheres your watchCWhen does itDWhat time is it12When _ your sister _ her homework?Ado;do Bdoes;/Cdoes;does Ddoes;doDD13Its twenty _ six.I must go home.Ato Bat Cin Don14Tom,_ now.Its time for school.But its Sunday today,Mom.Aget up Bwatch TVChave dinner Dgo to bed15Tom takes _ walk _ six oclock in the evening.Aa;at B/;onCa;in D/;atAAA四、根据汉语提示完成句子。16我的家人总是早上洗淋浴。My family always _in the morning.17玛丽晚上7点做作业。Mary _her _at seven in the _18梅梅总是晚饭后吃冰激凌,这对她不好。Mei mei _eats icecream after dinner.Its not _her.take a shower doeshomeworkeveningalwaysgood for 19托尼什么时候睡觉?他晚上9:45睡觉。When _Tony_?He _to bed at _ten in the evening.20汤姆从来不吃早饭。Tom _breakfast.doesgo to bedgoesa quarter to never eats 五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。()21.Jim walks to school.()22.Jim and Mary have lunch at the same time.()23.Jim plays ball games at 5:00 in the afternoon.()24.Mary listens to music after lunch.()25.Mary begins to do homework later than(比迟)Jim.FT F TT
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