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Tongue twistersHowmanycookiescouldagoodcookcookifagoodcookcouldcookcookies?如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?Thereisnoneedtolightanightlightonalightnightliketonight,forabrightnightlightisjustlikeaslightlight.像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱。梁佳杰49茅力文49施佳磊49沈姝衡48袁凯捷48顾海鹏47沈琦玮47吴一飞47周朱珑47Keys: ADCCB BCBDA CBDCDPay attention to No. 21,23,27,28How did you get the correct answers?21. take part in take an active part in他积极参加地方政治活动。Hetakesanactivepartinlocalpolitics.Thebosswantedanassistantwith_goodknowledgeofFrenchand_workexperience.A.the;aB.不填;theC.a;不填D.the;不填23.emphaticsentenceorattributiveclause?Makeacomparison:Itwas8oclock_Iarrivedathome.Itwasat8oclock_Iarrivedathome.whenthat-IcantfindMr.Smith.Wheredidyoulastseehimthismorning?-Itwasinthehotel_hestayed.where判断一个句子是不是强调句型的最佳办法判断一个句子是不是强调句型的最佳办法 -去去掉题干中的掉题干中的It is(was).that(who),如果句,如果句子仍然成立子仍然成立-表达完整的意思,则是强调句型;表达完整的意思,则是强调句型;否则,则不是强调句型。否则,则不是强调句型。 It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Din repair 还原为还原为:The old man spent the whole morning _ the old clock at home27.thatortheone?InChina,theweatherinthenorthisquitedifferentfrom_inthesouth.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.theone28.TheusageofadverbsProgresssofarhasbeenverygood._,wearesuretheprojectwillbecompletedontime.A.HoweverB.OtherwiseB.C.ThereforeD.BesidesThehurricanedamagedmanyhousesandbusinessbuildings._,itcausedtwentydeaths.A.OrelseB.ThereforeB.C.AfterallD.BesidesUnit 3Tomorrows worldWelcometotheunitTeenager 3000The future house The future bed The future motorbikeThe future carThe future animalIm a cool guy ! Do you think they will come true sometime in the future?Somewilddreamshavecome true! With the development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future. Do you think so? Lets discuss the following pictures.1.What is Jack doing?Picture 12. If Jack is your friend, what would you like him to do?JackjobsPicture 2vWhere are the passengers going?vDo you believe that travelling to the Moon would be just like travelling to another city?Space travellingClue 1: He was once an astronaut of Clue 1: He was once an astronaut of NASA (NASA (U.S. National Aeronautics and U.S. National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationSpace Administration ) )Clue 2: He once carried out the Clue 2: He once carried out the task on Spaceship Apollo 11.task on Spaceship Apollo 11.Clue 3: He was the first man who Clue 3: He was the first man who landed on the moon.landed on the moon.Guess: Thats one small step for man and a giant leap for mankind.Neil ArmstrongClue 1: He was an astronaut as well Clue 1: He was an astronaut as well as a national hero in China.as a national hero in China.Clue 2: He was the first man in Clue 2: He was the first man in China who went into the space in China who went into the space in Shenzhou V manned spaceship.Shenzhou V manned spaceship. Guess:Yang LiweiThe development of space explorationThe first man-made satellite went around the EarthThe first person travelled in spaceSpaceships have been sent up into spaceAmerican astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moonscientific research still continues.in 1957.since 1959.in 1961.in 1969.Today, Picture 3Whatarethepeopleinthispicturedoing?Howoldistheman?Howolddoyouwishyourselftolive?nDoyouthinkpeoplecanlivethatlonginthefuture?Whyorwhynot?Because of genetic Because of genetic research.research.Picture 4Can you guess what they are doing?_ and _from outer space are _ something in the office. Maybe its about _ in the Galaxy(银河系)(银河系) or trade affairs between other planets and the _.Human beingsaliensdiscussingpeace issuesEarth How to protect the environment when we develop science and technology?DiscussionEachcoinhastwosides.Tomorrows world is in our hands. Lets try to make the world better, because the future of the world determines the future of human.Believe yourself. You cannot change everything, but you can make a difference.Homework:1.Talk about life in the future.2.2. Preview the reading part.You can goWhere you Want!
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