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The man who thinks he can 相信你自己相信你自己 by Walter Wintle 华特华特温特尔温特尔If you think you are beaten, you are;如果你自认被打败,如果你自认被打败,你就已经失败;你就已经失败;If you think you dare not, you dont.如果你认为你不敢,如果你认为你不敢,你就真的不敢。你就真的不敢。If youd like to win, but you think you cant,如果你想要获胜如果你想要获胜却认为自己不可能,却认为自己不可能,It is almost a certain you wont.那么你就几乎和胜利无缘。那么你就几乎和胜利无缘。If you think youll lose, youre lost;如果你认为你会输,如果你认为你会输,你就已经输掉;你就已经输掉;For out in this world we find因为这世上我们发现,因为这世上我们发现,Success begins with a fellows will成功始于人的意志,成功始于人的意志,Its all in the state of mind.成败在于人的信念。成败在于人的信念。If you think youre outclassed, you are;如果你自认会被超越,如果你自认会被超越,你就已被超越;你就已被超越;Youve got to think high to rise.你必须心怀远志。你必须心怀远志。Youve got to be sure of yourself before你必须自信不疑。你必须自信不疑。You can ever win the prize.你必须想要取胜夺奖,你必须想要取胜夺奖,Lifes battles dont always goTo the stronger or faster man;人生的战场并不总是青睐人生的战场并不总是青睐强者和捷足先登的人;强者和捷足先登的人;But sooner or later the man who winsIs the one who thinks he can!但最终能稳操胜券者但最终能稳操胜券者一定属于一定属于“我想我能我想我能”的人!的人!Thank you
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