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A TESTI CAN READ YOUR MIND !-Taryn首先静下心来,认真的,快速的用自己的心算来坐下面这个测试,看清楚要求,真实的说出当时的第一个脑子里面的答案,才能看出这个测试的最有效的结果! 但要以最快速的时间心算所看到的数学程序, 然后回答问题!What I need you to do is to foucs on the question and answer it quickly as much as you can.After a moment you will enter the world of magic.You will witness the unbelievable.Are you ready?2+2? 4+4? 8+8? 16+16?快!随便在12跟5的中间挑一个数字! (Pick a number from 5-12, any one, quickly!) 挑了吗? 现在继续往下. ( Ok? Then we continue.) 你挑的数字是7,对吧! ( Its number Seven, right?) 奇怪吧! (Strange, uh?)继续作下一个实验! 跟着下列叙述并且快速回答问题! 算算看啰!( Well, lets continue. Answer these questions as fast as you can.)1+5 2+4 3+3 4+25+1现在持续默念6这个数字15秒,然后继续。 ( Now you need to read number 6 for 15 seconds, then continue.) 快!想一个蔬菜的名字! ( Think a name of vegetable, be quick!)你想的是大白菜,对吧!What you think just now is cabbage (*Chinses Cabbage), right?如果不是,你是占2%可以在正常情形下还可以有余力思考别的事的少数人口,98%的人会回答大白菜。诡异哦!听说这个测验是从Alices adventure in the wonderland中兔子国翻译的15+6是多少? 3+56 89+2 12+5375+26 75+26 25+52 63+32123+5 快!心想一种工具和一种颜色! ( Think a kind of tool and a color ! )你刚刚想的是否红红色的鎚子(chui zi)? ( What in your mind just now must be a red awl, right?) 如果答案不是的话,你就是2%的与别人不同的人不正常人,通常98%的人做会回答红色的鎚子3+78=? 1+5 2+4 3+34+2 5+1 现在持续默念6这个数字15秒 ( Read number 6 for 15 seconds.)快!说出一种水果的名字! ( Say a name of one kind of fruit! ) 8+329=?27+7=?说出一个面部器官 ( Name an organ on your face !) 说出一种家禽的名字 ( Name a fowl.) 哈哈,是苹果和鼻子和鸡,对不对? ( It must be apple, nose and chiken, right?)
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