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Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?Listen and say. Then sing.S-C-H-O-O-L, school, school, school, S-C-H-O-O-L, we like school.Teachers and pupils go to school, School, school, school. We like school.School in the morning and in the afternoon. School, school, school. We like school.S-C-H-O-O-L, school, school, school, S-C-H-O-O-L, we like school.Lets sing again. dogo swimminginsleepswimmingwatcheat Sunday蛇碰到哪个蛇碰到哪个单词学生就学生就读哪个并哪个并说说汉语意思,如果遇到不会意思,如果遇到不会读不会翻不会翻译的就不能的就不能继续进行。行。最后看哪个最后看哪个组或学生得分多。或学生得分多。Lets playFree talk.What do you do on weekends?(周末周末)We watch TV (play football, play basketball, go swimming, sleep, )What do you do on weekdays?(工作日工作日)We have classes. classhave做,从事做,从事课,班,班级What do you have on weekdays?hashave单三式三式Lets learn.We have English today.EnglishChinesemathssciencePEmusicarttoday今天今天Match and read.EnglishChinesemathssciencemusicWhat does the dog have today?A. EnglishListen and choose.B. MusicC. ScienceListen, point and say.Yes, she does.What do you do at school?I have classes.What do you do at school today?I have Music.What are they talking about?他他们在在谈论什么什么?In the afternoon, she has Art, PEWhat does Lingling have at school today, Daming?In the morning, she has Chinese, EnglishAnd she has Maths!Listen and say.And she has Science!根据根据课文内容填空。文内容填空。1. Lingling has _, _ and _ in the morning.3. Lingling has _, _ and _ in the afternoon.Fill in the blanks. ChineseMathsArtEnglishPEScienceLets watch. 文本解读文本解读What does Lingling have at school?这是是what引引导的特殊疑的特殊疑问句,主句,主语是第三是第三人称人称单数数时,助,助动词用用does,答,答语为:She has如:如:What does your sister have in the morning? She has English and Maths.Ask and answer.Morning AfternoonLinglingChinesePEXiaoyongMathsMusicWhat do you have in the morning?I have Chinese in the morning.Ask and answer.Morning AfternoonLinglingChinesePEXiaoyongMathsMusicWhat does Xiaoyong have in the afternoon?He has Music in the afternoon.Play the game. Follow and say. “滚雪球滚雪球”:三至四人一组仿照以下做游戏,看哪组在规定时间内说:三至四人一组仿照以下做游戏,看哪组在规定时间内说得句子最多。得句子最多。On Sundays, Lili plays basketball.On Sundays, Lili plays basketball and she goes swimming.On Sundays, Lili plays basketball. She goes swimming andDo and say.制作一张你学校的课程表并向其他同学介绍下。制作一张你学校的课程表并向其他同学介绍下。What do you have at school today?I have Chinese, English and Maths in the morningListen, repeat and trace the letters.lionmonkeynoodles看看看看谁谁快快快快 将全班分成两将全班分成两组,一,一组学生持大写字母学生持大写字母(A-N),另一另一组学生持小写字母学生持小写字母(a-n),教,教师快速念字母,快速念字母,要求持有要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得的人得两分,后站起来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的零分,得分多的组获胜。Lets play.课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习课堂练习一、翻一、翻译句子。句子。1.I have Maths in the morning. _2.Lingling下午上下午上语文文课。 _我上午上数学我上午上数学课。Lingling has Chinese in the afternoon. 1. English/ in/ the/ she/ has/ morning(.) (连词成句成句) _2.My brother has PE in the afternoon. (改改为一般一般疑疑问句句) _二、按要求写句子。二、按要求写句子。She has English in the morning.Does your brother have PE in the afternoon?三、三、选择题1. The girl _ lunch at 12:00. A. has B. have C. haves2. _ your sister have Music in the morning? A. Is B. Do C. Does3. She has Chinese _ school. A. on B. at C. in ABCSummary1.have class today music has Chinese maths art PE science 2. What does Lingling have at school? She has ChineseHomework1. Read the new words and the sentences.2. Listen and imitate “Unit 2”.Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?1.have class today music has Chinese maths art PE science 2. What does Lingling have at school? She has Chinesexx小学x年级x班xxx
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