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Unit 3Unit 3Language in useLanguage in use1.Daming isnt going to stay in bed on Sunday morning.(教材P18)星期天上午大明不会待在床上。解读 in bed意为“卧床;躺着”。其中bed表达抽象意义,不指具体哪一张床,不与冠词连用。Hes ill in bed now.他现在卧病在床。注意bed前面有冠词修饰时,则指实物“床”。Theres a bag and some toys on the bed.床上有一个包和一些玩具。拓展类似表示抽象意义的短语还有:in school“上学”,in hospital“生病住院”等。2.Hes going to make a lot of friends and have fun.(教材P18)他打算结交许多朋友,玩得开心。解读 have fun意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”。同义短语为have a good time或enjoy oneself。You are sure to have fun in the park.你们在公园里肯定会很开心。拓展have fun 后跟动词时用动词-ing形式,即have fun doing sth 意为开心做某事。The children are having fun swimming in the river.孩子们在河里游泳玩得很开心。3.But on Sunday evening,its time for homework!(教材P19)但是周日晚上,是做作业的时间了!解读 Its time for sth为固定句型,意为“该做某事了;到做某事的时候了”,相当于Its time to do sth。Its time for lunch.=Its time to have lunch.该吃午饭了。拓展Its time for sb to do sth意为“某人该做某事了”。Its time for you to do your homework.你该做作业了。Its time for Tom to read English.到了汤姆读英语的时间了。名师解题 一般将来时态()be going to结构1.be going to结构的句式变化:be going to表示打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事,后接动词原形,即be going to do sth。be动词的形式(is,am,are)要和句子的主语保持一致。句式变化如下:2.be going to的特殊疑问句是“特殊疑问词+be going to 的一般疑问句”。What are you going to do this weekend?本周末你打算做什么?When are you going to have a picnic?你们打算什么时候野餐?3.There be句型的be going to结构是:“There is/are going to be.”。There is going to be a basketball match this weekend.这个周末将有一场篮球比赛。There are going to be some interesting TV plays on TV next month.下个月电视上将有一些有趣的电视剧。温馨提示使用be going to 时应注意的问题:come,go,leave,arrive等位移动词常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,它们很少与be going to 结构连用。例如:Miss Smith is coming for dinner tonight.史密斯女士今晚要来吃晚饭。21.see2.play3.buy4.have5.stay;get up6.walk7.go;make31.Are you going to check your email?2.Are they going to collect litter in the park on Sunday?3.Is Betty going to buy some new clothes?4.Are you going to see a movie this evening?5.Is Tony going to play a computer game?1.am2.are3.No4.arent5.is6Possible answer:On Saturday,were going to get up early and go swimming.In the afternoon,were going to go shopping and buy some new clothes.In the evening,were going to watch television.On Sunday morning,were going to the mountain for a walk.In the afternoon,were going to meet at Bettys house.Were going to have a homework club and do our homework together.In the evening,were going to play computer games.
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