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话题 27话题词汇狂背相关单词相关单词1. poetry n.诗诗(总称总称);诗意;诗意 2. novel n. (长篇长篇)小说小说3. novelist n.小说家小说家4. adapt vt.改编;编写改编;编写5. adaptation n.改编本改编本6. writing n.写作;书写写作;书写7. literature n.文学文学8. character n.角色;人物角色;人物9. fiction n. (虚构虚构)小说小说10. playwright n.剧作家剧作家11. classic adj.经典的经典的n.名著名著12. literary adj.文学的;从事文学的文学的;从事文学的13. essay n.论说文;散文;小品文论说文;散文;小品文14. influence n.影响影响15. drama n.戏;剧本;戏剧戏;剧本;戏剧16. beneficial adj.有益的有益的17. prize n.奖品奖品18. award vt.授予授予 n.奖品奖品19. background n.出身背景出身背景20. original adj.原创的原创的n.原作原作相关短语相关短语 1. be enthusiastic about 对对充满热情充满热情2. be made up of 由由构成构成3. turn to sb. for help 向某人求助向某人求助4. be faced with 面对面对5. be beneficial to 对对有益有益6. enrich ones life 丰富丰富的生活的生活7. bring sb. happiness 给给带带来愉悦来愉悦8. give up 放弃放弃9. adapt from 根据根据改编改编10. the key to success 成功的关键成功的关键11. have an influence on 对对有影响有影响12. overcome difficulty 克服困难克服困难13. appeal to 吸引吸引14. make contributions to 为为作贡献作贡献15. go through many difficulties 经历许多经历许多困难困难16. be faced with 面对,面临面对,面临17. take a positive attitude 采取积极心态采取积极心态18. win the Nobel Prize in literature 赢得赢得诺贝尔文学奖诺贝尔文学奖相关句子相关句子1. There was a time when he was very absorbed in a book called the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.曾有一度他聚精会神地在曾有一度他聚精会神地在看一本叫看一本叫鲁宾逊漂流记鲁宾逊漂流记的书。的书。2. Those who make contributions to the development of the literature is admirable.那那些对文学的发展作出贡献的人是令人钦佩的。些对文学的发展作出贡献的人是令人钦佩的。3. Reading is beneficial to us a lot. 阅读阅读令我们受益良多。令我们受益良多。4. Many writers went through many difficulties before they were successful.许多作家获得成功前都经历了很多困难。许多作家获得成功前都经历了很多困难。5.I will turn to my teachers for help when I can not understand what the poems try to tell us.当我弄不懂诗里面的含意时当我弄不懂诗里面的含意时, 我会向老师我会向老师求助。求助。6.Whenever she is faced with difficulties in writing, she wont give up easily.无论什么时无论什么时候她面对写作中的困难候她面对写作中的困难, 她都不会轻易放弃。她都不会轻易放弃。7. Good literature works bring people happiness.好的文学作品给人们带来愉悦。好的文学作品给人们带来愉悦。8. Jack won the top place in the Composition Contest last week.杰克在上星期的作文比赛杰克在上星期的作文比赛中获得第一名。中获得第一名。9. We should take a positive attitude towards the problems of writing.我们我们应采取积极态度面对写作问题。应采取积极态度面对写作问题。10. Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize in literature at the age of 88.多丽丝多丽丝莱莱辛在辛在88岁时获得诺贝尔文学奖。岁时获得诺贝尔文学奖。 Good books are not only beneficial to the character development but to the personal growth of the young people. To me, the book named Journey to the West has a great influence on my life. The Monkey King had a bitter experience when helping his master overcome a great many difficulties in order to get good results. 语篇模块语篇模块I am not afraid of failure after I read the book, but taking a positive attitude towards it. Whenever I am faced with great difficulties, I wont give up easily. 汉语大意:汉语大意:良书不但对年轻人的性格良书不但对年轻人的性格发展有益,而且对个人成长也有益。对我发展有益,而且对个人成长也有益。对我而言,那本名叫而言,那本名叫西游记西游记的书对我的一的书对我的一生有着巨大的影响。美猴王为了帮助唐僧生有着巨大的影响。美猴王为了帮助唐僧完成西天取经任务而克服许多困难,经历完成西天取经任务而克服许多困难,经历了艰辛的历程。读了这本书后,我不再害了艰辛的历程。读了这本书后,我不再害怕失败,而以积极的态度对待失败。不管怕失败,而以积极的态度对待失败。不管我面临多大困难,我都不轻易放弃。我面临多大困难,我都不轻易放弃。
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