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Period IIUnit 1Is this your pencil?1. Learn the vocabulary words.2. Target languages: Whats this? How do you spell it?3. Train the listening and speaking skills.Whats this in English? 这是什么?这是什么?Its a map. 是一副地图。是一副地图。1.whats 是是 what is 的缩写。的缩写。“是什么是什么”2.in English “用英语表达用英语表达”3.its是是it is的缩写。的缩写。“它是它是”Spell it please. 请拼写出来。请拼写出来。M-A-P.Revision A: Whats this in English?A: Spell it please.B: Its a pencil case.B: P-E-N-C-I-L C-A-S-E.Revision A: Whats this in English?A: Spell it please.B: Its a pencil.B: P-E-N-C-I-L.Revision New Words in 用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)English 英语;英文英语;英文a 一个(只,把,台一个(只,把,台)how (指程度)多么;何等;怎样(指程度)多么;何等;怎样do 做;干;构成否定句、做;干;构成否定句、 疑问句的助动词疑问句的助动词spell 拼写拼写baseball 棒球棒球New Words watch 手表手表computer 电脑;电子计算机电脑;电子计算机game 游戏游戏key 钥匙钥匙notebook 笔记本笔记本ring 环;戒指环;戒指how adv.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何How do you spell it? 如何拼写呢?New Sentences这是询问如何拼写单词的惯用法。spell 为动词,意为“拼写”。当回答这个问题时候,注意字母之间的连字符。例如:How do you spell eraser? “橡皮”是怎么拼写的?Its E-R-A-S-E-R. 是“E-R-A-S-E-R”。how 的用法很多,常用来引导的用法很多,常用来引导提问提问“方式方式”的特殊问句。的特殊问句。例如:例如:How do you get to school? 你是怎么去上学的?你是怎么去上学的?How do you know that? 你是怎么知道的?你是怎么知道的?拓展拓展3Practice the conversation below. Then make conversations about the things below. 练习下面的对话,然后用下列物品编新对话。A: Whats this in English?B: Its a pen.A: How do you spell it?B : P-E-N.12345 A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a pencil sharpener.B: P-E-N-C-I-L S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R.Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a dictionary.B: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a pen.B: P-E-N.Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its an eraser.B: E-R-A-S-E-R.Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a ruler.B: R-U-L-E-R.Practice 4aGAME 游戏游戏 Find the Owner 找主人。找主人。Put some things into the teachers box. 在老师在老师的盒子里放一些物品。的盒子里放一些物品。4bTake something out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses! 从盒子里取出物品并找到它们的主人。你只有两从盒子里取出物品并找到它们的主人。你只有两次猜测机会!次猜测机会!Is this your eraser?No, it isnt.1.baseball _ 2.watch _ 3.computer game_ 4.ID card _ 5.key_ 6.notebook _ 7.ring_ 8.pen_acfgdbhe1aMatch the words with the things in the picture. 将下列词语与图中物品匹配。1bAsk questions about the things in the picture. 用图中物品进行问答。用图中物品进行问答。A:Whats this in English?B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it?B : W-A-T-C-H.12345 A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a baseball.B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L .Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a ring.B: R-I-N-G .Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a watch.B: W-A-T-C-H .Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a key.B: K-E-Y .Practice A: Whats this in English?A: How do you spell it. B: Its a notebook.B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K .Practice 1.baseball _ 2.watch _ 3.computer game_ 4.ID card _ 5.key_ 6.notebook _ 7.ring_ 8.pen_acfgdbhe2aLook at the words in 1a. Listen and circle the things you hear. 听录音并在活听录音并在活动动1a的单词中圈出你听到的物品。的单词中圈出你听到的物品。2bListen again. Write the things in the chart. 再听一遍录音。在表格中填入这些物品。KelseyMikewatchID cardpenbaseballConversation 1Kelsey: Im looking for my watch.Teacher: OK. Is this your watch?Kelsey: No, it isnt. Thats my watch.TapescriptTeacher: Here you are.Kelsey: And thats my ID card.Teacher: OK. Whats your name?Kelsey: Kelsey.Conversation 2Mike: Thats my pen.Teacher: This?Mike: Yes.and thats my baseball.Teacher: All right. Whats your name?Mike: Mike.Teacher: OK. Heres your baseball.Mike: Thank you.Tapescript2cAsk your partner about these things. Write the words in the chart below.Student AStudent BPractice the conversations in 1b and 2b. Write your own conversations according to the conversations in 1b and 2b in section B. Homework
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