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正月十五闹元宵See decorative Lanterns 看花灯Seeing decorative lanterns is an important custom activity in Lantern Festival, so Lantern Festival is also called “light stanza” . The people view light and guess riddles 看花灯是元宵节的重要习俗活动,所以元宵节也叫“灯节”。人们看花灯,猜字谜。Guess riddles Guess riddles 猜灯谜猜灯谜Release Kongming lampRelease Kongming lampRelease Release decorative decorative lanterns lanterns 放花灯放花灯See the fireworks 看烟火People can also appreciate colorful fireworks 人们还可以欣赏到多姿的焰火Dance dragons dance lions舞龙舞狮Step on the stilts 踩高跷Run a drought ship 跑旱船Eat rice glue balls 吃元宵The festival food in Lantern Festival is rice glue balls元宵节的节日食品是元宵 THANK YOU同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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