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What do you do on Saturday?What day is today ?play basketballplay football singwatch TVdanceplay the piano_ ! Its time for school .Hurry up Hurry up ! Run , run !Hurry up ! Its time for school!No, its _today.SaturdaySaturdaySundayWhat do you do on Saturday?We often play football.What do you do on Sunday?I often play the piano.U3L3_1.swf 听音 跟读 模仿What do you do on Saturday? We often play football. play basketball play the piano cook watch TV play the erhu do Taijiquan run play computer sing read skip dance 小组合作What do you do on Sunday? I often play the piano. play basketball play football cook watch TV play the erhu do Taijiquan run play computer sing read skip dance 同桌问答Lets copy Summary本节课学到的单词有:Hurry up Saturday Sunday本节课学会运用的句子是:What do you do on Saturday/Sunday?What do you do?是什么意思?What do you do?在什么情况下用?Homework1.Read the dialogue for 3 times.(读课文三遍,同桌签名)2.在作业本上书写四个单词(三英一汉),按照正确的格式。
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