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第二课时第二课时The mouse woke the lion up.No, he didnt.They caught the lion with a large net.The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.They became good friends. Long long ago, there was a lion lived in the forest. It was _ and _. One day, he was _. A _ and _ mouse walked by and _ the lion _. The lion was _ and wanted to eat it. “ I can help you,” the mouse said _. The lion laughed _ and _ the mouse go. The next day, two men _ the lion with a large _. He couldnt _ the net with his _ teeth. “How can I get out?” He asked _. The mouse saw the lion and _ a big hole in the net. The lion thanked the mouse _. _ then on, they _ good friends.largestrongsleepyweaksmallupwokeangrynetcaughtquietlyletloudlyhappilymadebitesharpsadlyFrom becameI can do!The boy is happy. He laughs happily.happyhappily形容词形容词副词副词1.The girl dances _.(beautiful)2.Can you listen to the teacher _?(careful)beautifullycarefullyLets underline找出文中带有副词的句子,用直线划出来,并大声朗读。形容词怎么变副词呢?形容词怎么变副词呢?动词动词副词副词副词修饰动词副词修饰动词 你能找到规律了你能找到规律了吗?吗?The woman is _. She is crying _. (sad)sadsadlyshout loudlylaugh loudlyask sadlyTips:Tips:1 1、3-43-4人一组进行人一组进行对话。对话。2 2、模仿人物神态、模仿人物神态表演。表演。shout loudlylaugh loudlyask sadly狮子来了。狮子来了。Homework1.Read the story after the tape.2.Act the story on page 10.3.Finish the execises on page 14.1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如quick-quickly,quiet-quietly 2.以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly。如:happy-happily形容词变副词的规则: 你能写出这些形容词的副词吗?你能写出这些形容词的副词吗?excitedlyquietlyloudlysadlyhappily
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