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初中英语口语教学模式探究初中英语口语教学模式探究Use of Numerals 【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件Step1: sing a song Zero, one ,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, again and again初中英语口语教学模式探究初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 Step2: Play a game one, two, clap(击掌), four, five, clap, seven, eight, clap, ten, eleven, clap, clap, fourteen, clap, sixteen, seventeen, clap, twenty.初中英语口语教学模式探究Rule:【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件Step3: please read these numbers quickly and loudly in English!(大声快速地用英语读出下列数字)05226015814102816911467385978750282101299883762015954812302234初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 Step4: play a bingo gameFirstly, prepare a piece of paper.(首先,准备一张纸。)Secondly, draw it like this: (然后,像旁边这样画出25个格子)初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件Thirdly, choose twenty five words randomly from the word list and put them into the table. (然后从下列所给词中任意选25个填入你所制作的25个格子中.) what, who, whose, how, where, am, are, you, your, I, old, young, in, at, to, years, grade, class, name, Jane, from, is, telephone, number, two, seven, twelve, she, too, nice, meet, Canada, China, my.注意:不要填写重复注意:不要填写重复的单词!的单词!初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件Listen to the teacher and cross out (/) the words you hear like this:(听老师念到一个单词就划掉一个,像下面这样)listenlistentotothetheteacherteacherandandcrosscrossoutoutwordswordsyouyouhearhearlikelikethisthiswhatwhatis isyouryournamenamemymywherewherearearefromfromcomecomehowhowoldold I Iamam初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 In the end, raise your hand when you have crossed out any five words in a line.(如果你有五个单词连成线,请举手)初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 Step5: Choose words from the table to make sentences as many as you can in groups.(从表格中选词造句,小组协作,组的句子越多越好。)初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 Step6: make conversations Make up a conversation based on the sentences you have done in groups. (根据你们所写的句子编一个对话)初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件 Thank you!初中英语口语教学模式探究【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英【最新】重庆市垫江八中七年级英语语Use of NumeralsUse of Numerals课件课件
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