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Healthy eating Menu:Menu:fried chicken , ice-cream, hamburger ,potato chips ,cola ,cookies Wang PengFrustrated/ emptyFrustrated/ empty Wang sat in his empty restaurant,feeling very_.frustratedA.A. unlucky B. disappointing unlucky B. disappointing B.B.C. unhappy D. defeatedC. unhappy D. defeatedYong Yong HuisHuis slimming restaurant slimming restaurant_drove Wang into a new restaurant: YHs slimming restaurant help you_.Curiositylose weightMenu1.rice ¥50502.raw vegetables in vinegar ¥ 80803.fruits ¥60604.water ¥ 4040 Amazed /the menu which only Amazed /the menu which only offeredoffered / high prices / high prices He was _ at the menu which only offered rice,_ vegetables, fruits, water and high prices.amazed rawAmazed: astonished/ surprisedAmazed: astonished/ surprisedraw: uncookedraw: uncooked EX:EX: (amaze)(amaze)The high price was _.The high price_him.amazingamazed He decided not to have Yong Hui _ it for telling customers_getting away withlies.Get away with: escape not being punishedLie: not the truth Discount/ win backDiscount/ win backBarbecued Barbecued mutton mutton before nowkebabs kebabs ¥50- 50- ¥ 3030Roast pork Roast pork ¥30- 30- ¥2020Fried rice Fried rice ¥20- 20- ¥1515Beef Beef ¥30- 30- ¥2020Cola Cola ¥5- 5- ¥3 3Ice cream Ice cream ¥5- 5- ¥2 2 DiscountDiscount With a d_ he could _ his customers _ at a reduced price. Then the competition was on.iscountwinback1;54A new word can be A new word can be learned by its learned by its definition(definition(定义定义) ) &the context( &the context(上下上下文文) )Wang Pengs Yong HuisMenu StrengthWeaknessKeep people slim/protective foodBarbecued mutton kebabsStir-fried vegetablesRoast pork Roast pork BeefBeefRaw vegetables in vinegar Fruit waterMake people energeticEnergy-giving food Serves Far too much fat People become fatPeople feel tired easily balance(1)When you learn to ride a bicycle, you must learn to balance yourself.(2)I found it hard to keep my balance on the ice.(3)Having a _ diet is helpful for your health.balancedn.Adj.v.balancebalancehopeprotective sugar-amazement-weakenstrengthencurious-Host/hostess-Fill in the word familythe word family according to parts of speech(词性词性)hopehopebalancedbalancedhopefulhopefulprotectionprotectionamazed amazed protectprotectamazeamazesugarysugaryenergystrongstrongweakweakweaknessweaknessstrengthstrengthhosthostenergeticenergeticcuriositycuriosityFill in the blanksIt is our honor that China will_ 2008 Olympics this summer. Athletes from all over the world will be warmly welcomed to live in Beijing Olympic Village, where there will be various food to choose from,e.g. vegetables and fruits _them from diseases; chocolates make them more_. You may be _ to find Chuan Dish(川菜川菜) is not included, for Chuan Dish is thought to have the _ of being too spicy(辣辣). Athletes are sure to get a _ diet here.We are _ that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in a great success.protecthostamazedweaknessbalancedhopefulenergeticIt is helpful to learn words in the same “ family”, which form the different parts of speech. 2;04 Beijing Olympic Village Complete the GROUP with your group members. Think about the related words as many as possible. (at least five)meatsdrinksdrinksvegetablesvegetablesfruitsfruitsmeatsmeats A new word can be learned in groups for it is related to other words.2;10competition 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Which countries doWhich countries dothe foods come from?the foods come from?South KoreaSouth KoreaItalyItalyChinaChinaJapanJapanA AB BC CA AC CB B Why eating too much salt is bad for you? A. Because it can damage your heart B. Because it can affect your teeth. Paraphrase the Paraphrase the underlinedunderlined part partHe often He often lies; so no one believes ; so no one believes him.him.He always _ _so that nobody He always _ _so that nobody believe him.believe him.tells liesIf you cheat in the exam, you can hardly _it.A.get into B.get out of C.get rid of D.get away withLose weight/ put on weight(1)Here are some ideas about how to _ fast if you think you are over-weight.(2)To_, just eat more of what you like to eat.Lose weightLose weightput on weightput on weightExplain the underlined part in ChineseYour parents love you so much;you are the apple of their eyes. (1)Do you want your vegetables cooked or r_? (2) I bought this book at a 20% d_,which is really a good bargain.awiscountI thought him to be all nervous before the exam but he was as cool as a cucumber.A. nervous B. amazedC. frustrated D. calmThe last task Use the given words and phrasesUse the given words and phrases to make up a short story. to make up a short story. Customer/ curiosity/slim/lose weight/amazed /raw /weakness/strength /energetic/ get away with/tell sb. lies/ A balanced diet/ discount/ win back/competition Curiosity about western food always drive people into Kfc or Mcdonales. The strength of the served foods there is that they can make customers energetic while the weakness is that they serve too much fat and sugar. Whoever wants to be slim is not likely to lose weight.If they state they offer people a balanced diet, they are telling lies. The competition is fierce between them. When a KFC is set up, people are amazed to find a M will be its neighbor. They usually try to win customers back with a discount. Goodbye! thanks!
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