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Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?Section B With your group, and show how to get to the right place.drugstorebankCaf houseCaf houselibrarypost officeDailys departmentDailys departmentstorestoreMain centerinterestinginexpensiveuncrowdedbeautifulsafe有趣的有趣的不贵的不贵的不太拥挤的不太拥挤的漂亮的漂亮的安全的安全的fascinatingdeliciousbigconvenientclean精彩的精彩的美味的美味的,可口的可口的大的大的方便的方便的干净的干净的restroomrestroomrestroomcleanuncrowdedinexpensivemuseummuseummuseummuseuminterestinginexpensivefascinatingrestaurantrestaurantrestaurantrestaurantcleaninexpensivedeliciousmallmallmallmallsafecleanbeautifulconvenientinexpensiveparkparkparkparkbeautifulbiginexpensivecleaninterestingfascinatingsubwaysafeconvenientuncrowdedinexpensiveThe Fine Arts Museum is really interesting.Yes, and its beautiful, too.Listen and write what the tourists ask about in each conversation.Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 restaurantsrestroomsmuseumsListen again and write where theman says the tourists should go.Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Green Landat the cornerof Market andMiddle Streetscomputer museumsCan you tell me where theresa good place to eat?Of course. What kind of fooddo you like?watertownwatertownclownsdress updress up as clownsEat, have fun and learn in Watertown! Watertown is a place for the family to take a vacation. Teenagers will want to visit the worlds largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bobs. A different rock band plays at Uncle Bobs every night. Kids will enjoy the Clown City Cafe. They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns. Theres also a lot for parents in Watertown. If they love good food, they can find it at the Farmers Market where the food is both delicious and cheap. While the children have fun, parents can take dance lessons on the beach. And everyone can learn something in Watertown. There are three museums! Teenagers love the Sports Museum and kids enjoy the Science Museum. Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum.kidsteenagers parentseatClown City Clown City CafCafUncle BobsUncle Bobs Farmers Farmers MarketMarkethave funorganize organize gamesgameswater slideswater slides take take dance dance lessonslessonslearnScienceScienceMuseumMuseumSports Sports MuseumMuseumHistoryHistoryMuseumMuseumRole play.One student is an information boothworker, and the other students aretourists. The tourists ask questions about your city.beautiful safe delicious convenient fascinating1. I live right next to a supermarket. Its very .2. I find stamps . Ive been collecting them for many years.3. Mr. Tan makes the best noodles in town. Theyre !4. The Fine Arts Museum is both and interesting.5. Put your wallet in a place.convenientdeliciousfascinatingsafeare beautiful
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