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Unit 4 We love animalsPEP三年级上册Lets talk & Lets play一、从方框中给小动物选择对应的单词。 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) ACBA. dog B. bear C. panda二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。() 1. A. that B. this C. like() 2. A. funny B. bear C. dog() 3. A. duck B. cool C. panda() 4. A. look B. guess C. what() 5. A. noodle B. duck C. pigCABCA三、判断下列句子与图片是()否()相符。() 1. This is a cat. () 2. It is a monkey. () 3. Look at the panda. () 4. Look! A funny dog! () 5. I see a tiger. 四、选择正确的译文。() 1. Whats that? A. 看!一只滑稽的狗!() 2. Look! A funny dog! B. 那是什么?() 3. I like it. C. 它是一只大熊猫。() 4. Its a panda. D. 我喜欢它。BADC五、给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。A. Thanks. B. Whats that?C. Cool! I like it. D. Its a funny bear. ()()()()BDCA Thank you!
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