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Unit 2 This is my pencil.Lesson 9最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Good morning!Welcome!Good morning!Welcome!最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Good morning!Good morning!最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Welcome!Welcome!最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Good morning, boys and girls!This is Lisa.Welcome!Welcome!最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Do you know the meaning of welcome? 欢迎欢迎最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)合作交流合作交流小组内一个学生扮演老师,小组内一个学生扮演老师,其他扮演学生,练习本课其他扮演学生,练习本课的句型。的句型。最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)bookpen最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)pencil-box最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)ruler最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)Lets doopen 打开打开take out 取出取出Show me 展示给我展示给我Point at 指着指着最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)1. 当班里来了一位新同学,你要说:_ A. Welcome. B. Thank you. C. Me too. 2. Hi, Sarah ._ Fine, thank you. A. Whats your name? B. How are you? C. Welcome.AB最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)1.背会本课的单词。背会本课的单词。2.能熟练运用本课的句子。能熟练运用本课的句子。最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)最新人教版英语精通3年级上册-Unit 2 This is my pencil Lesson 9 课件3(1)
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