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UNIT3 At the zoo最强大脑:谁记住最强大脑:谁记住了动物园里有哪些了动物园里有哪些动物?动物?Today we have a new friend. Who?giraffeWow! Its so tall!tall高的高的Look at that pig. Its so fat.fat 胖胖5m 4m 3m 2m 1m oLook at that panda. Its short.Short 矮的矮的5m 4m 3m 2m 1m otallShort and fatGuess1The nose is so long .The ears are big .It is so big.What is it?Its an elephant.It is white and black.It is from China.It likes bamboo.What is it?Guess 2Its a panda.Itssofunny.Ithasalongtail.Ithastwolongarmsandtwolegs.Whatsthis?Guess 3Its a monkey.Draw and sayLook at Its 1.不能扔垃圾;2.不能随便喂食小动物;3.不能打扰动物休息,乱丢异物;4. 不能随便触摸动物;Rules(规则)Group work:Miss White: Look at that giraffe.Zhang Peng: Wow! Its so tall! Amy :A bear!Zhang Peng:Ha! Its short and fat!习题:1.看图,并根据汉语提示填空,补全句子。1. The giraffe is _(高的).tall2. The pig is _(矮的)and_(胖).shortfatLook at that man. He is fat and tall. Look at that woman. She is thin and short.1.Read the dialogue 3 times.(对话读对话读3遍)遍)2.Share your picture to your friends.(与你的朋友分享你与你的朋友分享你的画。)的画。)Love animals,please.请爱护动物。请爱护动物。同学们同学们同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们同学们同学们同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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