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Section B ORAL-PRACTICE第第1小题小题第第2小题小题第第3小题小题第第4小题小题第第5小题小题What are these products?What are they used for?What do your friends say about the products and the ads?. soapshampootoothpastesun glassesWhich slogan is right for it?For silky skinsoapFor the shiniest hair evershampooWhiter than whitetoothpasteFor that mysterious looksun glasses2a.Listen. Do the people like the products in 1a? Write “Yes” for the products they like and “No” for the products they dont like.ProductsWhat people say 1.Easy Care Shampoo 2.Lookout Sunglasses 3.Beauty Cream 4.StarshineToothpastea. It tastes terrible.b. It worked really wellc. They dont even keep out the sun.d. It didnt work.NoYesNoNo2b.Listen again. What do the people say about the products? Draw lines to match.ProductsWhat people say 1.Easy Care Shampoo 2.Lookout Sunglasses 3.Beauty Cream 4.StarshineToothpaste a. It tastes terrible. b. It worked really well c. They dont even keep out the sun. d. It didnt work.NoYesNoNoKFCLi Ning sport shoesKinderAdidas clothesRejoice shampooProduct I likeProduct I dont likeKFCRejoice shampoo Make a list of the products you like and the products you dont like. Then look at the list and make a conversation. E.g.: A: Have you had KFC? B: Yes. I love it. It tastes good. A: Have you used rejoice shampoo? B: Yes. But it doesnt work. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ADVERTISING?Read the article by yourself. Try to find out the main idea of the article.You have 3 minutes to read. What are the advantages ?Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.They can help you to _ _ _ _ so that you can buy the one you really need. 2. They can also help you _ _.3. Ads also tell you when stores are _ _. comparetwodifferentproductssavemoneyhavingsalesWhat are the disadvantages ?Listen and fill in the blanks. 1. Others hate ads, saying that they make our cities and countryside _ _. 2. However, some advertising can be _ or _. 3. At times an ad can lead you to _ _ _ _ _at all.lookuglyconfusingmisleadingbuysomethingyou dontneedRETELLINGAdvertising : pros and consAdvantages of adsDisadvantages of adsAds can you help you _._._.Ads make our cities and countries _.Ads can be _and _.Ads can lead you to_.compare productssave moneylook uglyconfusingmisleadingbuy sth. uselesstell you when stores are having salesCan you guess what the ads are about? Take the bus instead of driving the car. 印度公共交通公益广告印度公共交通公益广告(PSA:public service advertisements 的缩写的缩写) :轻松呼吸:轻松呼吸(Breath freely) 炎炎夏日每个人心中似乎都有一团无名火,当碰到出门无炎炎夏日每个人心中似乎都有一团无名火,当碰到出门无车道停车无车位的情况你是否会爆发呢?应该很难保证吧。那车道停车无车位的情况你是否会爆发呢?应该很难保证吧。那上面就是一个很好的解决办法上面就是一个很好的解决办法乘坐公交。在印度随着经济乘坐公交。在印度随着经济的发展交通拥挤的情况随处可见,让上班的人们透不过气来。的发展交通拥挤的情况随处可见,让上班的人们透不过气来。所以印度非政府组织与卡纳塔克邦国道运输总公司所以印度非政府组织与卡纳塔克邦国道运输总公司(KSRTC开始开始行动行动“呼吸轻松呼吸轻松”,以鼓励更多的班加罗尔公民乘公共汽车来以鼓励更多的班加罗尔公民乘公共汽车来解决这个问题。解决这个问题。LG Kompressor吸尘器广告,借着吸尘器广告,借着玩具总动员玩具总动员3的余热,用玩具的余热,用玩具讲述了一个关于灰尘的惊险故事。讲述了一个关于灰尘的惊险故事。创意来自纽约创意来自纽约Young & Rubicam广广告公司告公司 。stomach medicine 这是胃药的广告这是胃药的广告. Mylanta 的主要功的主要功效是消气和止胃酸效是消气和止胃酸. 广告画面中的可怜广告画面中的可怜家伙家伙,由于胃胀气由于胃胀气,胀得过于厉害胀得过于厉害,以至以至于升到了空中于升到了空中.这太这太痛苦和尴尬了痛苦和尴尬了,请请Mylanta来帮忙吧来帮忙吧.紧急救援紧急救援,给您的胃给您的胃消消气消消气.shaving razor剃须刀剃须刀Embrace Life Always wear your seat belt. Write a slogan for the following products. Try to design it as creatively as you can. 1.Good to the last drop. (咖啡咖啡)2.We lead. Others copy. (复印机复印机)3.Impossible made possible. (打印机打印机)4. Ask for more. (饮料饮料)5. No business too small, no problem too big. (电脑电脑)Examplenail clipperseraserumbrella1.Write a composition about the advantages and disadvantages of advertising.2.Finish your exercise paper.
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