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Module 1 U1 第1课时指导:市教研室 赵淑红制作:桂花岗小学 林丽华审核:市教研室 赵淑红U1 He looks like a cook Do you know him?Who is he?What is his job?He is a model. He shows people beautiful clothes.从Hes a model. He shows beautiful clothes. 引出对衣物的复习。clothesdresssweaterskirtjacketT-shirtcoatshortsshirthatblousetrousersjeanssocksshoes要学生说出短语,如a red jacketRound 1从张亮的照片来询问学生是否也认识以下人物(见下页) Round 1的目的是让学生理解含有介词词组作定语的句子和学习with glasses这个新词。Look at the man _. Do you know him?询问学生,注意用上介词短语,例如:询问学生,注意用上介词短语,例如:Look at the man in a blue shirt. Do you know him?学生看图进行回答,学生看图进行回答,答对老师才点击笑脸揭晓答案。目的在于老师进行语句的输入答对老师才点击笑脸揭晓答案。目的在于老师进行语句的输入,学生听懂问题并回答即可。最后才提问戴眼镜的王岳伦。,学生听懂问题并回答即可。最后才提问戴眼镜的王岳伦。 可以提问:可以提问:Look at the man with glasses. Do yo know him? 课件操作提示:点击爸爸脸上的笑脸,笑脸就会消失。课件操作提示:点击爸爸脸上的笑脸,笑脸就会消失。The man with glasses is _.老师自己有眼镜的话,也可以利用实物造句。 从班上选两个男同学(一个戴眼镜一个不戴)起立,PPT上出现Which is (戴眼镜同学的名字)? 和答语:The one with glasses is (眼镜同学名字)。老师问,学生答。 再选女生、老师各两对进行上述问答练习。Lets talk.: A: Which is .? B: The one with glasses is .Do you know these children?A: Look at the man with glasses. Do you know him?B: Yes, I do. He is _.师生示范。然后师问生答。这个过程中学生可以多次听到介词词组作定语的句子。Round 2Round 2的目的主要是让练习使用介词词组作定语以及区别和记忆的目的主要是让练习使用介词词组作定语以及区别和记忆him和和her.A: Look at the boy in a T-shirt. Do you know him?B: Yes, I do. He is _.生生问答。如学生有困难可在旁边提供相应的介词词组。A: Look at the girl with a hat. Do you know her?B: Yes, I do. She is _.生生对话Look at Angular. Look at her. Shes the girl with a cap.Look at Kim, Look at him. Hes the boy with a hat. Look at Angular. Look at her. Shes the girl in a dress.Look at Kim, Look at him. Hes the boy in a sweater. Chant学生读小诗,强化him, her 的区别。这里可以插入一个TPR的游戏强化学生对him和her的理解和记忆。老师让男(Mike)女生(Ann)各一名上讲台,给第三名学生一个包(也可以是其它物品)。老师发指令,Put the bag beside her. 下面同学转化老师的口令为Put the bag besiede Ann. 第三个同学执行指令将包放到相应学生的身旁。这个活动就是要求学生听懂her是女生,him是男生。Look at this boy. Do you know him?Yes, I do. He is _.No, I dont know him. Do you know him?Yes, I do. He is _.No, I dont know him. Do you know him?Yes, I do. He is _.No, I dont know him. He looks like a_Do you know her?Yes, I do. She is _.No, I dont know her. Do you know her?Yes, I do. She is _.No, I dont know her. She looks like a_.Do you know her?Yes, I do. She is _.No, I dont know her. She looks like a_.A:Look at these people. Which is _?B:The one _. in a pink jacketAngular老师提问A问句,学生按提示回答。然后学生在问答模板下操练。A:Look at these people. Which is _? B: The one _.A: Which is _? B: The one in _. with _.a red sweaterTiantian 师生示范- 生生操练Round 3Round 3 主要操练look like。不够时间可留下课时。He looks like a cook. But he isnt a cook. He is a model.She looks like a farmer. She looks like a farmer. But she is a painter.通过张亮和old lady向学生说明look like只是猜测,看起来像,可能是真的,也可能不是真的。Lets guess.He looks like a _.She looks like a _.painterbuilderpainterwriterdoctornursecookPE teacherpainter学生看图,在所给职业单词范围内进行任意猜测。Look at the man. Look at him.He looks like a _.更多looks like的操练Look at the man. Look at him.He looks like a _.Look at the man. Look at him.He looks like a _.Look at the lady. Look at her.She looks like a _.Look at the lady. Look at her.She looks like a _.Look at the lady. Look at her.She looks like a _.Lets guess.He looks like a _.She looks like a _.painterbuilderpainterwriterdoctornursecookPE teacherpainter
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