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趣动展教学模式趣动展教学模式 激趣篇激趣篇1. 韵律类韵律类2. 肢体类肢体类3. 智力类智力类4. 互动协作类互动协作类5. 小组接力类小组接力类韵律类韵律类ChantSongPoem Driver,driver 是司机,司机开车嘀嘀嘀,是司机,司机开车嘀嘀嘀,Doctor,doctor 是医生,医生看病又救人,是医生,医生看病又救人,Nurse,nurse 是护士,护士打针又送药,是护士,护士打针又送药,Policeman,policeman 是警察,是警察,警察为我们保平安,警察为我们保平安,Teacher,teacher 是老师是老师,老师对我们亲又亲。老师对我们亲又亲。A pig, a pig, thin or fat? Its fat, fat, fat.A giraffe, a giraffe, tall or short? Its tall, tall, tall.An elephant, an elephant, big or small? Its big, big, big.A snake, a snake, long or short? Its long, long, long. 肢体类肢体类TPR全身反应法全身反应法交警操交警操 表示时间表示时间 学习字母学习字母Simon say: Touch / Point智力类智力类猜猜看猜猜看谜语谜语观察发现观察发现发散思维发散思维This is a door. (View from the top)This is a bag. (View from the bottom)This is a bus. (View from the top)小组接力类小组接力类S1: Maybe Ill be a policeman.S2: Maybe hell be a policeman. Maybe Ill be a teacher.S3: Maybe hell be a policeman. Maybe shell be a teacher. Maybe Ill be a footballer. S4: Maybe hell be 1 1、在操练环节,引入趣味性操练在操练环节,引入趣味性操练多变的形式多变的形式与生活联系与生活联系2 2、信息差型、信息差型1 1、拼图型、拼图型3 3、解决问题型、解决问题型4 4、创设情境型、创设情境型5 5、对比型、对比型2 2、巩固环节经常设计一些富有创造性、巩固环节经常设计一些富有创造性、挑战性的任务:挑战性的任务:拼图式拼图式信息差型信息差型In the countryside, what can you hear?I can hear 解决问题型解决问题型Silence, please! Dont talk, please!Dont write in the books, please!Dont draw in the books, please!创设情境型创设情境型话题情境话题情境问题情境问题情境What would you like?Id like In China, we eat In England, they eat I was then. I am now.He was then. He is now.She was then. She is now.You were then. You are now.
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