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Unit2 第三题组长:组员:单词解读amusing:有趣的. lower:减少;降低;降下; presence:出席,在场;存在 promising:有希望的,有前途的, frown:皱眉;表示不满;indifferent:漠不关心;冷漠的; approximately:大概;近乎;rank:等级;地位,身份;swear:发誓;宣誓;outburst:爆发,迸发;persist:坚持;固执unfair :不公平的;fuss:抱怨;小题大做tropical:酷热的;1.I would like to find a job in a(n) promising company after I graduate.我想找一份在毕业后会有前途的公司。2.The mother couldnt help laughing at her little boys amusing appearance.妈妈禁不住嘲笑她的小男孩的有趣的外观。3.The tall man lowered his head so that he could enter the room.那位高个子男人低下了头,以便能进入那个房间。4.Though the plan didnt work well, he persisted in following it.虽然没有工作计划,他坚持不懈。5.Should it be a failure ,as many experts predict ,it would rank as one of the worst man-made disasters.它应该是一个失败,因为许多专家预测,它将成为最严重的人为灾害。6.Dont swear at others in any situation no matter how angry you are.在任何情况别骂别人,无论你多么地生气.7.It is really unfair that she didnt get promoted just because of her skin color!这真是不公平的,她没有得到晋升,只是因为她肤色!8.She was very glad to see the presence of many old friends at her birthday party.她很高兴看到她的许多老朋友在她的生日聚会上。9.Why are you frowning all the time ? Try to look happy!你为什么总是皱眉?尝试寻找快乐!10.I cannot tell the exact number; approximately 100 students will be presented with medals as recognition of their excellence.我不知道确切的数字;约100的学生将为表彰他们的卓越被授予奖牌.谢谢! 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!7
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