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begin beganlearn learnedask asked1. Id like to tell you about our English learning.我想要告诉你关于我们的英语学习我想要告诉你关于我们的英语学习情况。情况。Id like to do=I would like to do我想要做什么我想要做什么Wed like to have a big party.Wed like to go to the beach.English learning 英语学习英语学习2.We began to learn English three years ago.我们三年以前开始学习英语。我们三年以前开始学习英语。begin to do.开始做什么开始做什么We begin to have English class.3.We can use them in and out of class. 我们可以在课内外使用它们。我们可以在课内外使用它们。 in and out class 课内外课内外can +do +可以(会)可以(会)4. Our English teacher often asked us to practise listening,speaking,reading and writing.我们的英语老师常常要求我们练习听,说,读,我们的英语老师常常要求我们练习听,说,读,写。写。ask +人人+to +do.要求某人做某事要求某人做某事Our teacher often asked us to sing in English in class.Practise +doing 练习做什么练习做什么enjoy +doing 喜欢做什么喜欢做什么5.You are all good student. 你们都是好学生。你们都是好学生。 all 在在be动词的后面动词的后面We are all from China.can 在英在英语中有一个特殊的名字中有一个特殊的名字,叫做情叫做情态动词,表示表示“能能够”, “会会”, “能力能力”后面要跟着表示后面要跟着表示动作作的的动词。肯定句:肯定句: 主主语+ can +do+其它其它 She can jump. They can run.否定句:主否定句:主语+ can not(cant) +do+其它其它She cant dance.He cant hear a car.一般疑一般疑问句:句:Can +主主语+do +其它?其它?问别人人 “能能吗?”Can you hear a dog? Can he hear a bus?Can Lucy write?can make the bed.cant clean the room.cancanCan youThey are helpful.Can he clean the desks?He can put the clothes away.Mark cant read books.What can you do at home?练习题练习题 翻译翻译1.三年以前我们开始学习英语。三年以前我们开始学习英语。We learned to start English three years ago.2.You are all good students.你们都是好学生。你们都是好学生。3.What did we learn in the first year?在第一年我们学了什么?在第一年我们学了什么?4.我们的老师要求我们练习听说读写。我们的老师要求我们练习听说读写。Our teacher asked us to practise listening,speaking,reading,writing.练习题练习题 连词成句连词成句1.I ,to,learn,English,three,years,began,ago(.)I began to learn English three years ago.2.learned,have,a,of,lot,words,I (.)I have learned a lot of words.3.play,can,games,and,do,tasks,he(.)He can play games and do tasks.
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