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WORKSHOP 7BMODELING HONEYCOMB WITH SOLID AND SHELL ELEMENTSWS7B-1PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-2PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-3PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationnProblem DescriptionuUnlike the previous workshop that involved modeling the honeycomb structure using the MSC.Laminate Modeler, this workshop is used to show how to model the honeycomb structure using solid and shell elements. Solid hexahedral elements are to be used to represent the core, and shell elements are to used to represent the laminate backing. Similar constraints and loading are to be applied to the model. After the MSC.Nastran analysis the results are to be looked at, and perhaps compared to those for the previous laminate model.Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-4PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationnSuggested Exercise Steps1.Create a new database2.Import two surfaces from an IGES File3.Create a solid from the two imported surfaces4.Mesh the solid using IsoMesh5.Mesh at surfaces of the solid using IsoMesh6.Equivalence the solid and surface meshes7.Cantilever one end of honeycomb model8.Apply the force load at the free end of the model9.Create material properties using a session file10.Create the isotropic material for the core11.Create a composite material using laminate in MSC.Patran12.Create 3D element property set for core material13.Create element property for upper lamina 14.Create element property for lower lamina 15.Analyze the model and attach the results file16.Verify the stress tensor and displacement resultsMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-5PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationdefbcStep 1. Create a New DatabaseCreate a new database.a.File / New.b.Enter 2nd _Honeycomb as the file name.c.Click OK.d.Select MSC.Nastran as the Analysis Code. e.Select Structural as the Analysis Type.f.Click OK. aMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-6PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 2. Import two Surfaces From an IGES FileImport two surfaces from an IGES file.a.File / Importb.Select IGES from the Source.c.Select exercise7b.igs.d.Click Apply-.e.Click OK when the IGES Import Summary appears.abcdeMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-7PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationThis is how the geometry should look like after importing the file.Step 2. Import two Surfaces From an IGES File (Cont.)Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-8PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 3. Create a Solid From the two Imported SurfacesCreate a parametric solid using the two surfaces.a.Geometry: Create / Solid / Surface.b.Select 2 Surfaces as the Option.c.Uncheck the Auto Execute toggle.d.Select Surface 1 as the Starting Surface List.e.Select Surface 2 as the Ending Surface List.f.Click Apply.abcdefMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-9PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 4. Mesh the Solid Using IsoMeshMesh the geometric solid.a.Elements: Create / Mesh / Solid.b.Select Hex as the Elem Shape.c.Select IsoMesh as the Mesher.d.Select Hex8 as the Topology.e.Uncheck the Automatic Calculation.f.Enter 5.0 as the Global Edge Length Value.g.Select Solid 1 as the Solid List.h.Click Apply-.abcdefghMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-10PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 5. Mesh at Surfaces of the Solid Using IsoMeshMesh the surfaces (at inner and outer free faces of the hex elements) with shell elements.a.Elements: Create / Mesh / Surface.b.Select Quad as the Elem Shape.c.Select IsoMesh as the Mesher.d.Select Quad4 as the Topology.e.Uncheck the Automatic Calculation.f.Enter 5.0 as the Value.g.Select Surface 1 as the Surface List.h.Click Apply-.i.Select Surface 2 as the Surface List.j.Click Apply-.abcdefghijNote that both surfaces could have been meshed simultaneously.Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-11PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 5. Mesh at Surfaces of the Solid Using IsoMesh (Cont.)Shell elementSolid elementMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-12PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 6. Equivalence the Solid and Surface MeshesEquivalence the solid and surface mesh nodes.a.Elements: Equivalence / All / Tolerance Cube.b.Click Apply-.abMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-13PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 7. Cantilever one end of Honeycomb ModelFixed nodes at one end using a solid face as the application region.a.Loads/BCs: Create / Displacement / Nodal.b.Enter Fixed_surface as the New Set Name.c.Click Input Data.d.Enter as the Translations.e.Enter as the Rotations.f.Click OK.g.Click Select Application Regionh.Select Surface Picking Icon.i.Select Solid 1.1 as the Select Geometry Entities.j.Click Add.k.Click OK.l.Click Apply-.abcdefghijklMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-14PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationThe nodes at solid face Solid 1.1 are constrained.Step 7. Cantilever one end of Honeycomb Model (Cont.)Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-15PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 8. Apply the Force Load at the Free end of the ModelApply loads at four points.a.Loads/BCs: Create / Force / Nodal.b.Enter Load as the New Set Name.c.Click on Input Data.d.Enter as the Force.e.Click OK.f.Click Select Application RegionabcdefMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-16PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporationa.Select Point Picking Icon.b.Select Point 3 4 7 8 from the geometry as the Select Geometry Entities.c.Click Add.d.Click OK.abcdStep 8. Apply the Force Load at the Free end of the Model (Cont.)Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-17PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporationa.Click Apply-.Now the model has been assigned a load of 0.5 at four different points, a total of 2.aStep 8. Apply the Force Load at the Free end of the Model (Cont.)Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-18PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 9. Create Material Properties Using a Session FileRead(play) session file materials.ses.a.File / Session / Play.b.Select materials.ses.c.Click Apply-.abcMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-19PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 10. Create the Isotropic Material for the CoreCreate a material to represent the core of the honeycomb structure.a.Materials: Create / Isotropic / Manual Input.b.Enter Core as the Material Name.c.Click Input Propertiesd.Select Linear Elastic as the Constitutive Model.e.Enter 215 as the Elastic Modulus.f.Enter 150 as the Shear Modulus.g.Click OK.h.Click Apply.abcdefghMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-20PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 11. Create a Composite Material Using Laminate in MSC.PatranCreate an inner(upper) laminate in MSC.Patran.a.Materials: Create / Composite / Laminate.b.Enter upper_ply as the Material Name.c.Click ud_t300_n5208 four times to upload to the Stacking Sequence Definition.d.Select Overwrite as the Text Entry Mode.e.Click Thicknesses.f.Enter 4(0.12) in the Overwrite Thickness.g.Click Load Text Into Spreadsheet.h.Select Overwrite as the Text Entry Mode.i.Click Orientations.j.Enter -45 / 90 / 45 / 0 in the Insert Orientations.k.Click Load Text Into Spreadsheet.l.Click Apply-.abcdefghijklfjMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-21PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation-0.48a.Enter lower_ply as the Material Name.b.Click on Delete Selected Rows many times so that the Stacking Sequence Definition becomes empty.c.Select ud_t300_n5208 four times as the Material.d.Select Overwrite as the Text Entry Mode.e.Click on Thicknesses.f.Enter 4(0.12) in the Overwrite Thickesses.g.Click Load Text Into Spreadsheet.h.Select Overwrite as the Text Entry Mode.i.Click Orientations.j.Enter 0 / 45 / 90 / -45 in the Overwrite Orientations.k.Click Load Text Into Spreadsheet.l.Set the Offset to 0.48m.Click Apply-abcdefghijkmStep 11. Create a Composite Material in MSC.Patran (Cont.)fjlMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-22PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 12. Create 3D Element Property set for Core MaterialCreate element properties for 3D solid core.a.Properties: Create / 3D / Solid.b.Enter 3D_solid as the Property Set Name.c.Select Standard Formulation as the Options.d.Click Input Propertiese.Select Core as the Material Name from the Material Property Sets.f.Click OK.g.Select Solid 1 for the Select Members.h.Click Add.i.Click Apply.efabcdghiMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-23PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 13. Create Element Property for Upper Lamina Create 2D element properties for plies above the core.a.Properties: Create / 2D / Shellb.Enter 2D_upper_shell as the Property Ser Name.c.Select Laminate and Standard Formulation as the Options.d.Click Input Propertiese.Select upper_ply as the Material Name from the Material Property Sets.f.Click OK.g.Select Surface 1 for the Select Members.h.Click Add.i.Click Apply.efabcdghiMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-24PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationCreate 2D element properties for plies below the core.a.Properties: Create / 2D / Shellb.Enter 2D_bottom_shell as the Property Set Name.c.Select Laminate and Standard Formulation as the Options.d.Click Input Propertiese.Select lower_ply as the Material Name from the Material Property Sets.f.Click OK.g.Select Surface 2 for the Select Members.h.Click Add.i.Click Apply.efabcdghiStep 14. Create Element Property for Lower Lamina Mar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-25PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 15. Analyze the Model and Attach the Results FileRun the analysis and attach the results file.a.Analysis: Analyze / Entire Model / Full Run.b.Click Apply.c.Analysis: Access Results / Attach XDB / Result Entities.d.Click Select Results Filee.Select 2nd _Honeycomb.f.Click OK.g.Click Apply.abcdefgMar120, Workshop 10, March 2001WS7B-26PAT325, Workshop 7B, April 2007Copyright 2004 MSC.Software CorporationStep 16. Verify the Stress Tensor and Displacement ResultsCheck the deformation and stress results.a.Results: Create / Quick Plot.b.Select SC1.DEFAULT,A1 Static Subcase from the Select Result Cases.c.Select Stress Tensor as the Select Fringe Result.d.Select Layer 1, or some other layer.e.Select Displacement, Translational as the Select Deformation Result.f.Click Apply.abcefd
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