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Unit6 Howdoyoufeel?Howdoyoufeel?PartPartBLetLets learn绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.comLets chant (要配合动作哟要配合动作哟!)sad, sad, you are very sad.angry, angry, Im angry. worried, worried, Tom is worried.afraid, afraid, shes afraid. happy, happy, happy every day!绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.comMr.Liu :Whats wrong?Mr.Liu : You should see a doctor.Zhang Peng:I feel ill. What should I do?Mr.Wang : Whats wrong?Mr.Wang : You should do more exercise.Zhang Peng : I feel worried. What should I do?绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.comcise: 切, 杀exercise n. 锻炼,练习,操练incise v. 切割,雕刻 concise a. 简明的,简洁的,概括的excise v. 切去,删除precise a. 精确的,考究的,严格的Mother : Its cold outside.Mother: You should wear warm clothes.Mike: What should I do?John : Whats wrong?Mr.Liu : You should take a deep breath and count to ten.Oliver :I feel angry. What should I do?breadbreathdo more exercisecount to ten take a deep breathwear warm clothessee a doctorillseaworriedmorehotwarmwheretenthtakescountsP611.1. healthy( healthy(反反义词) _ ) _ 2. see(2. see(同音同音词 ) _) _ 3. worry(3. worry(形容形容词)_ )_ 4. many(4. many(比比较级)_)_5. cold(5. cold(反反义词) _ ) _ 6. cool6. cool( (反反义词) _ ) _ 7. wear(7. wear(同音同音词 ) _ ) _ 8 8. . ten(ten(序序数数词)_)_9. take9. take( (三三单形式形式) ) _ _ 10.count10.count( (三三单形式)形式)_ _1. You should see a doctor.玩游戏:玩游戏:“I didnt hear you!”2. You should do more exercise.3. You should wear warm clothes.4. You should take a deep breath and count to ten.What should I do?What should I do?What should I do?What should I do? How does mom feel? How does mom feel? She is tired , She is tired , Work hard every day, Work hard every day , Thats for me , Thats for me . How does dad feel? How does dad feel? He is angry , he is angry , I got 59, I got 59, 乒乒乓乒乒乓,乒乒乓,乒乒乓!Lets sing: Try to write an English composition about you and your friends mood. 试着写一篇疏导你朋友不良心情的英语小短文吧! If you are ,you should
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