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How to Become A Good SpeakerKai-Fu LeeCorporate Vice PresidentMicrosoft CorporationWhy Be a Good Speaker? “ “The man who can think and does not know how to express The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.”what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.”PericlesPericlesNot just “presentation”, but also “persuasion” Get peoples “mindshare”Influence a friend, colleague, or bossTell people what you did, and why it mattersLearn Speaking SkillsWhat Youll Learn Today:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryLearn Speaking SkillsFirst Topic: Learn Speaking SkillsDevelop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryWhat Are Speaking Skills?Verbal (words spoken)(words spoken)Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)(tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)Visual (physical appearance, gestures, eye contact)(physical appearance, gestures, eye contact)7%38%55%Delivery SkillsCan be learnedMost Important: Enthusiasm“ “There is just one sure cure for bad speeches Get truly There is just one sure cure for bad speeches Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.”speaking will disappear.” Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery Dont accept a talk without enthusiasm Could be from interest, experience, environmentExample: Martin Luther KingI have a dream I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up;that one day this nation will rise up;live out the true meaning to its creed.live out the true meaning to its creed.We hold these truths to be self-evidentWe hold these truths to be self-evidentthat all men are created equal. that all men are created equal. Not how loud, but how sincereVerbal Skills Be Simple & ClearBe simple and clear!Dont ramble Dont ramble Stop to think if you need toStop to think if you need toExample one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracyExample one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracyExample two: Dan Quayle trying to say Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”“A mind is a terrible thing to waste”Verbal Skills Use simple wordsSpeaking is not like writing!Use simple wordsUse simple wordsDont use complex sentencesDont use complex sentencesCan you understand this: Can you understand this: Text:The development of this frightful means of The development of this frightful means of destruction was ardently demanded by the perils of destruction was ardently demanded by the perils of the time and situation. Simultaneously, however, a the time and situation. Simultaneously, however, a new paradoxical situation has been. is upon us new paradoxical situation has been. is upon us continually. One cannot defend oneself effectively continually. One cannot defend oneself effectively any more.any more.- Albert Einstein- Albert EinsteinVocal Skills : Play your voiceProject & resonate your voiceNo “UM”s and “ER”s. (Pause instead)Tools: silence, loudness, intonation, speed“You are right. I am wrong.” “You are right. I am wrong.” Stalin to Trotsky Stalin to Trotsky“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”what you can do for your country.”- John F. Kennedy- John F. Kennedy“I “I welcomewelcome this kind of examination, because this kind of examination, because people have to people have to knowknow whether their president is a whether their president is a crookcrook. Well, Im not a crook.”. Well, Im not a crook.”- Richard M. Nixon- Richard M. NixonDont overdo it!Vocal+Verbal : Words+IntonationJohn Kennedy:“You need to contribute to your country”“You need to contribute to your country”“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.you can do for your country”.Quayle vs. Benson Debate:Quayle: Quayle: I have as much experience in the Congress I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. Answer 1:Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer 2:Answer 2: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“Visual SkillsUS Election 1960 was won on visual skills Components of Visual Skills:EyesEyesBodyBodyHandsHandsFaceFaceVisual Skills EyesLook forward at audience (trust)Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in cornerDont shift eyeballs; dont look in cornerDont look too much at computer screen or notesDont look too much at computer screen or notesLook at peoples faces (not eyes)3-6 seconds per person3-6 seconds per personShift randomlyShift randomlyNod, smile, use facial expressionNod, smile, use facial expressionVisual Skills BodyStand up when talkingWalk around = informalDont:Rock, shakeRock, shakeLean too muchLean too muchVisual Skills HandsGesture complements talkShould come naturally, without thinkingShould come naturally, without thinkingMake sure they match!Make sure they match!Need to exaggerate a littleEspecially with large audienceEspecially with large audienceDont fidget or put in pocketVideotape whole talk & watchCan improve hand gesturing!Can improve hand gesturing!Visual Skills FaceShow emotion!Most of the time:“I care a lot about this.”“I care a lot about this.”“I really believe in this.”“I really believe in this.”“I love my work.”“I love my work.”Sometimes (in response to questions).“This is the most outrageous thing Ive ever heard.”“This is the most outrageous thing Ive ever heard.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”Learn Speaking SkillsNext Topic: Develop the talkDevelop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryThe Key Point: the Goal of the TalkThe ONE clear walk-away message.The answer to the question: “How was the talk?”The answer to the question: “How was the talk?”The one thing people remember in 3 monthsThe one thing people remember in 3 monthsThe Origin PointThe Origin Point(Where the audience was)(Where the audience was)The Key PointThe Key Point(Where you took them)(Where you took them)PersuasionMust Have Audience BenefitPut audience needs at heart“Whats in it for you?”“Whats in it for you?”Has to be their reason, not yoursHas to be their reason, not yoursMust consider feeling, not just reactionMust consider feeling, not just reactionMust have right “you”Must have right “you”Good phrases to know:“This is important to you because”“This is important to you because”“Why am I telling you this? Because”“Why am I telling you this? Because”“What does this mean for you? Let me tell you”“What does this mean for you? Let me tell you”Know your audienceExperience, knowledge, attitudeExperience, knowledge, attitudeLearn Speaking SkillsNext Topic:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryOrganizing the StoryYoure the salesmanFirst lesson for salesmen:Tell them what youre going to saySay itTell them what you saidOpeningBodyEndingThe OpeningYou never get a second chance to make a first impressionYou never get a second chance to make a first impressionJerry WeissmanJerry WeissmanThe openingA questionA questionFactoidFactoidAnecdoteAnecdoteQuotationQuotationAnalogyAnalogyJoke (make it relevant!)Joke (make it relevant!)Customize the openingLead to the Key PointGive a (very short) outline/overviewThe BodyBrainstorming into data dumpConnect the ideas into “main themes”Connect the teams using one logic flowReady to write the slides? DONT!Data DumpKey point“How was the talk?Remember in 3 monthsWhats in it for you?Right youAudience benefitAudience feelingGood phrases to use3-step salesmanOpeningJokeRelevantQuoteAnalogyData dumpbrainstormingConnect to main themesClustersResearch backgroundTransitionsRepeat KPIssue / ActionProblem / SolutionFeature BenefitChronologicalFlowForm / FunctionOpportunity / LeverageEverything a good ideamain themesEnding& Main ThemesThe FlowlPossible flows:Possible flows:lConvincing logic & orderConvincing logic & orderlSmooth transitionsSmooth transitionslKeep repeating the Key Point!Keep repeating the Key Point!SpatialSpatialNumericalNumericalChronologicalChronologicalCompare / ContrastCompare / ContrastProblem / SolutionProblem / SolutionFeature / BenefitFeature / Benefit( (See “Presenting to Win” by Jerry Weissman for more examples)See “Presenting to Win” by Jerry Weissman for more examples)The EndingEnd with a BANG!“Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger “Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether turned to anger, and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be served.”our enemies, justice will be served.”George W. BushGeorge W. BushRepeat the Key Point“If you remember only one thing from this talk, “If you remember only one thing from this talk, then you should remember XXX”then you should remember XXX”Say thank youReview of Organizing Your StoryOpening Key PointClosing Key PointFlow Main ThemesTheme 1Issue ActionTheme 2Issue Action Data Dump Main ThemesBody (Repeat Key Point)Tell them what youre going to saySay itTell them what you saidLearn Speaking SkillsNext Topic:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryDesign GraphicsPowerPoint only supports your talkSpend more time on organization & delivery!Spend more time on organization & delivery!Design principlesKeep it simpleKeep it simpleApply psychologyApply psychologyMake it easy to followMake it easy to followMake it attractiveMake it attractiveYour titles should tell your storyYour titles should tell your storyWhy “Keep It Simple”?Aim to develop a consistent style, using the standard Aim to develop a consistent style, using the standard stylesheet whenever possible.stylesheet whenever possible.One concept per slide.One concept per slide.The font that is being used should be very largeThe font that is being used should be very large24 point or larger24 point or larger. I will now use smaller fonts to prove to you that it is a major strain to your eyes to . I will now use smaller fonts to prove to you that it is a major strain to your eyes to read small fonts.read small fonts.The color of the font and the background should be in sharp The color of the font and the background should be in sharp contrast. If one is light, then the other should be dark. Otherwise contrast. If one is light, then the other should be dark. Otherwise it will be very hard to read.it will be very hard to read.The use of bullets should be simple. Too many bullets The use of bullets should be simple. Too many bullets distracts the user from listening to you.distracts the user from listening to you.3 big sub-ideas3 big sub-ideas (or bullets) is the most you should have. (or bullets) is the most you should have.The entire slide should have fewer than 8 bullets and sub-bullets.The entire slide should have fewer than 8 bullets and sub-bullets.I will add a few more bullets to show this is not a good ideaI will add a few more bullets to show this is not a good ideaAnd one moreAnd one moreAnd one more And one more Keep the language used simple, so that the user doesnt Keep the language used simple, so that the user doesnt have to “think” to understand your point.have to “think” to understand your point.Each bullet should fit in one lineEach bullet should fit in one line, because the idea of a bullet is to , because the idea of a bullet is to convey idea, headline, and server as a reminder (or cue) for you to convey idea, headline, and server as a reminder (or cue) for you to describe and amplify.describe and amplify.Parallel wordingParallel wording means the bullets are roughly parallel, and means the bullets are roughly parallel, and contain similar grammatical constructs. This can save the user a contain similar grammatical constructs. This can save the user a lot of time trying to “understand” what you said.lot of time trying to “understand” what you said.Keep It SimpleConsistent lookOne concept per slideReadable20 point20 pointAvoid abbreviationAvoid abbreviationUse shadow outline fontsUse shadow outline fontsContrast font & backgroundContrast font & backgroundDont leave too much blank spaceKeep It Simple : BulletsHeadline, not sentenceReminder for youReminder for youConcise4 top-level bullets4 top-level bullets10 total bullets & sub-bullets10 total bullets & sub-bulletsSimple languageOne line per bulletOne line per bulletParallel wordingParallel wordingWhats wrong with this?A good speechClear pointClear pointUnderstands what audience wantsUnderstands what audience wantsOrganization based on logicOrganization based on logicPowerful openingPowerful openingEnding that people rememberEnding that people rememberInstead, do this.A good speechClear pointClear pointAppealing audience benefitAppealing audience benefitLogical flowLogical flowPowerful openingPowerful openingStrong closeStrong closeApply Psychology to DesignDont fight natural eye movementsMove left to rightMove left to rightReturn to upper left cornerReturn to upper left cornerSweep to lower right cornerSweep to lower right cornerSubliminal hintsGraphics to match your key pointGraphics to match your key pointAnticipationAnticipationRequirementRequirementFast speedFast speedLow costLow costEasy to useEasy to useOur SolutionOur SolutionApply Psychology to DesignDont fight natural eye movementsMove left to rightMove left to rightReturn to upper left cornerReturn to upper left cornerSweep to lower right cornerSweep to lower right cornerSubliminal hintsGraphics to match your key pointGraphics to match your key pointAnticipationAnticipationAvoid bad signsAvoid bad signsWhats Wrong With This?Great financial results- Revenue reached $1,000,000- Growth passed 20%- Profit exceeded $200,000Instead, do thisGreat financial resultsRevenue reached $1,000,000Revenue reached $1,000,000Growth passed 20%Growth passed 20%Profit exceeded $200,000Profit exceeded $200,000Whats Wrong With This?RevenueInstead, do thisRevenueMake it Easy to FollowUse outlineHighlight upcoming sectionHighlight upcoming sectionUse buildsRemind where you areRemind where you areGeneral goal:Dont make the audience thinkDont make the audience think(Other than what youre saying)(Other than what youre saying)Make It Attractive20 hours on preparation10 hours on practiceWhy not spend 1 hour on attractive design?Instead of doing thisCostSatisfactionProductivityRevenueWhy not do thisInstead of doing thisBill GatesBrilliant TechnologistBrilliant TechnologistSteve BallmerPowerful SalesmanPowerful SalesmanSteve JobsPassionate EvangelistPassionate EvangelistLou GerstnerLogical BusinessmanLogical BusinessmanWhy not do thisBill GatesSteve BallmerSteve JobsLou GerstnerBrilliant technologistPowerful salesmanPassionate evangelistLogical BusinessmanYour Titles Should Tell the StoryBody & handsBody & handsEyesEyesVisual skillsVisual skillsPlay your voicePlay your voiceEnthusiasmEnthusiasmVocal skills:Vocal skills:Simple & ClearSimple & ClearVerbal skillsVerbal skillsWhat are speaking skills?What are speaking skills?Speaking skills are importantSpeaking skills are important Learn speaking skillsLearn speaking skillsWhat youll learn todayWhat youll learn todayWhy be a good speaker?Why be a good speaker?Use simple wordsUse simple wordsWords + intonation Words + intonation “ “The man who can think and does not The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.”at the level of him who cannot think.”PericlesPericlesNot just “presentation”, but Not just “presentation”, but “persuasion”“persuasion”Influence a friend, colleague, or boss.Influence a friend, colleague, or boss.Tell people what you did, and why it Tell people what you did, and why it matters.matters.Get peoples “mindshare”.Get peoples “mindshare”.Apply psychology to designApply psychology to designKeep it simpleKeep it simplePowerPoint only supports talkPowerPoint only supports talkDesign graphicsDesign graphicsThe endingThe endingThe flowThe flowData dump & main themesData dump & main themesThe bodyThe bodyOrganizing the storyOrganizing the storyMust have audience benefitMust have audience benefitKey point = Goal of the talkKey point = Goal of the talkDevelop Key PointDevelop Key PointFaceFaceThe openingThe openingReview of organizing storyReview of organizing storyShow emotion!Show emotion!Most of the time:Most of the time:“I care a lot about this.”“I care a lot about this.”“I really believe in this.”“I really believe in this.”“I love my work.”“I love my work.”Sometimes (in response to questions).Sometimes (in response to questions).“This is the most outrageous thing Ive ever “This is the most outrageous thing Ive ever heard.”heard.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”ConclusionConclusionGiving a good answerGiving a good answerOpportunity to amplifyOpportunity to amplifyBe yourselfBe yourselfAudience participationAudience participationHumorHumorOvercoming nervousnessOvercoming nervousnessConfidence & passionConfidence & passionDeliveryDeliveryRehearsing your deliveryRehearsing your deliveryPractice your talkPractice your talkMake it attractiveMake it attractiveMake it easy to followMake it easy to followOvercoming language barrierOvercoming language barrierQ&AQ&AUse outlineUse outlineHighlight upcoming sectionHighlight upcoming sectionUse buildsUse buildsRemind where you areRemind where you areGeneral goal:General goal:Dont make the audience thinkDont make the audience think(Other than what youre saying)(Other than what youre saying)Learn Speaking SkillsNext Topic:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryRehearsing Your ContentPrepare, prepare, prepareCustomize the talkWithin-talk referencesRepeat key pointRepeat key pointRepeat main themesRepeat main themesRepeat your company (university) nameRepeat your company (university) namePractice to use same word(s) per conceptPractice transitions between slidesRehearsing Your DeliveryRecord & listen to every talk at least twice!Best : PowerPoint featuresBest : PowerPoint featuresOK : Tape recorderOK : Tape recorderGet the timing rightRunning out of time is a disasterRunning out of time is a disasterPractice to an audience or record videoAsk experienced speaker to critiqueAsk experienced speaker to critiqueRecord video for critiqueRecord video for critiqueLearn Speaking SkillsNext Topic:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryDelivering the TalkConfidence & passionOvercoming language barrierOvercoming nervousnessHumorAudience participationBe yourselfConfidence & PassionMake sure youre not too tired:Get enough sleep the previous nightGet enough sleep the previous nightDrink (up to) 3 cups of coffee!No milkNo milkStand on left side of screenConfidence & PassionMake sure youre not too tired:Get enough sleep the previous nightGet enough sleep the previous nightDrink (up to) 3 cups of coffee!No milkNo milkStand on left side of screenDuring your talk, do not apologize“Sorry Im behind on time”“Sorry Im behind on time”“Sorry this slide is so hard to read”“Sorry this slide is so hard to read”Overcoming Language BarrierKnow your limitationsDont use fancy words, complex sentencesDont use fancy words, complex sentencesDont take any chance of looking sillyDont take any chance of looking sillyPrepare an outline/scriptRehearse before the talkRehearse before the talkDont have to use itDont have to use itNot OK to read your bulletsBut OK to read or memorize your speechPractice still requiredPractice still requiredProper vocal & visual skills still requiredProper vocal & visual skills still requiredOvercoming Nervousness“Do the thing you fearand the death of fear is certain.”- Ralph Waldo EmersonIt is possible to hide nervousness!Dont let the shaking show!Make a fist; hold the lecternMake a fist; hold the lecternSpeak loudlySpeak loudlyTake a deep breathTake a deep breathDont have to look at audiences eyesLook at a friendly faceLook at a friendly faceLook above peoples headsLook above peoples headsHumorGood humor:RelevantRelevantRespectfulRespectfulShortShortHow to tell a joke?Prepare audiencePrepare audiencePause after “punch line”Pause after “punch line”Move on naturally if no reaction!Move on naturally if no reaction!Plan your humor:Remember what workedRemember what workedUse it again!Use it again!Audience ParticipationAsk audience a questionAnticipate their answer(s)!Anticipate their answer(s)!Respond with something interesting AND relevantRespond with something interesting AND relevantAlso OK to ask before talk & include in talk“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.”Be YourselflDont copy others stylesDont copy others stylesMany styles could be effectiveMany styles could be effectivelYou must be yourself to be credibleYou must be yourself to be crediblelAdapt your style, but stay within “comfort zone”Adapt your style, but stay within “comfort zone”Comfort zoneComfort zoneGreat strategistGreat strategistTrustworthy CEOTrustworthy CEOTechnology visionaryTechnology visionaryBill GatesBill GatesSteve BallmerSteve BallmerSteve JobsSteve JobsIdeal roleIdeal roleBrilliant technologistBrilliant technologistPowerful salesmanPowerful salesmanPassionate evangelistPassionate evangelistLearn Speaking SkillsLast Topic:Develop Key PointOrganize StoryDesign GraphicsPractice TalkQ&ADeliveryQ&A: Opportunity to AmplifyQ&A is your last chance to:Amplify your points (particularly the Key Point)Amplify your points (particularly the Key Point)Increase your credibilityIncrease your credibilityIf people are too shy, you start!Hard questionsNo need to answer directlyNo need to answer directlyBut dont hide!But dont hide!Narrow questionsTake offlineTake offlineQ&A Giving A Good AnswerRespect the listenerDont argue or dismiss a questionDont argue or dismiss a questionRight body languageRight body languageAnswer to the entire audienceRepeat the questionComplete if people cannot hearComplete if people cannot hearParaphrase to help amplify your point Paraphrase to help amplify your point ConclusionAnyone can become a good speaker;It just takes :a little skill, and a lot of practice!
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