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Unit 5Unit 5It must belong to CarlaIt must belong to Carla Section A 张小艳张小艳济水一中济水一中教学内容:教学内容: Section A 教学重点:教学重点: 英语中表示推测的几英语中表示推测的几种表达方式种表达方式英语里表示推测常用的表达法有:英语里表示推测常用的表达法有:must be “肯定是肯定是-” 表示把握较大表示把握较大的推测。的推测。may/might/could be “可能可能/或许是或许是-”把握性不大把握性不大cant be “肯定不是肯定不是-” 把握性很大把握性很大的否定的否定2a: find the things in the backpack.1.T-shirt 2. A hair band3. Tennis balls2b: listen and fill in the blanks: The person must go to our school. The person _ be a boy. It _ be meis hair band. The hair band _ belong to Linda. It _ be Lindas backpackcantcouldmightmust2a,2b Bob: Oh,look!Whose backpack do you think this is?Anna:I dont know.Look,Heres a school T-shirt.Bob: Well then,the person must go to our school. Oh!Here is a hair band ,so the person cant be a boy. Anna: It could be Meis hair and.she has long hair. Bob: Or the hair band mithe belong to Linda.She was at the picnic,wasnt she? Anna: Yes,she was.but then the backpack could belong to Rita.Shes always forgetting things. Bob: Oh,look!Tennis balls. Anna: Then it must be Lindas backpack.She has long hair and shes on the tennis team. Bob: Youre right! mustcantmightmustmight/mustmustcantmightGrammar focus:1.Whose notebook is this? It _(肯定是肯定是)Nings. 2.It has her name on it.3.2. Whose French book is this? It _(可能是可能是)Alis. She studies French.4.3. Whose guitar is this? It might _(属于属于)Alice. She plays the guitar.5.4.Whose T-shirt is this? It _(不可能是不可能是)Johns. Its much too small for him.must becould bebelong tocant be注意:注意:belong to一般不用于被动语态。一般不用于被动语态。e.g. 这辆车属于我。这辆车属于我。This car belongs to me.Learn 3a :I. Read by yourselves .II. Number the parts in order(顺序顺序) .III. Read and circle the difficule points .IV. Study in groups V. Teachers help .知识点:知识点:1. anxious = worried “忧虑的,焦虑的忧虑的,焦虑的” be worried about =be anxious about Eg:Jim is anxious / worried about the coming final exam .2. have any idea = know I have no idea .= I dont know .3. drop sth + 介词短语介词短语 I dropped my pen on the floor just now .4. in the symphony hall 5. at ones appointment 与某人约会与某人约会6. make up 占据占据1. because +从句从句 because of +名词名词/名词性短名词性短语语 Example: He didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill . He didnt go to school yesterday because of his illness .3b: Language point2. owner : n. 主人主人 the owner of the house own : adj . 自己的自己的 my own house Homework练习册练习册Unit 5 Unit 5 第二课时习题第二课时习题Thank you for listening !
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