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Module 5 Cloning and DNAWork in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Decide which ones youre likely to see.acid bacteria embryos enzyme experience gene human tissue organism plant psychological stem cell structure upbringingRevisiontechnical terms基因基因 gene酸性的酸性的 acid细菌细菌 bacteria胚胎胚胎 embryo酶酶 enzyme 组织组织 tissue有机体有机体 organism干细胞干细胞 stem cell基因的,遗传学的基因的,遗传学的 genetic生物多样性的生物多样性的 biodiversityWork in pairs and answer the questions.What is_?1. DNA the fundamental component of life Scannig:2. a clonean organism which is genetically identical to another 3. a stem cell 4. the genetic make-up of a person or a plant a cell that can develop into every other type of cell the particular genes that give a person their physical characteristics 5. bacteria very small organisms that cause diseases chemicals formed in the body 6. an enzyme Detailed readingI. Para. 1 -Para. 3Time Scientist Discovery186619531973Mendel Watson and CrickCohen and Boyerboth parent plants have influenced the genetic make-up of the new plantThe structure of acid DNAA procedure to use enzymes to unzipthe DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNARead the passage and find the paragraphs which describe:1. when the structure of DNA was discovered 2. how to clone something 3. four possible reasons for cloning 4. the disadvantages of cloning5. the research into DNA has helped solve crime6. Cohen and Boyer discovered a procedureP1P3P4-7P4-7P8 Fast readingP2P1(DNA and gene)P3(cloning)P8(DNA in helping solve crime)P4-7(advantages and disadvantages)Structure of the passageP2(procedure)a transparent twisting laddermade of the fundamental components of lifeDNAIntensive reading1.Please describe the structure of DNA. 2.What is the relationship between DNA and gene?P1Gene is part of DNAthat controls how it developsrelationshipIntensive readingP2Please describe the procedure which Cohen and Boyer discovered.use enzymes to cut outand to insert and combineto Unzip the DNAa sequence of genesthem into the host cellwith its DNAWhat is a Clone?A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one.But rememberWe= Our genes + Our environmentIntensive readingP3 an _ treatment for couples who cant have childrenreproduce the _ of exceptional human beingsobtain stem cells in embryoswhich are very _and can develop into every other type of cellsuffer from unknown psychological _ be _to the original one many people find the wasted embryo _ be _ to clone a prize cow resisting bacteria or disease would _ the biodiversity of the breed optionalcontradictory flexibleunacceptablehandyAdvantagesDisadvantages P4-7restrictpressuretalentsRead the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. The science of genetics was discovered 2. by two scientists, Watson and Crick at 3. Cambridge University. ( )2. Stem cells in embryos can help someone recover from a disease, repair human tissue and so on. ( )FT3. The child who was a clone of one of his parents would have psychological pressure throughout his childhood. ( )T 2. A pattern of chemicals within the cell of a living thing that controls what it is likeAccording to the definition, find the proper words.Words revision: 1.thin enough to be seen throughgene transparent3. The same or exactly alike4. Be likely to cause argument or disagreement5. Can be chosen freely6. Bad habit or personal quality7. Can change or be changed to adapt to new needsidentical controversial optionalvice flexible 8. Put into force by orders or by the law9. Useful or simple to use 10. The natural watery liquid produced in the mouthcompulsory handy saliva Debate cloning“Cloning technology is a double-edged sword.”Write a composition about your understanding of the above sentence.Homework
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