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A Lets learnMeet a new friend.He is Guangguang.Hi,friends.Come and meet my family !This is my father.Hes strong and He has a big nose andfatherThis is my mother.Shes tall and She has a big nose and mother I love my parents.我我爱我的父母。爱我的父母。parentsparents 指父母,是爸爸妈妈指父母,是爸爸妈妈两个人。两个人。parent 指一个人,或者是爸爸,指一个人,或者是爸爸,或者是妈妈。或者是妈妈。They are my parents.parentsmotherThis is my mother.fatherThis is my father.This is my uncle.Hes He has uncleThis is my aunt.Shes She has auntunclefathrs brothermothers brotherfathers sistermothers sisterauntcousin堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹baby This is my baby brother. love and ,I love you! fatherThis is my family. mother I you and猜一猜老师把哪个猜一猜老师把哪个家庭成员家庭成员藏起来了?猜对了可为本小藏起来了?猜对了可为本小组加组加一分一分哦!哦!任任 务务:以班级为单位以班级为单位,扮演一个家庭。扮演一个家庭。要要 求求:1.分工合理;分工合理; 2.语言流畅;语言流畅; 3.演出人物特征;演出人物特征; 4.趣味性强。趣味性强。 (班级活动)China is a very big famiy. The world (世界)(世界) is a very very big family.You and me,we are family. ( 我和你,一家人)1.把今天学的单词读给喜欢的人听;把今天学的单词读给喜欢的人听;2.完成完成76页家谱;页家谱;3.用句型用句型He/She is 和和 He/She has 对你父母的外表进行描述。对你父母的外表进行描述。作作 业业恳请各位老师多提宝贵意见!恳请各位老师多提宝贵意见!
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