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Unit 1 Cultural relicsTeaching aims :1. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room.2. Train the students ability to grasp key information while reading.3.Train the students reading and speaking ability.Teaching important points:1. Learn some detailed information about the Amber Room;2. Train the students ability to cooperate with others Unit 1Words and phrasesrare formervaluable selectamaze reception design belong to fancy in returndoubt at war remove less than decorate in search of the Great Wall The Forbidden City(紫禁城紫禁城) Temple of Heaven Egypt PyramidsCultural relicsWhat is a cultural relic?A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remainedwhen the rest of it has been destroyed;it tells people about the past.2024/9/15cultural relics10Ming Dynasty vase明朝花瓶明朝花瓶Chinachina This vase is a kindof china which wasmade in China.2024/9/15cultural relics11Fuyang Paper cut2024/9/15cultural relics12ivory dragon boat象牙镂雕龙舟象牙镂雕龙舟The Dragon Boat FestivalMount Huang2024/9/15cultural relics14Mogao Caves 莫莫高高窟窟( 千千佛佛洞洞 )color yellow- brownfeel likeAmber is the fossil(化石化石)form of resin(树脂树脂) from trees. It takes millions of years to form.feel as hard as stoneWhat is amber?What is this?Raw amber with inclusions What is amber?琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂,经过地壳变动而深埋地下,逐渐演化而成的一种天然化石。形成于4000万年至6000万年前,琥珀的主要成分是碳、氢、氧以及少量的硫。琥珀是很“涩”的物质,没有两块琥珀是完全相同的。品种有金珀、虫珀、香珀、灵珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蜡珀等,尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵 。2024/9/15cultural relics21 What do you think amber can be made into?necklaceringbracelet手链手链perfume bottleglassReading :In search of the amber roomFast reading:Read the passage quickly and findout characters , years ,andcountries inthe passage. ( clues 线索)charactersyearscountries1232.Frederick William3.Peter the Great4.Catherine 1.FrederickFrederick I:Frederick William I: Peter the Great :Catherine :Background Information:charactersthe first king of Prussiathe next king of Prussiathe Czar of Russiathe female Czar of Russia1716177019412003yearsPrussiaRussiaGermany?countries1. What did these four people do to the Amber Room?2.What happened in these four years (1716; 1770; 1941; 2003)?2.Frederick William3.Peter the 3.Peter the GreatGreat4.Catherine4.Catherine1.FrederickPara 1:an introduction of the Amber RoomColourDesignHow long wasit built?It was the best and biggest work of amber art ever made.(有史以来所制作的最大最好的琥珀艺术作品)(有史以来所制作的最大最好的琥珀艺术作品) Yellow-brownOf the fancy style popular in those days10years for a team of the countrys best artists. Para2: What happened to the Amber Room in 1716?Frederick William I(the king of Prussia) 1. his _in St Petersburg2. a small for important visitors.as a gift of friendshipgave to in return served as (the Czar)Sent Frederick William I his best soldiersPeter the Greata troop ofwinter palacereception hall1. What did Catherine II use the Amber Room for?She spent her summers in the Amber Room.2. What could you see in the Amber room after it was completed?Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold.Para 3( ) Germany and Russia were at war in 1941( ) All things in the Amber Room were stolen.The Russians were only able to remove thefurniture and small art objects from theAmber Room.( ) The Nazis stole the Amber Room within two days.FT para 4 True or FalseT2.Frederick William3.Peter the Great4.Catherine1.FrederickpassdownGiven as a gift passdownNazistolenPara.5: A new Amber Room1. Who have built a new Amber Room? 2. How did they build the new Amber Room? The Russians and Germans.By studying old photos of the former Amber Room.The characteristics(特点特点)of the text1.It tells the history of the amber room in the order of_.2. It uses the _Tense.timePast1.Remember the useful words and Expressions. 2.Try to retell the story about the Amber Room.3.Find out the attributive clause in the passage. backHomework Retell:was builtwas givenwas addedwas stolenwas missingwas rebuiltwas becomingThank you very much! 1709年,生性豪奢的普鲁士国王腓特烈一世命令当时普鲁士最有名的建筑师安休鲁达和戈德恩着手兴建“琥珀屋”(Amber Room)。完成后的琥珀屋面积约55平方米,共有全由琥珀制成的12块护壁镶板和12个柱脚,其上饰有银箔,可任意拼装成各种形状。在当时,琥珀的价值为黄金的13倍,因此“琥珀屋”无论从材料的贵重程度还是工艺水平来说都堪称稀世奇珍,曾有“世界第八奇迹”之誉。 为了向俄国示好,加强两国间的军事同盟关系,腓特烈一世在1716年决定将琥珀屋赠予俄国的彼得大帝。1717年,琥珀屋被运抵俄国的圣彼得堡。后来,这座估计价值1亿5千万英镑的艺术珍品又被运到了圣彼得堡郊外沙皇村(后更名为普希金城)的凯瑟琳宫。 德国入侵前苏联后,凯瑟琳宫的工匠曾打算用纱和假墙纸把琥珀屋遮盖起来。不过,攻占皇宫的德军识破了伪装,将琥珀屋拆开运到了德国。人们知道德国人曾把琥珀屋收藏在东普鲁士的哥尼斯堡,但自那以后就再也没有人清楚它的下落。60年来,人们有过各种各样的揣测,寻找,却始终不见其踪影。充满传奇色彩的琥珀屋成了全世界最重要的失踪艺术品之一。Catherine Palace琥 珀 屋我国西峡县盛产琥珀,历史悠久,埋藏量丰富。它集中在一个九里宽,二百里长的狭长地带。这昊的琥珀藏量大,质量居全国之首。琥珀是一种窝子矿,大窝可挖到几千公斤,小的也可以挖到几公斤,一般在几十公斤以上。1980年,西峡县挖出一大窝重达6784斤,价值248,600多元。1980年,西峡县重阳乡挖出罕见的大琥珀,重达5.8公斤,中有昆虫花纹。颜色紫红,半透明,有光泽,呈方形或菱形结晶块,松香味甚浓,系上等药用琥珀。西峡琥珀因项链质量最佳,引起国内外注视。 琥珀自古以来,就被人们视为珍宝,公元前四世纪,琥珀曾被希腊人誉为北部的黄金,主要加工成各种装饰品。琥珀还是名贵的中药材。名医别录中,琥珀被列为上品,具有安神定惊、散淤血、利尿之功能。据明李时珍本草纲目记载:琥珀气味甘平、无毒、能安五脏、定魂魄、消淤血、通五淋、壮心明目上、止痛安神、破血生机,治疗心神不宁、失眠多梦、惊风癫痫、月经停闭、小便涩痛、淤血等病,用琥珀冲茶,有镇静之功。
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