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托儿所托儿所具体的具体的钻石;菱形石;菱形灵活的;可弯曲的;灵活的;可弯曲的;柔柔顺的的村舍;小屋村舍;小屋取笑;招惹;取笑;招惹;戏弄弄最低限度;最少量;最低限度;最少量;枝条;支流;部枝条;支流;部门图书馆馆长;毕业文凭;学位文凭;学位证书最小数最小数图书馆管理管理员空白空白空白的;茫然的空白的;茫然的指南指南针;罗盘;(复数复数)圆规新娘新娘新郎新郎pattern eventuallyappropriateexchangesponsorscholarshipload forevertransformtransformationsorrowsorrowful translationtranslatetranslatordarknessdarkwarmthwarmwarmlysaltysalt endlessendendingtranslatorhas translatedtranslationdarkdarknesshas transformedtransformationstay uptake it easyrun out ofbe made up of transform intogo for a hiketry outlet outmake sensehold onlet alonein particulartry outin particularlet outis made up ofmakes senseThe reason whyShould the present unemployment continueWith an important meeting to attendconveyingbe conveyedThe message conveyed here is clearintotransformationforinMeantimeexchange ideas and feelings with through whicheach otheroffloadsloadedthe load of parents has received little attentionthingsseriouslyituseuprun out of run outgiven outlet outletting inlet alone letdownappropriateI dont think it is appropriate for parents to quit their jobsis mainly made up of mainly consists ofmakes up forthat/which whyThats becauseleadingboughtclosedto teachhave a good knowledge of English
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