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Unit 12 where did you go?1.Where did the girl go?2.What did the girl see?She went to the moutains.She saw birds trees and flowers. is- wasgo- wentsee-sawhave- haddo- did take-took1.go to the forest 去森林2.go to the museum 去博物馆3.make note 做笔记4.take pictures 照相5.ask questions 问问题6.listen to music 听音乐A: Where did you go last weekend?B: I went toA: what did you see/do?B: I sawTask1: I can read.我会读我会读go to the forest go to the museummake notestake pictures ask questions listen to music1.Follow me & play games.(带读(带读 &玩游戏)玩游戏)2.Lets practise.(翻译、做题等形式展示)翻译、做题等形式展示)Task2: I can show 我会演我会演 角色扮演或自编情景演绎,看哪组情景安排最具创意。角色扮演或自编情景演绎,看哪组情景安排最具创意。 ABC共同体共同体合作,合作,灵活运用新句型:灵活运用新句型: Where did you go? We went to . What did you do? We1.Show your conversation and read it.(创设情境对话及带读)(创设情境对话及带读)2.Little reporter.(小记者采访)(小记者采访)3.Lets check.(选择题或补全对话等)(选择题或补全对话等)Yesterday, Mr. Big Big Wolf went to the sheeps village. He saw lots of sheep. And he wanted to eat them, but he lost. Because those sheep were very clever.THANK YOUBye bye
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